I don't have the ability to predict, and I won't be prepared for what may happen in the future, because I don't know what may happen in the future. I'm worried. I'm entangled. I'm a small person. I have no value to use. But why should someone target me? Besides, the bad luck started when I came to this city, and the person behind the scenes did so What is the purpose of this and what can he get from it?

The clock in the room is turning every second. After the mysterious woman left, I just sit at the head of the bed, smoking one by one. My mind is very confused and confused. I am afraid. My life is hard to find the rhythm. I really don't want to lose anything. Luo Ziyi, I am the one who can't leave. No matter what, I will not give up her Yes.

The brief episode was so simple in the past, in the following days, I have been living peacefully, did not go to Luo Ziyi, just have time to make a few phone calls, her spirit is very good recently, may also slowly come out of the blow, but the sudden occurrence of things far more than you imagine. One morning a week later, a girl came to my class. To my shame, this man was my old friend, Shen Yue.

Her appearance gave me a bad feeling. I don't believe that she will transfer to this school for no reason, and it is still my class. My identity has been spread. Although she is an old friend of mine, she injured me completely. I still remember vividly, and I have been walking around her.

The next day when Shen Yue turned around, she seemed to be fighting with her classmates. Now, her appearance is only inferior to Luo Ziyi in the hearts of schoolboys. However, she gives me the feeling of a plastic face, which makes me feel sick. What's more, Shen Yue confesses to me in front of the whole class, saying that ye Zixuan must kneel down under her pomegranate skirt The incident exploded in the school and became the headlines of the day.

Since she came to the present, I have not said a word with her, my heart is always disgusted with her, I can not control this force of women, and I am still a girl friend, after her confession, I directly said to her with a cold face: "sorry, new classmate, I have a girlfriend, so, I am not interested in you, you are not my dish!"

I didn't even tease her in the mood. She replied coldly. After listening to my reply, Shen Yue said again, "I won't give up!"

Her answer made me extremely puzzled, and I didn't know why she did it. After she said that, I ignored her and left. In the next day, Shen Yue seemed to be crazy, courting me for nothing, chasing me back. The rumors spread in the school were good. I was more sensible, and told Luo Ziyi about it, and said to her that He is absolutely loyal to her.

And Luo Ziyi listened to my promise, laughed and said a word directly: "Zixuan, I believe you!"

Luo Ziyi's words warmed my heart a lot. A few short words showed her endless trust in me, which also made me unable to be ambivalent towards other women. What's more, Shen Yue, a vain woman, was disgusted by me. To say I liked it before, I could only say that I was too simple, but now I have experienced a lot of things and have seen through a lot of things Things, let me know the advantages and disadvantages of some things.

On Saturday morning, I received a text message that suddenly got up. The content was: "Ye Zixuan, oh no, you can also call you Suluo, my old classmate, I'm Shen Yue. I know that when I say my name, you won't pay attention to me, but I hope you can read this message. Needless to say, you may also know the purpose of my coming here! Then I might as well tell you that my purpose is to destroy your love

When I read here, my confidence surged. Sure enough, her purpose was really as I imagined. I didn't expect that she would say it so directly. How many people were lurking around me behind the scenes. When she said her purpose, I had to continue to look down.

The latter content should also be Shen Yue's purpose of looking for me, writing: "Suluo, before you were good to me, I have always kept in mind. At the beginning, I said you because of my mother. At that time, my family needed a large amount of hospital expenses, but I didn't have them at that time. Later, a person suddenly came to me and said that she could pay me medical expenses. Her request was that when you confessed to me, let me refuse you and let me hurt you from the heart.

So, at that time, I was forced to, but that person came to me a few days ago and asked me to come to this school to continue to destroy you and not to let you get love. However, I really don't want to do this now, because you are a good man. Although I say this, you will think I am cheating, but what I want to say is true, because I really don't want to do anything against my conscience any more.

Suluo, it happens that today is a weekend. If I am free, I will wait for you at the front gate of the school at 1:30 p.m. and hope you can come over. I have something important to tell you. I promise, there is absolutely no other purpose! "

When I finished reading all the messages, my inner emotions were a little complicated, which made me think of the past in middle school. At that time, I was timid and cowardly. Only Shen Yue was a friend. In junior high school, I only made her this friend. We help each other in our study. I know that the conditions in her family are not good. I always use my pocket money to buy her study materials. She treats me well. At that time, she was really my friend who I talked about.Later, she disappeared for no reason. When I met her again, I was very happy to learn that she was also studying here in this city. After contacting her for a period of time, I found that Shen Yue was still the Shen Yue I knew at the beginning. I didn't expect that the reason why she refused me so mercilessly was also because of the person behind the scenes, his How long are the tentacles.

When Shen Yue went straight to the theme and told me all this, I was a little shaken, from disgust to understanding. Maybe, I should believe her. When I went to school, I knew that her mother was not in good health and had serious heart disease. Shen Yue is also a filial girl. Even if people are changing, the deepest things in my heart will not change. I think, Shen Yue I will never take my mother's body as a chip to cheat me.

