Even if I didn't say anything about revenge in advance, my organization was more powerless. Although I took back the people's hearts, it was difficult to develop and grow. Because the hatred between me and the Fu family has already become a storm. Everyone knows that I killed their running dog, so that the Fu family is ready to deal with me. Because I offended the Buddha, no one dares to join in at this time. The most important thing is Buddha Even Xie Yu, under the pressure of the Buddha, did not dare to help me, let alone some small gangs. They were all eager to get rid of me, the God of pestilence. Even those who had a cooperative relationship with me at this time, they had no relationship with me.

We can say that in the underground world of this city, it has been completely isolated and the development has fallen into the same place, but I still did not give up it. Although I have experienced the last war, the strength itself is not as good as before. Now, with the oppression of Buddha, it is even more precarious, and the crisis of disintegration is even greater. But I will never dissolve it. For me now, I have nothing left but this precious thing. Even if everything is lost, it is impossible to lose this one. No Slack perseverance, moreover, the organization is my painstaking effort. If I disband it, I think Chen Haoran will not be able to obtain peace under the nine springs.

Therefore, no matter how bad the situation is now, I will let it still exist. Many brothers have not given up on me. However, because of the oppression of the Buddha, many brothers have lost their confidence and are in panic. However, I can not find a reliable supporter here. It is difficult to regain the confidence of the brothers. Although the brothers who are willing to stay are loyal It doesn't mean that they like to die. Anyone knows how big the gap between me and Buddha is, and it's reasonable for brothers to worry about it.

Fortunately, Shen Muchen, Xiao Taimei, Dong Zhiming and other high-level officials have been supporting me wholeheartedly. This has made me firm in my heart to retain the organization. After being slaughtered by Hua Wushang for half a month, our headquarters has finally closed and reopened.

Therefore, on this day, the senior management and I moved back to the headquarters, which restored the vitality of the past. Our return also indicated that I would continue to develop in the eastern district. Although external factors suppressed us, we still developed in an orderly manner. On this day, I convened all the people to hold the first post-war meeting.

In the meeting, I completely re planned the organization. The name of the guild was changed to the fire of war, implying that our war will never be extinguished, and we will start from scratch.

There are four quarters in the east at the entrance of the hall. Shen Muchen is the leader and vice leader of the Qinglong hall. He is still in charge of the economy, politics and law of the guild. Because of Chen Haoran's sacrifice, I gave him to Dong Zhiming, who has been paying for the guild silently. This hall is in charge of the battle. Huang cancan, the younger sister, is in charge of the Zhuque hall. All the girls are under his command, so he is suitable for some special tasks.

I also found a man named Chen Jianbin. Last time in the war with Hua Wushang, he suddenly gave out a dazzling light. One person cut down more than ten people of the other party, but he was seriously injured and didn't fall down. At that time, I secretly recorded him. In today's meeting, I officially promoted him to be the vice leader of the white tiger hall. I helped Dong Zhiming to work together and assign tasks. For the time being, the rest will be arranged later.

After the meeting, the fire of our war entered a slow development stage. Although I had four Qiqi masters secretly protecting me, I knew that I was in danger at any time, and I didn't dare to be too swaggering. In addition to dealing with urgent matters, I stayed in the headquarters all the time, thinking about how to deal with Buddha. We were calm and dangerous for several days Danger did not come as promised, and the war was slowly recovering, without interference from outside forces.

One afternoon two days later, I went back to my office after dinner. However, accidents always happened when you felt calm. After I opened the office door, my whole person suddenly trembled violently. I even saw a man sitting on my office chair, who was my enemy. Fu Dong was the enemy at the moment East, very leisurely sitting on my office chair, a pair of legs still on my desk, saw me, he did not show surprise, but showed a strange smile, immediately, he took the photo of me and Ziyi, swayed at me, and then said to me: "Suluo, you still keep my wife's picture, isn't it a bit Not very suitable? "

For a moment, I even suspected that I had gone to the wrong place, but in fact, this is my office. It is a safe place. Although I am not a strong guard in the headquarters, I have arranged dozens of people here every day for the sake of safety, just to prevent sudden accidents, but I really didn't expect that Fu Dong should However, he was so bold that he dared to enter my office alone, and his posture was so casual that he did not regard this place as my nest, but as his own home. This is really a shame to me.

