When I was immersed in a beautiful future, suddenly, my mobile phone ring broke through the sky and suddenly rang. I took out my mobile phone and saw that it was Jiang Li's calling, so I picked it up.

Jiang Li told me that he wanted to invite me out to dinner alone. He said that he had already reserved a place and let me go. He said that he invited me mainly for the sake of his cousin's affair. He was afraid that I would still be worried about it. So he took my cousin with him this time and asked him to apologize to me specially. He also solemnly promised that his cousin had reformed and would never commit any more crimes. I hope I gave him a compliment. Jiang Li's attitude was very sincere. I didn't refuse and agreed with him directly!

Half an hour later, I came to Jiang Li's hotel. Jiang Li and his cousin had been waiting for me for a long time. After I arrived, he wen immediately bowed down and apologized to me. He kept saying that he was sorry. He knew he was wrong and should not bully others. He must be a good man and follow my example in the future.

Now that everything has passed, and his attitude is so sincere, it seems that he Wen is really repentant. I didn't embarrass him, but told him that it was OK.

After a while, when the dishes came up, Jiang Li also kept toasting me, saying sorry words, saying that during my absence from school, he really did not do well enough, which disordered the atmosphere of the school, and let me down. I hope I don't take it seriously, and I will correct it in the future and live up to my trust in him.

I drank with him and kept talking about nothing. He Wen also kept toasting me. He Wen toasted me for all kinds of reasons. He said something like praise. In short, he said a word and a glass of wine. The appearance of the congratulation was the second Jiang Li. His mouth and Jiang Li could talk. I didn't refute his face. After a meal, I was a little bit I'm drunk.

After dinner, I proposed to go to KTV to sing, but was politely refused by their brothers. They said that they had drunk too much and wanted to go back to school to sleep. Since they didn't go, there was no way. Then we went back to school together, speechless all the way. But when we came to a secluded alley, Jiang Li suddenly stopped.

I looked at him, puzzled asked: "what's the matter?"

Jiang Li looked at me with complicated expression and bit his teeth. He still summoned up courage and said, "brother, I'm sorry!"

As soon as his voice dropped, two groups of people came to the two ends of the alley. The fierce leader who came from front of me was Wanlong, the boss of Normal University.

He led a large group of people, covetously approached me. Not far from me, Wan Long's mouth bent out a smile of conspiracy. He looked at me and said, "Ye Zixuan, I didn't expect that we would meet so soon."

At the moment, Wan Long's expression is very arrogant, and his tone is full of banter. People can't help but have the impulse to beat him violently. For him, I have learned a little from Shen Muchen. He is not as open and aboveboard as Bai Qiuyan is. He is famous for his Yin and ruthlessness. So, today, he can make a secret siege of me, no wonder, I just didn't think of it. He even colluded with Jiang Li, so I ignored Wan long, and directly turned my eyes to Jiang Li. Looking at him, I said faintly, "Jiang Li, you still let me down!"

In the end, Jiang Li was still deeply influenced by his power and did something sorry for me. Perhaps, he also realized that what he had done was a little disrespectful. Therefore, he did not refute, but silently lowered his head.

However, Jiang Li's cousin was so excited that he couldn't help yelling at me: "you're so disappointed, damn it. I'm disgusted to think that I've just offered you so many drinks. Do you really think you're great? You can be the head of school. My cousin has no credit, but also has hard work. When you are not in school, my cousin is busy. You are good and have a fight. Throw down a stall, do not care about anything, directly sat on the boss's seat, come back, but also do not give my cousin face, in front of so many people hit me, how do you let other people see my cousin! "

Now he Wen is quite different from the one who just kowtow in the hotel. His acting skills are really good. The so-called dog can't change eating excrement. At this moment, I want to give him an Oscar. However, although he Wen said these words, I understand that these are Jiang Li's inner words.

At this time, Wan Long's sarcastic voice came again: "Ye Zixuan, ye Zixuan, I didn't expect you to have today. I really can't bear to see your fate for a while! Ha ha ha

I stare at Wan Long tightly, calmly said: "Wan long, although I have a little festival with you, it is not a big hatred of life and death, you should not kill me?"

