Maybe it's because the hatred for Gao Jiawei is too great, and I want to overpower his heart. So my most concerned problem at the moment is about my father's situation. I have no other way but to put the final hope on my mysterious father. He is the only one I have now. He may help me fulfill my wish of revenge.

I want to use my own strength to overcome the difficulties in front of me, but the reality is so cruel. My current force is vulnerable to attack in front of Fu Dong. In the end, I only commit suicide. I also know that Fu Dong has real strength. The most important thing is that he has a strong father.

It was because of his father's face that he was exposed to light in this city, which made people fear him. His influence, his contacts, also naturally accumulated. At the end of the day, it was his father who made him who he is today. In this era of fighting dad, he won.

Fu Dong belittles me and looks down on me. Although it has something to do with my own ability, the main thing is that he doesn't care about my background, if my father's power can hold down the Buddha. Maybe, he didn't dare to despise me like this, and he didn't dare to ravage me wantonly. Therefore, I still had a fluke mentality to my father in my heart, especially when I saw the horseradish coming back with six such masters. It made me realize that my father was not without strength, just sharp and restrained, and even, the Buddha was not necessarily his opponent.

Thinking of these, my eyes can not help but give out the light of hope, I tightly stare at the wasabi, looking forward to his answer. After hearing what I said, wasabi didn't show any mood swings, but said to me lightly: "your father had already washed his hands a long time ago. Now he has decided to go back to the mountain again. He needs to contact his former friends, and he can't come for a while. He didn't trust you, so he asked me to protect you first

After listening to wasabi's words, my expectations in my heart become higher. I know that my father never does anything that is uncertain. Anyway, in my eyes, there is nothing he can't do. If he can come over, I really don't have to be afraid of Fu Dong.

However, the expectation returned to expectation, and my heart felt guilty. It turned out that my father had already washed his hands. Now it is for me to come out of the mountain again. It was I who got him involved in this dispute. He was originally indifferent to the world and hoped to stay at home quietly to cultivate himself. But now, he always worries about my affairs, and even wants to go out for me personally. How can I feel at ease Li De.

In my melancholy time, Shen Muchen and their several have already helped each other to climb up from the ground, came to my side, Shen Muchen directly said to me: "Arlo, there are many brothers who are seriously injured, let's go down and have a look first!"

Hearing his complementation, my heart immediately raised, I felt that there was something left unfinished. Then, I had no time to think about other things, so I went down to the first floor with them.

At this time, the hall was in a mess, and many of my brothers were lying on the ground. Fortunately, Fu Dong was mainly aimed at me. For my brother, he didn't kill him. There was no death on the scene. What made me spirit for a while was that I found that there were not only my wounded brother in the hall, but also many people in camouflage clothes 。

The first feeling these people gave me was that they came out of the army. They were all energetic and high spirited. They were well-trained people at a glance. Obviously, they were also brought by wasabi. No wonder Fu Dong would slip away in time. He must know that his team was restrained by the people in front of him. If he stayed down, he could not get good fruit, so You will choose to run away.

But I was completely shocked. At first, I thought that only wasabi came to rescue me. But when I saw this scene, to my surprise, he brought six experts. At this moment, I realized that wasabi was completely prepared. It must be my father who was worried that the Buddha really killed me. He should have known that the Fu family had been right I'm in action, so I'll send these vanguard troops here.

Looking at these people in front of me, I couldn't help but boil my blood again, and my energy showed up again. The light of hope in my heart, at this moment, I seemed to forget my injury. I immediately asked people to take all the injured people here to the hospital, while I stayed and prepared to talk with wasabi.

Although I completely put down Ziyi now, I still can't help but want to know what happened after I left, which caused her to hate me so much that she didn't even give me the opportunity to explain, and suddenly changed her mind.

