If we want to get revenge quickly, this is the only way to solve the problem. I know too well the current situation. There are two ways to fight against Hua Ye. They are single fight and group fight. Since we can't beat them in a group fight, then we'll come alone. If we succeed this time, Shanying and Huaye are dead, then I'll not only take revenge, but also can I raised my head in front of my brothers, and my prestige came back. At the same time, there were no leaders in the Southern District from now on. In the future, it would be much easier to deal with them. Besides, my hatred was mainly concentrated on these two people. Killing them would relieve my hatred of burning eyebrows.

Of course, what's more important is that under my present conditions, I'm only suitable for assassins. I don't have any experts who can fight alone. I also told them directly that Qiqi will send experts to help me. Therefore, we all agree with this opinion.

However, they have the strength to assassinate each other, but there is no chance to assassinate each other. If you want to act, you must know their tracks. However, it is not easy to find their whereabouts, such as the cold killer of the Mountain Eagle and the prodigal son of the flower Lord. It is certainly impossible for people with their identities to appear anywhere alone. In particular, the Mountain Eagle is just like a dragon without a tail. It's not very difficult to find him. Hua Wushang is the boss of the Southern District. He usually goes in and out of his own territory. People can find him, but he can't find a suitable opportunity.

As for the only thing that can be done, but it is particularly difficult, the little sister who has been actively speaking has found a way. In this revenge plan, she is a very active one. It can be said that she is no less sad about Chen Haoran's death than I am. Although she broke up with Chen Haoran for a long time, after all, they have been together, and their emotional foundation is still there. More importantly, Chen Hao However, the reason why she had a direct relationship with me and little sister Tai was that she led Chen Haoran into my trap. Now, Chen Haoran died like this, of course, she also suffered the most painful injury. Therefore, she had more urgent revenge than me.

The way she said is to use her advantages to deal with Hua Wushang. We all know that Hua Ye is a generally recognized lover. He is itchy without looking for a woman every day. He has a strong desire to play with different beauties every day. Even if he is disfigured now, his potential still exists, and he can't change his flowery heart, but his subordinates are still in charge In this period of time, there were still some development, including many beautiful women, who were rebellious students. She could send these people to hook up with Hua Ye. In this way, I would have an opportunity to take advantage of it.

We all thought that the proposal was ok, so we voted it through. The rest was to implement the plan. As soon as the meeting was over, Xiao Taimei, who was forced to take revenge, immediately sent her people to implement the top secret plan. While I stayed at school with peace of mind, waiting for the opportunity to come while I was recuperating. For me, the school is safer than the hospital. First of all, the other side dare not come to the school to do wild things. What's more, there is Qiqi in the school, and no one dares to be too presumptuous. Therefore, I still stay in the school to recuperate. Although I want to recuperate at ease, I just want to think about that. In the next time, I will continue to deal with the aftermath of the organization and help the present We will carry out large-scale rectification. Fortunately, we still have savings. After this major blow, we managed to survive without bankruptcy. The biggest loss is the loss of personnel and the instability of people's hearts. In addition to those who left after the war, I have made accurate statistics and found that there are still 320 members left, but all the remaining members have lost It seems that fighting spirit depends on me to find it by myself. Therefore, I hope little sister can send good news.

During this period, the remaining brothers have been discharged. I gathered Shen Muchen, crab, Dong Zhiming, little Taimei, and these brothers who have just left the hospital to hold a memorial service for Haoran to commemorate him and the other brothers who died. Haoran's parents have been settled down by me. I will give his parents corresponding welfare according to the development of the guild. He is the only one in his family Child, I'm responsible for them.

We buried Haoran in a low-key way. Standing in front of his tombstone, we dressed in uniform black, and no one cried. Everyone's face was extremely serious. All of us buried our grief in the bottom of our hearts. After the memorial ceremony, I dismissed them and went back. I put the organizational planning in front of Haoran's tomb, in front of all the brothers Certificate, we must take the head of the eagle and the flower Lord as a memorial to the dead brother.

