These voices floated into my ears and were directly ignored by me. In other words, I didn't listen to them at all. I was only immersed in fighting with Haizi. I had only one idea in my heart. I wanted to defeat him quickly. Then I asked Ziyi what had happened to her during my absence. However, the more anxious I was, the more unstable my state was, the worse the effect would be I almost got hurt.

fortunately, with the passage of time, I gradually opened some tricks to move forward, and I realized many of the essence of Tai Chi in actual fighting. I also understood the intentions of white grandfather. If there were no real rivals, I would even hid in the gully for a hundred years, and my strength could not be improved. We should find our own problems and summarize our experience through actual combat, so as to make continuous progress.

Now, I have basically mastered Taiji, but I still lack actual combat experience. Therefore, when I meet such a strong opponent for the first time, I will inevitably be a bit in a hurry and some can't resist. However, it's not that I'm not proficient in learning, but I'm short of experience. Wake up, I finally understand, I am now the most unstable is the state of mind, want to show the greatest power of Tai Chi, you need to slow down the state of mind, the more anxious you play the worse, Tai Chi stresses is calm, calm down to face everything, after understanding this, I try to temporarily put down the mood in my heart, slowly calm down, direct to the state of selflessness Boundary.

Then, in my mind, I kept rolling the essence of Taiji. My hands and feet followed what I thought in my head. My eyes and ears were more sensitive to capture each other's movements. Sure enough, after the state of mind was relaxed, my senses became sharp. The effect of Taiji was very remarkable. I could easily dissolve Haizi without much effort The move.

If it is on other occasions, I will accompany him to play slowly, which may be conducive to my military progress, but at the moment, I have no desire to fight. Although I have rarely put my mind at ease, my goal has not changed. I only come for purple, and I will try my best to knock down the dog in the way. Therefore, in a trance, my eyes suddenly emit strange light, trying to use The fastest speed to find his flaws.

But Haizi, under the attention of the audience around me, was so hard to deal with a young boy like me. He could not hold his face any longer. He used all his skills to attack me in a series of ways. Finally, at the moment when his iron fist was about to hit me, my hand quickly wrapped around his arm and threw his whole body away. Now he was furious, and his eyes were already red. I saw that he came to me with a gust of anger, just like a tornado. In the blink of an eye, he came to me. Then, he jumped up, and the whole body seemed to be They all rotated, that is to say, at this moment, his feet, very flexible and continuous kick to me, every kick, are very fierce and cruel.

I immediately fixed my mind, put down my legs and squatted slightly. When his feet reached me, my body immediately made a big swing, and my hands also defused the strength of Haizi's feet, changed the direction of his attack, and let his whole person jump past me, just as he flew over me Between, my hand with swift and violent force, clap to his back, let Haizi come directly a stagger, nearly fall to the ground.

However, I kept on taking advantage of the situation, flashed behind him, and gave him a few palms. The force seemed gentle, but in fact, with endless energy, I directly collapsed on the ground. My move was too fast, it can be said that the reversal was very sudden, so many people on the scene did not see what was going on. Even, some people just thought that Haizi was better than others However, he was knocked down by me in a flash. How can this not be surprising? It is hard for us to believe that among the younger generation, there should be such a powerful person.

Even I couldn't believe it. I was shocked by the subtlety of Taiji. I didn't think that it would have such a strong effect after practicing it. No wonder grandfather Bai is old, but he can defeat the horseradish in the peak period. It turns out that the martial arts of Taiji are really wonderful 。

And the most surprising thing in the scene was Xue Ning. She was even more surprised that her jaw was falling off. She might not have thought that I had such a big ability. In the morning, she was still fighting with me out of her own strength. Maybe, now she remembered, it was a joke. On the other side, Wu Tianhao looked at me with a slightly abnormal look. Obviously, even this unfathomable person had great curiosity about me.

I'm in all kinds of eyes, but I don't feel any pleasure. In my heart, I'm only worried about Ziyi, my favorite woman. The woman who is going to be the bride of others is indifferent to my changes and all I've done. This kind of her really makes my heart ache. If I don't know the truth, I will die in peace. When the whole audience is shocked, I suddenly flash my body and flash to Ziyi.

Standing in front of her, I can clearly smell the familiar smell of Ziyi, which makes me intoxicated. I feel a bit intoxicated, but my heart is more and more painful, because she is still that she, but her eyes to me become like a stranger, so indifferent, so indifferent, so I feel terrible, and the woman I love will treat me What a terrible thing to be strange!The distance between us is less than one meter, but it is like a thousand rivers and mountains. Far away, I can't touch Ziyi. I can only wait and see. I dare not move. I'm afraid Ziyi's mouth will hurt me. But at this moment, I really don't know what to do. My heart is shaking, my eyes are burning with pain, and my throat is full of sour water. After a long time, I can do my best Li, an extremely hoarse and heartrending voice came out of his throat:

"Ziyi, we have experienced so many difficulties, but we have come step by step. I know that I am sorry for you. I owe you an explanation. For such a long time, you have waited, and you have forgiven me. But now, only three months, why don't you wait for me Why don't you want to hear my explanation? "

after I said this, it was as if the whole world was clean. In such a big scene, hundreds of influential people seemed to be frozen. The focus of the whole audience was on me and Ziyi. After speaking, I was in a violent mood and I was drowning in my heart. I told the most difficult confusion in my heart, and I was waiting for Ziyi's return A. I hope she can tell me why.

However, when I asked the question that bothered me for a long time, Ziyi, who had been calm as water, finally moved. Her buried emotion finally emerged. Her expression was changing, and her eyes were gradually red. I could see that she did not abandon me completely. In fact, her heart still had mine. My words touched her heartstrings and let her die In response, I stare at her tightly, slowly waiting for her answer, but Ziyi this has not opened, the crowd under the stage is first exploded. All of a sudden, those who were stunned and stopped talking to me.

Although, as the leader of a gang, I also have a great reputation in this city, but after all, I am a new character, and disappeared for three months. Therefore, there are not many people who know me and Ziyi's story. From the beginning, most people thought that I was here to make trouble. When I clearly hindered and said such a thing to Ziyi, almost everyone understood that Ziyi and I had been friends. It was because of this that all the people under the stage were boiling.

Many people think that I am brave enough to make trouble on the Buddha's territory and rob Fu Dong's bride. The Buddha's reputation is famous in the underground world of the whole country. I'm afraid that no one has the courage, but I did so. Therefore, my behavior made the people at the scene very puzzled, at the same time, it also caused public anger.

In particular, the son of the vice bureau who was abused by me took the opportunity to stir up the flames, constantly said bad things about me, and wanted to send me to the entrance of the cliff. My other enemy, Xue Ning, looked at me with great interest. For her, it was a rare and gratifying play. After all, in Xue Ning's eyes, I was her rival in love Suddenly, I got involved with Fu's bride. Even though I seem to care about this bride, she is more interested in me.

However, as my former benefactor Wu Tianhao, he did not have too many reactions. In his eyes, he still had an unpredictable look, which made people wonder. I don't understand his attitude towards this farce. I don't want to know. I don't care about all things in the world at this moment. I only care about Ziyi.

For me, the most terrible thing is not the enemy's strength, not the audience's comments, but Ziyi's attitude towards me. I finally saw that she was moved, but then her answer to me directly broke my heart: "you are not worthy, and you are not worth waiting for you! "

Ziyi's words are particularly straightforward, and the tone is extremely cold. I can't help shivering all over my body. I stare at Ziyi and ask her bitterly:" Ziyi, why, why is this? What can't I come back to explain? “

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