Hua Ye's subordinates are all old people. It's not bad to say that they have experienced many battles. But it doesn't mean that my brothers can't do it. After three months' absence, the brothers' skills have become much more agile and vigorous. They are different from the young students at the beginning. From them, I can see the boundless drive. We are upright, young and vigorous. Do you have any What we lack is the opportunity to exercise as much as we can. Since this crisis cannot be avoided, let the crisis come more fiercely, just to let the organization suffer a great training again.

Looking at the brothers still trampling the flower Lord, I told Shen Muchen: "Muchen, you let the brother close the door of the hotel. Without my command, no one is allowed to go in and out. Those who dare to break in will be killed without mercy."

Since the matter has reached this point, there is no chance to recover, so I will give him a good lesson. I am worried that they have ambush outside, or be careful. Shen Muchen also understands what I mean. Immediately, he personally takes people to handle the gate.

After Shen Muchen left, I stopped the brothers' action. Hua Ye and his people were paralyzed on the ground like dead dogs, while I slowly took out a cigarette and smoked leisurely. At the moment, I didn't have a nervous look, especially when I saw the despicable flower Lord being abused, my heart showed a trace of happiness, perhaps At this moment, I got vent. I am like an ant all the time. I don't have the capital to fight with the Buddha, but I can vent my anger on the flower Lord. I have to let the outside world know that although our organization is a group of student party, we are not able to ride on our heads, even the Buddha's lackeys.

After a few puffs of smoke, I slowly walked to the flower Lord in front of him, without hesitation to fly a foot, and then, the whole box was floating with the flower Lord's painful wail, extremely miserable. This so-called Nancheng Wushang is expected to die unexpectedly. I will really do it to him. Today, I will fall on my group of hairy boys. He has no image now, and he has been screaming.

In view of this situation, the women were basically in a mess. Their faces were pale. Among them, a woman with red hair was relatively calm. It was estimated that she was not a small role. When she saw that Hua Ye was so abused, she immediately got up and said, "please stop it, or you will die miserably!"

Her words are very serious, not like a joke at all. She threatened me with death when she came up. However, I had already thought about the consequences. I didn't need anyone to remind me. Since I dare to do it, I would not be afraid of the consequences. She is a kind of person who has the same virtue as Hua Ye. I really don't like her. So, I dropped my cigarette end and walked quickly to her, indifferent to her She said, "what do you say, say it again, I'll listen to it!"

My eyes are extremely fierce, with a faint anger. I thought that this would be able to suppress this woman who didn't know the height of heaven and earth and let her fear me. But I didn't expect that the woman was still splashing on me. The look in my eyes was full of disdain and roared at me: "I'll tell you."

Before she finished this sentence, I directly slapped her in the past. I didn't beat women, but that didn't force me to that extent. After one slap, I said to her forcefully: "stop talking to me!"

My voice is very domineering, the momentum of my body is even more domineering, the shock of other women are panic, and this rampant woman, by my slap, a stagger, back and forth, and finally by a woman next to me to hold, but after this, she has no longer dare to say any threat to me, just like a resentful woman staring at me The eyes are full of resentment.

I didn't want to waste time with her, and went to Hua Ye again. At this time, Hua Ye was in a great mess. There was no strength like that just now. The whole person was like a dead dog, lying limp on the ground, panting for breath. From the beginning of my bottle to now, I always thought that someone would come to meet them. Therefore, I had been waiting for their people to come to do a big job, and the people from outside came. But judging from the situation, Hua Ye didn't have any ambush at all. He didn't take anyone at all this time. He was deliberately picking things up on the pretext of eating. Maybe, he would not have thought about it Leave room for him.

Then, I slowly squat down, disdain to him said: "originally I don't want to cause trouble, why do you force me again and again, this is the price that you provoke me!"

