After hearing what I said, the people at the scene were puzzled for a moment, but after seeing my face thoroughly, I suddenly changed from perplexity to shock, because no one could think that I would dare to go into the tiger's den and run to their tiger's mouth.

At the scene, only Fu Dong was in normal condition. Maybe he had already guessed that it was me. He didn't feel much shocked. He just motioned down the Mountain Eagle with his eyes, meaning that I also guessed that it was killing me.

Fu Dong's one look made all of them understand. Immediately, the two fresh faced men sitting on the sofa quickly got up and stood together with the Mountain Eagle, forming a confrontation with us.

Hua Wushang and the man, as well as Fu Dong, who gives orders in secret, all sit in their original positions without moving. Obviously, the Mountain Eagle and these two fresh faces are masters of extraordinary strength. As the first expert in the Southern District, I have also learned his moves. His strength is very strong, while the other two strange men. Although I don't know them, since they are standing side by side with the eagles, they must also be extraordinary. The three of them stand together. Judging from the momentum, there are some Alexander.

However, Leng Han is still fearless in the face of these three people. His one person's momentum faintly overshadowed the three of them. Seeing the cold and confident appearance, I found a sense of security unconsciously.

When a mountain eagle was facing cold and cold, he did have a lot of pressure, but with the help of the other two people, his face suddenly returned to its original state. He quickly took out his weapon, a short brown blade, which was the lethal weapon to kill Chen Haoran.

When he took out the knife, he still licked his dagger with his tongue, which made me sick. Then, he said to me coldly, "sulo, I didn't expect that you came to find death on your own initiative, which also saved us time to find you!"

Finish saying, Mountain Eagle takes the lead to attack to me, he this move. The cold in front of me also moved, and directly attacked the Mountain Eagle. The two people were intertwined in a moment.

The speed of the Mountain Eagle is really fast, but it is still a lot worse than Leng Han. Obviously, he is not the opponent of Leng Han. Every move, Leng Han can preempt others. In a short period of time, they fight several moves, which shows Leng Han's strong strength. Leng Han takes the advantage and attacks the Mountain Eagle very few times Back.

The other two people saw this, immediately help, and then, three people together with cold cold fight.

Some people really hide very deep, just like cold, before they did not show his strongest strength, so I can not detect how strong he is. Today, when I see these two strange men, they are also very deep hidden masters. At the beginning, I didn't pay attention to them, until they stood up, I knew myself I underestimated their strength, but at this moment, I really feel their strength when I see them. It's really amazing. It's no worse than Shanying or even above him.

No wonder these two people can participate in it, so their identity and strength are not ordinary. The two of them, together with the Hawks, are also very terrible. When they fight against the cold, they do not lose the wind at all. Indeed, even if Leng Han is more powerful, it is impossible to defeat a hundred with one enemy. Moreover, the enemies are all so powerful that their strength can not be underestimated. It is not easy to resist the joint attack of the three masters.

Cold was entangled, I immediately became a lonely person, at this time, the face wrapped with gauze flower Wushang also can not help but get up, he slowly stood up, to that low-key man politely said: "Uncle Tian, you can start!"

Listen to the respectful tone of the flower Lord, he obviously respects this person. In front of the low-key man, he has completely lost his arrogance, and his tone is very kind. As expected and I guess, the low-key man is indeed a character. Since Hua Wushang can make him deal with me so confidently, I believe that the strength of the low-key man must be stronger than me, but he has been hiding himself. Now, he has got the order of Fu Dong, so he doesn't need to hide it.

Hearing Hua Wushang's words, uncle Tian stood up directly. With such a simple action, I felt his strong breath, which made me shiver all over my body. Maybe, he was more than a little stronger than me. If I had to fight with him, I might have to die.

Before I saw the scene in the hall, I thought that my goal today was only Hua Wushang. I was enough to deal with him alone. Even if he had several strong bodyguards, it was not difficult for him to be cold. Therefore, I didn't let the four people in my side come in before, but just broke in with cold cold.

It seems that the current situation is obviously not that I and Feilong can cope with. Once Tian Shuzhen does something to me, I don't know I can do a few moves under him. So, after uncle Tian got up, I quickly whistled loudly.