After thinking about it, I finally decided to go to the appointment. Anyway, I would like to draw a symbol for the relationship between the two of us. After seeing the time, it was about 9:30 and less than four hours away from the appointed time. After making a decision, I immediately got out of bed and cleaned myself up.

Time passed unconsciously. When I arrived at the appointed place, the time was just right. Shen Yue is already in place. The sun is shining and there are gusts of breeze, which makes this summer not so hot. Shen Yue is wearing a white short sleeve shirt, a colorful skirt and a pair of casual sports shoes. The collocation is so stylish, beautiful and fashionable.

After seeing me, Shen Yue quickly waved to me, indicating that she was there. I walked slowly and leisurely, and her expression was still very indifferent. At this time, Shen Yue took the lead and said, "Su Luo, thank you for coming to the appointment!"

Shen Yue's voice is still so sweet, let me sound full of memories, I said softly: "nothing, I just happen to be free!"

Shen Yue forced a smile and said, "I have no purpose to ask you today. I just want to ask you a question. I hope you can answer me truthfully."

Without thinking, I replied, "say what you want to ask."

Shen Yue suddenly became serious and said seriously, "Suluo, I know you have a girlfriend. Please forgive me for asking. Do you still like me? I can be with you at any time if you like

Shen Yue's question stunned me. I didn't expect that she would ask me such a question. If I had a good feeling for her in the past, but I'm not sure whether that feeling was like it or a simple friendship. But now when I heard her say it, I didn't think about it. Without hesitation, she replied, "Shen Yue, even if I don't have a girlfriend now, I won't like you either. Because we are friends

I have a little virginity complex in my heart. I don't like what others leave behind. Even if I still like her, I can't be with her. I can't be like a scum man, abandon Luo Ziyi who shares weal and woe with me. If she wants, I'd like to make friends with her again.

Hearing my reply, Shen Yue still kept saying: "Suluo, even if I don't say it, I think my sister has already told you that you and Luo Ziyi will not have a result. That person is absolutely not allowed to be together. Believe me, as long as we are together, that person will not pester you again!"

"Your sister?" I exclaimed

Shen Yue: the woman who came to you that night was the one who gave me the order, Xie Yu

I see. The mysterious woman's name is Xie Yu. In other words, Shen Yue is still under the mysterious woman. I said weakly, "if nothing happens, I'll go first."

Shen Yue said again, "Suluo, I know you are in the way of Luo Ziyi, so you can't be with me. But what if she doesn't?"

What do you mean, the threat of red fruit? How do you feel like I'm not separated from Luo Ziyi, and she's going to kill Luo Ziyi. If it's true, what's the meaning of me with such a clever woman? I'm not sure if I sold me that day. I have to count money for her with a smile.

My mood instantly excited up, said sharply: "Shen Yue, are you threatening me? I think for the sake of our friends, I can think that nothing is heard. If there is another time, I will certainly not let you go!"

When I said this, my voice was full of dignity. I had no pity for the woman who threatened me. I still knew the truth that I would rather kill wrong than let go.

Under this, Shen Yue put on a look of being bullied by a little girl, a little bit to cry, Jiao didi said: "Suluo, I will ask you the last question, and it is the last time. As long as you answer me truthfully, I promise that I will never appear in front of you, will not appear in school, will not disturb your life, and will not hinder you and Luo Ziyi Is it all right? "

To tell you the truth, at this moment, I was really moved by Shen Yue, and at the same time, my heart began to believe her. As she said, at the beginning, I was forced to do nothing but to save my mother who was seriously ill. Even though I was cruel and merciless, I also heard the sincerity and sincerity in Shen Yue's words. Therefore, I must answer her truthfully A question, let her completely die to me.I thought about it for a while. After a short time, I slowly opened my mouth and said, "Shen Yue, to tell you the truth, I really like you at the beginning, and I really like you. If we were still at that time, I would certainly not hesitate to be with you. I don't want to cheat myself in my heart. Yes, I like you now. But it's not the time now. I have my own life and people I like. So, I'm sorry, we can't be together

My answer is more euphemistic. Shen Yue will cry when she hears her speech. I really don't know what ability I have to make other people like me. But after listening, Shen Yue said in a trembling voice: "I know, Suluo, thank you. I have had me in my heart. Since I have got the answer I want, I will also abide by my promise See you

With that, Shen Yue turned and left.

I don't know why, after listening to Shen Yue's words, I still feel a little reluctant to give up. Just when I was sad, Shen Yue who had taken a few steps suddenly stopped. She turned around suddenly, rushed back quickly and hugged me all of a sudden. This series of actions happened so quickly that there was no time for me to react.

The moment Shen Yue hugged me, her smooth lips were directly attached to my lips. At this time, my brain was in a mess, and my body hesitated for a second. Then, my instinctive reaction was to push her away, so as not to let others see the truth and wrongs of many lives. However, when I asked to push her, Shen Yue held her tightly.

At this time, only heard a familiar cry not far away: "ah!"

The voice is so familiar and familiar. At this time, Shen Yue seems to have relaxed a lot of my shackles. I look from the sound and see a person standing not far away, Luo Ziyi

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