I tried my best to deal with him, only to find that it was more difficult to kill him than to ascend to heaven. However, I felt the safest headquarters. For Dong, it's just like entering the no one's land. This is the embodiment of the gap between us. But what makes me angry is that he still plays with the photo of Ziyi and me. Although I have completely put her down and no longer have any reverie about her, I am watching Fu Dong take our photo and hold the precious group photo in front of me When I was wandering, my heart had a kind of uneasy mood. I clearly remember that picture was the thing Zizi told me not to take away, which was to keep it as a memorial and to keep our love. Therefore, after I decided to let it go, I did not throw it away, but kept it well.But after talking with Ziyi on the rooftop a few days ago, I was shaken and wanted to destroy the photo. It's just that I didn't do it immediately because putting Ziyi's photo here can always remind me how deep the hatred between Fu Dong and I is. Whenever I see it, I will try my best to get rid of Fu Dong. This seemingly ordinary photo is the source of my revenge.

But. God always likes to play such jokes on me. Unexpectedly, this big enemy, who I dream of killing, sits at my desk with my photos, teases me, provokes me, and my anger surges out in an instant. However, I have no impulse. I know that Gao Jiawei will not come here to seek his own death. He has always done everything perfectly. If he dares to come here today, he must find a good way out Or, think of a strategy to deal with me.

But now, I want to rush up and tear it up, but I hold on and just pick up my walkie talkie. I'm about to inform my brothers to come over and let them come to attack Fu Dong together. However, I didn't say anything, but my brother's emergency report came from the walkie talkie: "big brother, it's not good. Someone's coming to smash the floor!"

When I heard this, my pupils dilated in an instant, and I couldn't help but sweat. Fu Dong acted so decisively that he had already launched an attack on me so quickly. He was still in the broad daylight. How rampant he was to make such an action. Did he regard himself as the heaven of the city? Did he really have no royal law in his eyes.

At this moment, my anger broke out again. I yelled at Fu Dong with red eyes: "Fu, you dare to bring people to smash the field in the daytime. Do you have any royal law for TMD?"

When I heard that my own field was smashed, I was about to lose my mind. My heart was full of hate. Today, even if I was dead, I would fight with this shameless villain. So, I directly stepped forward and was about to step into my office. At this moment, a figure flashed in front of me and stopped me, and said to me, "don't go in Go

I turned my head and found that this man was one of the bodyguards sent to me by Qiqi. At the moment, the four masters hiding around me appeared. Their expressions were very grim. Obviously, they had found the crisis in my office. These professional bodyguards all have a keen sense of smell. They can smell danger and feel murderous gas. Therefore, my office is a good place to work Fu Dong must not be the only one in the room, so they will show up in time and stop me from going in.

I have no doubt about the strength of these four people. Although they are not as invincible as cold and cold in combat effectiveness, they are also impeccable. In particular, the four of them work together to double their combat effectiveness. Because each of them has his own strengths. They can take advantage of each other to make up for their weaknesses. So, they stay with me Around us, my heart is also natural and steady, but look at the situation, even if they all appear, I still feel that I have been in danger, now the outside has been attacked, and inside, there are four major bodyguards attach importance to the crisis, look, if I am not wrong, my situation here is very bad.

So, even if I was angry again, I had to bear it. In the current situation, I had to follow their words and follow the four masters to retreat. Sure enough, when we retreated to the elevator, a number of people suddenly came out of my office. In addition to Fu Dong, there were seven people following him, six of them in uniform black Suit, expression is very serious, strength can not be underestimated, I am surrounded by rhythm, the situation is obviously not very good.

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