Immediately, the back door of the villa was kicked open. As soon as two of my experts broke the door and entered, they quickly flashed to the hall. One of the bodyguards ran to the front door and opened the door. Immediately, two people came in from the front door.

Just in the blink of an eye, there were four more masters in the huge living room. The strength of the four of them was also absolutely strong. They did things in a vigorous and vigorous manner without slighting any slights. The speed of action was even more dazzling. With them in, the number of each other and I reached the same level, all six people. However, our side is obviously stronger than them. Therefore, after the four of them came in, Fu Dong, who had been sitting leisurely all the time, could not help standing up. Seeing this scene, Hua Wushang was obviously a little restless. He might not have thought that no master would go to the broken organization and find so many masters all at once. Even uncle Tian, who was going to do something to me, was unconsciously stopped. He did not intend to do anything to me. Maybe he felt the power of these four men and did not dare to act rashly for the time being.On the other side, the three people who are fighting with Leng Han are unable to cope with Leng Han. Now, seeing that there are four more masters here, they are almost conditioned to lose some confidence. At the moment when they are distracted, Leng Han seizes this opportunity and breaks them one by one, injuring one and defeating two.

A contest between the masters came to an end. After being beaten back, Shanying and the two strange men didn't immediately fight again. Obviously, they knew that our strength completely crushed them, so they didn't act impulsively.

Originally some noisy hall, instantly restored the silence. I thought that after being threatened by our strength, Fu Dong, a shady villain, would panic and be afraid, but I was still wrong. After he stood up, his face did not change much. To my surprise, Fu Dong is still very indifferent. However, after the Mountain Eagle stopped, he suddenly stopped However, he changed his face, and his expression showed a little anger. With this anger, he suddenly reprimanded Hua Wushang and the Mountain Eagle. He only heard Fu Dong say sternly: "what did you do, what do you want to do, have you paid attention to me? I call you here today, just to peacefully resolve the enmity between you and Suluo. You see, how do you see it The noodles are fighting again

It can be heard that Fu Dong's tone is full of reproach. It seems that Shan Ying just attacked me, but it was not his intention. He even played a good face in front of me. If I didn't hear the words, I might believe this hypocrite, but now, his performance makes me sick to the extreme.

After hearing Fu Dong's words, the people standing beside him were obviously shocked, but soon they understood Fu Dong's intention. After a moment, they immediately took the lead, pretended to be ashamed and lowered their heads, which was tacit to Fu Dong's words.

I can't help but laugh at them. People in the world have everything. What kind of training has Fu Dong gone through? How can he be so different from the surface and the heart? This Fu Dong is a typical representative of hypocrisy. He saw me show my true face and didn't speak before. He only used his eyes to communicate with other people, indicating the action of others Knowing that my side's strength is stronger than theirs, and he can't kill people, he immediately changed his routine and pretended to be a good man. Maybe, he acted in front of me, not because he cared about my opinion, but because he cared about Ziyi's opinion. He should be worried that Ziyi or other people know that it is not the Buddha who directs the play, but he pays the eldest young master. The Buddha is just a cover. If he really wants to be with Ziyi, he certainly doesn't want Ziyi to know all this.

Of course, no matter what he does, I won't be cheated by him again. After hearing his extremely hypocritical words, I said to him almost without thinking: "Oh, I said Mr. Fu, I already knew who you are, so please don't act in front of me. It turns out that you are the backstage driver of this play. Now, I even want to connect with him It's really mean of you to kill me with others

What I said was so obvious, but he didn't change his face. After hearing what I said, he only slightly shrunk his mouth and retorted to me: "Suluo, you need to tell evidence. Don't be so bloody. I've been helping you in Ziyi's face. Today I specially asked Mr. Hua out to mediate the friendship between you, You destroyed his most concerned appearance, he destroyed your field and hurt your brother. This is considered as even. Now you have been taught a lesson. I have also made it clear to my father that he will not deal with you any more, but you are ungrateful. Now, if you are good enough, you will bite me back! "

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