When he said this, his tone was full of chill and terror. But I have to say, Hua Wushang is indeed a tough guy. Even though he was beaten into this miserable situation, he still did not fear me. Some were just resentment, anger and unwilling. He looked at me closely, squeezed out an ugly smile, and said grimly to me: "OK, very good, very good, you t M's have seed

His ferocious smile and his strange words all have a taste of success. I can also feel it. Since Hua Wushang didn't bring anyone this time, it shows that he is coming today to make conflicts and force me to do something. Then, he will be able to deal with me in a famous way. This is his ultimate goal. Now I hit him, and the contradiction is the most serious Hua Wushang wants to achieve the effect that Hua Wushang wants. He is the servant of the Buddha. If I beat the dog, I offend him indirectly. So, I really have something to do. It seems that a storm is coming.However, no matter what will happen in the future, since I have done today, I will not regret it. My purpose is to let people know that Laozi Suluo is not easy to offend. Looking at the waste like flower Lord, he is still so arrogant. I grabbed his hair and yelled at him:

"do you really think you are so great? You are just a little white face Don't think I don't know the purpose of your coming to our farm to make trouble. I'll tell you today that I don't care about you at all, and I've never been afraid of you. I'll let you know if I have any skills. I'll do it again! "

After that, I directly pulled Hua Ye's head and bumped him hard to the ground. He broke his forehead, and the blood flowed out. When he saw the blood on the ground, his eyes almost turned out. For him, he could bear the beating, but the disfigurement was the most difficult thing for him to accept. Now, he knew that his appearance was broken, and the whole person was in a panic, Roared at me: "you TM's not good to die, if you don't kill me today, I will certainly not let you go someday!"

Hua Wushang's voice is full of hate, and the people who listen to it are cautious and flustered. However, it makes me more miserable. At this time, he still threatens me, and what I hate most is being threatened. Since he is willing to be a head bird, I will take him as an example and let all the big gangsters see that our organization is not a bully. Thinking of this, my mouth suddenly aroused a strange smile, I looked at Hua Wushang and said in a gloomy way:

"threaten me, OK, I accept, I really dare not kill you, but do you know, even if it is death, I will pull you to do the backing, and you are not famous by this face? I'd like to see if you can jump when I've ruined your face

If I didn't frighten him with violence, now, my casual words made him look frightened. This time, he was scared. He opened his eyes, looked at me in panic, and said: "dare you!"

At this time, Hua Wushang's voice obviously had no confidence. No matter how powerful he was, he could not hide his worry. Disfigurement was the most frightening and the most unthinkable thing for him. Looking at such a flower Lord, I had no choice but to smile. Then, I picked up a piece of wine bottle fragment from the ground, scraped it on his white face, and jokingly said, "do you think I dare, or dare not? "

I learned this attitude completely from him. At the beginning, he talked to me in this manner and regarded me as bullshit. Now, the situation is just the opposite. In my eyes, he is a complete waste. Although he is the boss of the first district, he automatically finds the door, falls into my tiger's mouth, and challenges my limit several times. Where should I care When I get to know his status and status, and who he has been with, I am just treating him in his own way. This feeling is actually quite pleasant in practice.

Hua Wushang was so confused that he couldn't calm down again. He stared at the broken wine bottle in my hand in horror. While trying to struggle, he said to himself in panic: "no, no, no!"

At this time, there is a trace of praying in the tone of Hua Wuji. At this moment, I really understand what is the winner is the king. If you make others fear you, if you are weak, others will ride on your head. That's what the king said. At the beginning, my forbearance led to Hua Ye's wantonness, which made him step on my dignity and constantly raise his position. The more I am, the more I am To him, he is more rampant, think I really nothing, no strength, a real mole ant.

Now, he forced me to do all this. I not only broke out, but also showed a violent side to him. All my actions directly scared the legendary Nancheng Wushang. It can be seen that no one is powerful enough to be invincible in his heart. Everyone has his own weakness. And Hua Wushang's weakness is that in his handsome and charming face, he worries the most I'm afraid that my face will be destroyed.

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