The voice from behind was powerful and powerful, but I couldn't hear it. At the moment, I was like a walking corpse, and my heart was broken by Ziyi's words. Even if the Buddha can't be provoked, I'm not afraid at this moment. I just want to leave this suffocating place and escape from Ziyi's sight as soon as possible She saw my frailty, my embarrassment, did not want to lose too pitifully in love.

It's really funny. I used to be so firm about love. I thought I got true love and I won Ziyi's heart. But in the end, what I thought was the oath of alliance between mountains and seas has become a thing of the past. In love, I lost completely. Nothing in this world is eternal. 1, no one's heart can be forever unchanged. Ziyi's change makes me feel like a dream No more confidence, no more faith, so I ignored the soul - grabbing voice, and continued to walk in a trance.

Even if I can ignore others, they will not ignore me. It seems that today I can not easily leave this place, but in a trance, a person flashed out in front of me, which blocked my way. I looked up powerlessly and looked at the comer, and found that he was the unknown leading role, the dignified groom, Fu Dong.

At this time, his expression was still as calm as water, without waves, but his tone was very unfriendly. This was the first sentence since I saw him. As soon as he came, he directly questioned me and said, "you upset my wedding. Do you want to leave like this? "

as soon as Fu Dong opened his mouth, I immediately recognized that the person who had just made that shocking sound was Fu Dong, the bridegroom official who was very deep in the city government. It seems that, as I think, he is really not an ordinary person. He is not only deep in the city, but also has profound martial arts skills. I don't understand how such a person could marry Ziyi. It can be understood that a man in this world will be attracted by her appearance, and Fu Dong may be no exception.

However, why is he such a person with status, status and ability to get involved with Ziyi? It's a matter of eight characters. The world of two people is not in the same channel. Let's not say this, what woman is he looking for? I don't believe that he doesn't know Ziyi's past and my existence. He should know the relationship between me and Ziyi, but Or marry her. Obviously, he doesn't pay attention to me. Besides, I've had a relationship with Ziyi. Doesn't this young master care?

At the moment, I didn't want to look at him again, or I didn't want to take care of anything, just wanted to leave. So, I said to him directly: "please get out of the way! "

there was no fear in my voice, some were just resolute. But as soon as my voice dropped, Fu Dong's face showed a smile. At the same time, he suddenly raised his foot and kicked me directly.

Fu Dong's foot was so sudden that it was as fast as lightning and its power was infinite. However, after three months of study, my sensory ability was also strengthened and my reaction ability was much faster. I almost reflexively stretched out my hand and blocked his feet. But even so, I was forced by this powerful force to retreat to the edge of the stage My body just stopped. Zombie like me, I suddenly had a trace of movement in my eyes. It was the color of panic. I really didn't expect that Fu Dong, a scholar, would be so powerful that he could even catch up with Haizi.

Not only I, but other people present also felt Fu Dong's threat and praised them. Some of them were closely related to him. Fu Dong is a leader among the younger generation. I'm afraid that we can't find any rivals among our peers in this city. Therefore, there are many people on the scene who are expecting Fu Dong and me to have a fight Who is better.

Although I am a fledgling boy, also known throughout the city, but compared with qifudong, I am totally a nobody, not worth mentioning. But just now, I knocked down the guard of Fu's family with my own strength, and also defeated the Buddha's bodyguard Haizi. This is enough to show that my military force is also worth looking forward to.

However, no matter how much others look forward to, and no matter how overbearing Fu Dong is, I have no heart to resist. If I want to know the truth from Ziyi's mouth at the beginning of the revolt, I feel that the resistance is meaningless now that I am deeply hit. I just pat my clothes and want to continue to leave.

But as soon as I started, suddenly, there were more than 20 men with uniform suits around me. They surrounded me again, looking at the posture and trying to tear me apart. However, they didn't do it immediately. They just blocked my way with covetous eyes. After Fu Dong came near, these men were still around me He immediately gave up a way. At the moment, Fu Dong, like me, came to me calmly under the crowd.