After that, I held a mobilization meeting for them, but the atmosphere recovered a lot. Maybe it was in front of the deceased's tomb that the brothers were not very active. These only brothers were divided equally between Shen Muchen and Dong Zhiming. Little sister's influence remained unchanged, which made no sense to anyone. I also told them that the reorganization of the guild will be after revenge I hope the brothers will make more efforts to strive for the top position in this period of time. I have finished what I should say. However, no one knows what we discussed that day except for some senior leaders. I did not tell them that I am not afraid of 10000 yuan. I am afraid that if someone leaks the secret, it will be bad. At this time, I must be more cautious.

After a long wait for me, a week later, a good news came from the little sister. She said that she had a female agent who was dedicated to Hua Ye. She secretly saw a text message from Mr. Hua. Someone asked him to get together at a villa at 8:00 p.m. and the spy also said that when he read the text message, he looked serious and terrible, and made sure that he would come to see him 100% of the time An important person.For the sake of safety, the little sister first sent people to the place where the female spy came to secretly investigate. She found that it was a small villa in the countryside, which was relatively remote. It can be seen that this information should be accurate. What important person wants to meet with Hua Ye, so he must go to the appointment. Since the location is relatively secret, they should discuss it in secret What's the matter? So, in this trip tonight, Hua Wushang can't bring too many people around, that is to say, tonight is the best time for me to start.

Not only rely on little sister, in fact, in these days, I have been looking for opportunities, but I have not found the right opportunity. In fact, two days ago, I found out the position of Hua Wushang. However, it was not safe and convenient to escape, so we did not take the risk. However, compared with my time, this opportunity is more likely to win, and we must take it Hold on.

So, after getting accurate information, I contacted Qiqi directly to ask for her help.

After connecting the phone, Qiqi immediately sent Leng Han and four other bodyguards to help me. Originally, in my consciousness, Lenghan was only responsible for protecting Qiqi, and he would appear only when she was in the most critical situation. But now his attitude seems to have changed. He seems to have listened to Qiqi's words and agreed to come and help me. After so many days, my injury has been completely recovered and I can act with them.

In the evening, some brothers heard that I was going to go deep into the tiger's den to avenge me. They could not help worrying about my comfort. They had seen the power of master Hua and knew how dangerous it was for me to go there. Even, some brothers in Haoran's hands said that they would go with me. However, it's not good to kill people secretly. The better the Kung Fu is, the more they have to act alone Otherwise, if I went there, I would only be able to drag on, which might lead to the failure of the mission and the total annihilation. I also know that the strength of the brothers is not good. Therefore, I didn't let any brothers follow me. I only brought cold and cold together with the other four bodyguards, and then I would do it in secret again.

Qiqi and I gathered in the back garden of the school. Before leaving, Qiqi didn't say anything to me. She knew what this meant to me. She didn't ask me to be careful. She didn't tell me any words. She just strongly told me to be cold and to protect my safety.

At about 7:40 p.m., we set out with the darkness. Our action was extremely hidden and very cautious. The time of arrival was just right. After arriving at the destination, it was only 8:11. This is the point we specially pinched. If Hua Wushang really arrived here on time to make an appointment, then in this time period, He was already in the villa himself.

In order to prevent accidents and prevent the other party from setting traps and ambushes here, when we arrived around the villa, we didn't get close to it immediately. Instead, Leng Han, the best Kung Fu player here, sneaked into the villa alone to investigate. Now I know that Lenghan's strength is not generally strong. It feels like the great Xia in the martial arts film can fly over the eaves After seeing his actions, I knew that there were really lightness skills in this world! Cold cold ability can be achieved in the God does not know, the ghost does not know, to explore important news.