About these questions, I can only ask wasabi, can tell me the answer is only him. After all, wasabi had been secretly protecting Ziyi at my command. Maybe he could know something I didn't know. To my disappointment, wasabi told me that he didn't know why Ziyi was in love. At that time, he did abide by my instructions and guarded her secretly. Moreover, during the days when he was guarding Ziyi, she didn't contact the outside world Yes, he stayed at home all the time. Nothing special happened. The only thing that sunflower cared about was that he found that Wu Tianhao had secretly approached Ziyi. However, he didn't know what Wu Tianhao said to her. Then the next day, wasabi was attacked secretly. That's why my father told me on the phone that day that Wu Tianhao had problems.Look at fiercely as a tiger does not show up. I have been secretly investigating Wu Tianhao. It seems that in my father's eyes, he is a role that can not be underestimated. It is because Wu Tianhao and Buddha have all been covetous that my father had to be careful. In order to keep me well, my father not only sent the wasabi. He also asked him to bring a lot of trained people. These people who followed the wasabi were all arranged in the army. Now that they are needed, they are all transferred out. When I think of the people coming out of the army, I can't help thinking of Zhang Lei. I asked him to train a group of people for me before. After calculating the time, it's time for them to come back.

If my people come back and add more than 100 people in front of me, it will be a real boost to me, and there will be many more masters in the war. However, my father didn't let me use these people to fight against the Buddha because I just can't fight him now. It's good that these people can protect me. This is also the main reason why my father asked them to come here Because.

After talking with Wasabi for a while, my mood became more complicated. My head seemed to be more disordered. I couldn't think of the whole story. However, I had a feeling that Ziyi was related to Fu Dong. In other words, I had a direct relationship with Wu Tianhao when I had a grudge with Buddha. Maybe it was because he obstructed me that Ziyi got in touch with Fu Dong, and then slowly Deal with East produce dependence, but I can't think of is, so love my she, how can change heart in such a short time? Is she really disappointed with me, will easily be captured by others?

I can't think of it. I really can't understand. The more I think about it, the more painful it will be. No matter what the reason is, Ziyi gave up on me, chose Fu Dong and married her. This fact can't be changed.

After meeting Ziyi that day, I also told myself that I would give up anyway. I can't lose my nature because of her. My most clear goal now is to kill Fu Dong or be killed by Fu Dong. Either of us will live one more day, and that person will have no peace.

Before the wasabi came back, I just wanted to break my head. I couldn't think of a way to deal with Fu Dong. I didn't have the confidence to deal with him. Even self-protection became a problem. Now, seeing how many people have been brought to me by wasabi, I finally have some confidence. I don't have to be timid.

So, regardless of my own injury, I immediately contacted little Taimei after chatting with Wasabi, and asked her girls to secretly investigate Wei's news. If I found a suitable opportunity, I would immediately kill Fu Dong. Now I don't want to be passive any more. I want to be a person who has the initiative.

then, I bear the pain and deal with the aftermath I went to the hospital to see my brothers who were seriously injured. After offending Fu Dong, the God of pestilence, being hospitalized has become the daily routine of my brothers. Even some people were sent in after they were discharged from hospital for a long time. They were all because of me, and I felt very sorry for them.

Fortunately, today's brothers did not have a big accident. Finally, the enemy was beaten away, and even the arrogant Fu Dong was shriveled. Therefore, I also kept my prestige in front of the brothers. More importantly, this time the wasabi also appeared. My savior came, and the brothers were not so desperate. We finally saw the dawn of hope. I see. We're not alone anymore.

Therefore, even though the brothers were injured, they were not discouraged. On the contrary, they were full of confidence in me.

After pacifying my brother, I went to another advanced ward. There were two bodyguards sent to me by Qiqi. Two of them tried their best to protect me in the battle and persisted until the end. Therefore, the injuries were the most serious and needed to be cultivated for a period of time.

For them, I am most guilty, but also very grateful. If they did not stop Fu Dong's behavior at the critical moment, I am afraid I would have died. Later, Fu Dong gave them the opportunity to quit, but they did not hesitate to choose to stay to protect me. Even if they reached out and were seriously injured, they still persisted until they could not get up. Their spirit of protecting the Lord deeply moved me, and I am deeply impressed by this kindness.

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