Immediately, Fu Dong said to me in a very contemptuous tone: "you know, I hate people like you who are shameless. You betray yourself first. Fortunately, you want to make a big fuss about other people's weddings. You are a bit arrogant. Do you really think Ziyi can't live without you, or do you think you have the ability to rob women from me? Are you a little too high on yourself? "Fu Dong's words were echoed. As soon as he finished, there was a rustle of voices in the audience, saying that I was indeed too lawless. In any case, I should not make trouble at the wedding site. This is a great disrespect to the parties concerned. Others said that I didn't put the Buddha in my eyes, so I dared to act wild here. All the comments on the scene suddenly turned to Fu Dong, and no one understood me. In fact, I also know that it's not appropriate for me to do so, but I don't regret what I did. I just feel sad and desperate for the outcome.

So, I looked at Fu Dong at will and said faintly, "what do you want? "

but Fu Dong said with a smile:" in fact, because Ziyi loved you, I gave you a chance, but you didn't know how to cherish it. Your performance let me down too much. Besides the word "shameless", I really don't know how to describe you. Besides, you are too arrogant. Are you so arrogant For their own organization in this city can be domineering, you can not put anyone in the eye, I tell you, in this city, Laozi is still the sky, do you believe me, a word of Kung Fu, you can let your organization fly! "

Fu Dong's tone seems to be very insipid, without the taste of arrogance. However, his words are full of power, as if they were imperial edicts. On such occasions, there are people from all walks of life. There are still many high-level people in the underworld. Under such circumstances, Fu Dong dares to say such words It can be seen how much energy he has in this city. He can cover the sky with one hand.

Although Fu Dong's surface is calm, there is still a hidden intention to kill. The light in his eyes is a little cautious. I'm not afraid of what he does to me. I'm afraid that this will affect my brothers in the organization. Although my organization is very snobbish in this city, it's really too childish for the prince to say that my city land is not worth a visit to him Ti, with his strength, really has the ability to make my hard-working forces disappear overnight. At the thought of this, my numb heart can't help shaking, and my body can't help passing through a trace of tension.

I know in my heart that no matter how fast I develop in this city, I can't compare with other big men. In other words, I am the new rising city boss, in the eyes of many people, is still a small person.

With the fall of Fu Dong's voice, the audience in the audience echoed again, saying that I was beyond my ability, and that my organization and I were worthless at the same time. Just as the crowd rose, Ziyi on the stage suddenly and slowly walked down. She went to Fu Dong's side and whispered to him, "a Dong, today is our happy day. Don't be a scum because of this scum Existence affects the mood, or let him go! "

I can hear that Ziyi's voice is a little hoarse, and her eyes are red. Maybe, my last words touched Ziyi's heartstrings, which made her have such a reaction. I also understand that although she despises Dong's words, no matter what attitude she uses, at least she wants Fu Dong to let me go and let me leave safely However, after listening to her words, I felt more and more miserable. At a very early time, I couldn't stand a woman pleading for me. At this moment, Ziyi's words hit my heart, as if I was a mole ant in front of Fu Dong. For me, her pity was even worse than killing me.

After listening to Ziyi's words, Fu Dong immediately turned his eyes to her and said gently, "Ziyi, I just want to help you to teach this ungrateful man a lesson! "

I can hear that Fu Dong's tone is full of love. It seems that Ziyi is his treasure. At best, I am a heartbreaker. He robbed people of his love, but he said such righteous words. This made my heart even more miserable. I didn't wait for Ziyi to open his mouth and directly called to Fudong:" Fudong, right, I want to leave, It's not because I'm afraid of you, but because Ziyi has chosen you. Therefore, I respect her choice. If she chooses to come back to me, even if you are the king of heaven, I will take Ziyi! “

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