I and the other four people, waiting for about ten minutes in the same place, cold cold quietly returned. After he came back, he did not talk nonsense. He directly said to us in the simplest language: "there is no ambush inside, and there is no danger around the villa. There are about ten people in the villa. We can act!"

At this moment, I admire Lenghan from the bottom of my heart. In such a short period of time, I found out everything I want to know, and has not been detected by the other party. Moreover, his confidence is always so sufficient. There are only six people in our side, and the other party may be more than ten people. Lenghan doesn't pay attention to them at all. This self-confidence is definitely not a fake However, I also believe in Leng Han's strength. For a master of his level, I feel that wasabi can only compete with him in five or five times. Unless he meets an abnormal master like grandfather Bai, it can be said that few of the young masters can do anything about him.

After getting the cold clues, our party immediately started to move and sneaked into the villa.

There is also a large courtyard in front of the villa. At the main entrance of the courtyard, two bodyguards are patrolling back and forth. It can be seen that Hua Ye is really careful. No matter where he goes, there are bodyguards.

Lenghan is a good martial artist. He can go in quietly without disturbing the other party's bodyguards, but that doesn't mean that the rest of us can do it. So Leng Han first found a suitable place to jump in. Then, he suddenly made a sign to us, asking us to stop for a while. Then he immediately jumped over the wall and dived into the yard When the two patrol bodyguards didn't respond, Leng Han simply and roughly knocked them unconscious. After that, he found the key to the gate from the patrol guard who was beaten unconscious, and then carefully opened the door for us.

We all swaggered into the yard. Now we don't want to disturb each other. We are not afraid that they will fight back in time. We are afraid that my prey will escape. Therefore, we did not kill them directly. After entering the courtyard, Qiqi's four masters immediately divided into two teams, two in a group, guarding the two gates of the villa respectively to prevent the enemy from escaping Besides, we should also block external support.Leng Han and I approached the villa very secretly, and then quickly climbed onto the balcony on the second floor of the villa. After that, I sneaked into the second floor of the villa through the window. With Lenghan, I felt more and more that his strength was extraordinary. He was like a thief. He seemed to be very experienced in doing this furtive thing. He was almost unimpeded all the way with him Came to the second floor of the villa.

There are only two floors in this villa. There is no one on the second floor. We walk carefully and quietly. On the stairs on the second floor, we can overlook the hall on the first floor. On the sofa in the hall, I can see five men sitting together talking about something.

Among these five people, I saw the most prominent one at a glance. He was Hua Wushang, whom I had been thinking about day and night. At this time, his face was still covered with gauze, and immediately entered my sight range. To my delight, among the other four people, I even saw a mountain Hawk. This opportunity of killing two birds with one stone was met by me at noon. It was really hard to find a place to find It's not a waste of time to come. Today, I can't help but take revenge once and for all. Thinking of this, I can't help but be happy. Then, I can't wait to go down with the cold and kill all these people.

But when I was ready to take a step, my eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar shadow. The man seemed to come out of the bathroom and slowly entered into my sight. When I saw his face clearly, I was stunned. Because he was not other than Fu Dong, who had the hatred of robbing his wife with me!

I have to say, today's action is really wonderful and exciting. In my original plan, I only planned to solve Hua Ye alone tonight, but I never thought that God had given me a surprise. Let my other big enemy Mountain Eagle also appear here, which also saves me time to find him, just can come to a net.

However, what made me more and more surprised was that in this remote villa which seemed to be a secret party, this young master Fu would appear. This really surprised me. I stopped my action immediately, and squatted motionless at the stairway and carefully looked at the scene in the hall.

In this position, I clearly saw those people on the sofa. As soon as I saw Fu Dong coming, I stood up and said respectfully to him: "pay less!"

Their posture and their disgusting tone clearly indicate the position of Fu Dong in their hearts. It can be said that these people are following Fu Dong's lead. My heart beat suddenly at the thought of these things. An invisible sense of fear attacked my heart and made my hair stand up. I felt that things were becoming more and more difficult 。

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