After listening to my words, Wan Long said with an evil smile: "ha ha, it's impossible to kill you, but I can definitely do it if I abolish you!"

His words are very frivolous. It is like stepping on an ant for him to abandon a person. Indeed, it is very easy to abolish a person in this city with his family background. However, his words are just like a joke to me. I shrunk my mouth and answered faintly: "are you sure it is necessary?"

Wan Long waved his hand and said helplessly, "it's very necessary. Ye Zixuan, I know that you are a person who will report everything, and do you think I don't know what you've got? You want to hold Shen Muchen as the boss of Normal University. If I don't abolish you, do I have to wait for you to join hands with him to abolish me? I don't want to leave the school like Bai QiuyanAs soon as his words were finished, several of his attendants also echoed, saying that I wanted to die by myself and meddle in their school. I immediately understood why Wan Long was in such a hurry to start with me. Originally, he had a good head. He knew that sooner or later I would do it to him. He didn't want to wait for his death, so he had to do it first. I should say nothing now. Since he had ambushed so many people this time, he must have thought well and must mutilate me.

I just don't understand how Jiang Li suddenly got involved with Wan long. So I turned my head and looked at Jiang Li again. I asked him in a puzzled way: "Jiang Li, anyway, I treat you well. If it wasn't for me, you are still a little loser who can be bullied. At first, I thought you and I were in the same boat, and you were a man of ability I have been using you as my confidant.

The reason is that I trust you. You are now in school. I just can't figure out why you betray me. In other words, even if you have the determination to replace me, then you should use your own power to deal with me. As long as you can defeat me, I'm willing to give up the position of the boss, but you betray me, It's not in line with the way of a gentleman to find someone from another school to deal with me! "

When I said these words, I had some expectations for Jiang Li in my heart. He was my brother after all. I really didn't want to see him fall into the abyss. I hope that he can wake up in time, so that I can forget what he did.

But as soon as I finished my words, Wan Long immediately interrupted and said, "Ye Zixuan, I'm really sorry to disappoint you. Brother Jiang Li and I are just partners. He wants to deal with you, but there is no legitimate excuse. Even if you are knocked down, no one in the school will convince him, only dissatisfied with him.

As for me, it's hard to find an opportunity to deal with you. So we hit it off as soon as possible. He's the bait to lure you out. I'll take care of you. Somehow, your brothers will find me. After I kill you, I can help Jiang Li become the leader. We can cooperate with each other again, It's a win-win result

As he said that, a smile of pride reappeared on the corner of his mouth, as if his scheme were very profound. Although he speaks well and uses Jiang Li for each other, I know that Jiang Li is actually his puppet. Wan Long has helped him. Jiang Li can't refuse to ask Jiang Li for anything in the future. Moreover, it's light and easy for him to annex Jiang Li with Wan Long's power. This boy may have been blinded by his power and never thought of his future situation.

So, I continued to persuade Jiang Li and said, "Jiang Li, do you really want to choose to cooperate with Wanlong? Even if I am abolished and you become the boss of the school, do you think those students will convince you, do you think you will be able to enjoy the scenery in the future?"

Hearing this, Jiang Li finally raised his head, looked at me, and firmly said: "brother Xuan, this is the last time I call you big brother. In fact, I don't want to betray you. I know you have helped me a lot, and I don't want to do ungrateful things. However, like you, I also have ambition, I also have revenge, and I also want to enjoy the taste of admiration from thousands of people. You used to be a waste. Why can you, I can't, I can't be convinced!

Until the day you came back, I didn't intend to fight against you. I still respected you in my heart. But all this changed from the moment you hit my cousin. When you came, I was disgraced by you. I hit my cousin in front of so many people in the school. After all, I have done so many things for you, even if there is no credit, No hard work yet?

What's more, you have to step on that road now to cultivate elite forces that only belong to your own deployment. Are you trying to suppress me? You will not reuse my people. You are equivalent to reducing me to bare commander. I feel that I have to go back to understanding and release. In the end, brother Xuan, all this is what you forced me to do! "

At the end of the day, Jiang Li's voice became louder and louder. It seemed that at this moment, all his dissatisfaction with me was vented. He Wen next to him also scolded me, which made me look like a pig or a dog.

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