Although my father promised me, he didn't blindly support me. He restricted me a few things. If I followed it, he supported me to take this road. He said, what I want to take is a road of no return, and there is great risk. Therefore, I must really grow up and be really strong to be able to protect myself on the road of no return. Therefore, my father proposed the conditions That is, I must accept his training. Under his influence and training, if I am qualified in all aspects and meet his standards, he will allow me to go to the dangerous society.

But I know my own strength, not to mention one against a hundred, but one against ten is not a boast. In the past two years abroad, I trained in lone shadow. Ordinary people don't know the name of lone shadow, but in the dark world, his name is like thunder, ranking fourth in the sky list. His age is about the same as my father, and his temperament is heroic and extraordinary. I don't know the relationship between my father and him, which makes lone shadow agree that I receive training under his hands.

Gu Ying, a legendary figure, has long retired from the world, but his name is still a legend. However, he claims that he takes a task every three years, and there are too many people looking for him. He also gives countless money to him. However, he draws lots to decide his mission. He never cares about the Commission of the task. He never fails.

In fact, he didn't teach me anything. It was all his disciples who were training me. There were five disciples in guying, and I was the sixth one. The other shore flower was one of them. She came in earlier than me, but she always asked me to call her younger martial sister. Otherwise, she would beat me. But I called that. Of course, of the five apprentices, only the other shore flower liuqianxue told me It's the best. The other four of us have a good relationship. After all, they have lived and died together.

But my strength, my father also knows, why to train me? But on second thought, my father's strength is really better than me, training me again is nothing wrong. In fact, I understand my father's heart, he also saw my weakness, will inexplicably put forward this condition with me. But now, I want to mix with the society, and the people I have to deal with also have the background of the underworld. If it's not good, people will die. My father will be careful.

What's more, I also know that my own shortcomings may have something to do with my childhood living environment and the influence of the outside world, so that my personality, how dare not get up, the heart is always too kind, always indecisive, this is my most fatal weakness, I don't want to be as tough and decisive as my father, as long as I can be vigorous and resolute, I will be satisfied.

To tell you the truth, I admire my father's hard character. He always makes decisions and makes decisions. He doesn't leave any future troubles. He never hesitates. However, I always worry about too much and can't let go of myself. In those days when I just changed my face and went back to school, I tried to be a violent maniac, which made people afraid of me. But when I came into contact with people in the society, I met with a lot of people Things, my fierce strength is gone, my heart is always in the direction of good, can not help but change.

Although kindness is a good nature, such a person is definitely not suitable for mixing with the society. As my father said, the current society is a cannibalism society. If you don't eat others, you have to wait to be eaten. Because of my character, I can't be cruel and dare not make my own decisions. I will come back to my father to discuss with him and let him give me guidance and advice r>

now, after listening to his old man's words, I almost agreed to his conditions without hesitation. In any case, it was not harmful to me to do so, and it also gave me the opportunity to improve my strength again. From this moment on, my heart was suddenly full of expectations. When I thought of my future hot-blooded life, I was not afraid, but my blood was boiling.

Maybe, I am really looking forward to getting out of the haze of being bullied. I hate Xie Yu's arrogant attitude towards me. I hate the perverted person who can only show her directions but dare not show up. Of course, the person behind the scenes did not show up to me, which is also a kind of disengagement. During this period, I will make myself stronger from the inside to the outside and protect everyone around me. Not to say all, but at least, let me love the people can not be wronged, not bullied, can give her a solid rely on, no longer because of the threat of a young lady, and scared do not dare to fall in love, this kind of cowardly days, I will never think about.

After I made up my mind, I began to prepare. My father told me that when I was exercising with him, I could never contact the outside world in case my heart was not here. Therefore, during the few days when I went home, I chatted with my father on the one hand, and on the other hand, I called some important people and told them that I would not contact with the outside world in the near future He told Shen Muchen that his decision was my decision.

Of course, in order to train myself, my father even refused to let me contact Luo Ziyi, my real girlfriend. When I told her the news, I said a lot about her relationship and repeatedly stressed that she should wait for me in that city and work at ease. If there is any problem, I should tell Liu Qianxue. After all, there is Liu Qianxue beside Luo Ziyi When the great God is there, my heart can be relaxed.

Luo Ziyi's voice was a little reluctant to give up, but she still told me to pay attention to my body and eat on time. She told me not to worry about her. Liu Qianxue was very good to her and they got along very well. Since tomorrow, I will be training my father for a summer vacation. This time, I talked with Luo Ziyi For a long time, I said a lot of delicious food and fun in my hometown, and told her to bring her to play when she had the opportunity.Afterwards, I also secretly told my Liu Qianxue that if anyone dares to harass Luo Ziyi, you can solve it according to your method. I also told her to ask her to use her power to inquire about Luo's mother's news. If there is anything important, I will call my other hand machine number, which I specially take time to do, in case, of course, this Only Liu Qianxue knows the number.

For this reason, Liu Qianxue also made fun of me, saying that I didn't like her if I had a girlfriend, which made me a little embarrassed. However, these are some of her and I play jokes, usually so noisy. Liu Qianxue also told me that we can only be friends in this life, the best friends, absolutely impossible to have other relationships. Because I'm not the type she likes, I remember her words deeply.

Then, I pulled with Liu Qianxue for a while, and then hung up the phone. Before hanging up, she told me that after going back, she had to invite her to have a big meal. I gave a gentle smile. The call ended. After I made a phone call with them, I officially shut down the phone. From the next day, I followed my father to start the process of intensive training.

This time, what I received was not only military training, but also a lot of things I had done for me, involving all aspects. My father tried his best to teach me what he had learned and what he could teach me. No matter his own strength, or his inner perseverance, or the foundation of being a man, he had no attitude towards doing things The reserved teaching taught me to combine inside and outside, reshaped me in the most severe and extreme way. I spent day after day with indomitable spirit and perseverance of hard work!

In the process of hard work, time always passes by inadvertently. In a twinkling of an eye, three months have passed. In the late September, in our hometown's backyard vegetable garden.

It was extremely hot that day. I stood in the scorching sun, fertilizing the plants in the garden bit by bit with the excrement I took out. The sweat was like rain. It was not so hard to mention that the scene was so miserable. My father was sitting on the rocking chair under the shade of the tree, humming and drinking tea leisurely. When I applied all the vegetables in the garden, my father called out to me "Arlo, if you're done, come and have a rest."

When I heard my father's cry, I walked up to my father's body, and then stood up, motionless, just like a sentinel on the highland.

My father glanced at me casually, then closed his eyes and said, "tired?"

I seriously replied, "not bad!"

My father took a sip of tea and said, "isn't it disgusting to do this kind of dirty work?"

I sipped my lips and honestly replied, "I did feel nauseous at the beginning, but I got used to it."

After listening to my words, a smile appeared on his resolute face. He nodded his head and said again: "half a month ago, with the foundation you had before, in my heart, all aspects of your quality have reached the standard, and you have the ability to be on your own. But the reason why I still leave you at home, do some dirty work, hard work, and The school you have been expecting for a long time has already begun. Have you not complained? "

Hearing my father's words, my face became more firm. I looked at my father and replied seriously: "there is no complaint, because I know you do this, there must be your intention. I know that you didn't let me leave because I am not qualified in your heart, so I have to work hard until you are satisfied."

These words are from the heart, without half empty words.

After my voice dropped, my father's mouth suddenly showed a long lost smile, he looked at me for a long time, then slowly stood up, patted me on the shoulder, said with satisfaction to me: "son, congratulations on passing my test, now, you can leave!"

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