I am such a person, no matter when, what occasion, as long as I see Ziyi heart will be easily melted, even if she hurt me deeply, I can't hate her. However, at this moment, when I saw her, my heart became very complicated. I didn't know what words to express.

Maybe there are too many people pleading for Fudong today, so my first reaction when I saw Ziyi was that she also came to plead for Fudong. Among all the people, the last thing I want to see is Ziyi pleading for him. I have exposed Fu Dong's true face in front of Xu Nan. I also told her what I was saying in my heart. I didn't know if Ziyi would be shaken by my words, and whether she would continue to love that hypocrite. But if she came to me today because she still had love in her heart to deal with Dong, it felt worse than killing me.

Shen Muchen for my matter, he is the most clear but the relationship, so he will bring purple to come, he saw himself come in, also difficult to say what. He closed the door consciously and left alone.

After Shen Muchen left, I opened my mouth and said to Ziyi: "don't stand, sit down!"

But Ziyi did not sit down, but went straight to my desk, she did not look at me, her eyes have been staring at my desk, staring for a long time, then asked me: "where are the photos?"

I really didn't expect that the first sentence she said was not Fu Dong, but the photo I had taken with her. It made my heart feel more relaxed. At the moment, Ziyi was most concerned about the photo. Up to now, she still remembers the photo full of our happy memories.

And I also remember that she repeatedly told me not to take the photo of the group photo no matter what happened. But now the photo is no longer there. Ziyi's eyes are obviously more sad. She seems to care about this. So, I quickly explained to her: "that photo was destroyed by Fu Dong!"

Ziyi heard my explanation, her eyes changed immediately, but she didn't say anything. After a pause, she raised her eyes to me and said to me seriously: "Suluo, you'd better listen to my advice. Don't make any more trouble. You can't fight the Buddha!"

As soon as I heard this, my heart, which had been slightly relieved, was deeply stabbed. It was a kind of unspeakable pain. I tried to control the pain and not let myself look sad. Then, I looked directly at Ziyi and asked in a deep voice, "are you here for this?"

If I didn't explain with Ziyi, I could understand her doing so. After all, Gao Jiawei is her husband with a fair name. But now, I have already told Fu Dong's despicable nature. Ziyi even asked him back. What's more, I couldn't bear it. What's more, Ziyi replied without hesitation: "Hmmm!"

It broke my heart to hear this. I didn't expect it. At this time, she was still obsessed with Dong. I thought that Ziyi should be disappointed with Dong when she learned everything. After all, Ziyi hates to be cheated by others. But now she knows that she has been cheated, and she pleads for him, I couldn't bear it. I didn't want to say anything more. I stood up directly and said to her coldly: "sorry, I'm afraid this will disappoint you. I told you that I can't let him go. Fu Dong must die. If you come here today, you just ask for mercy, please help yourself!"

Although I still have Ziyi in my heart, I still have feelings for her, but the fact is there. What she cares about is still Fu Dong, which makes me feel helpless. I directly show my resolute side and give her an order to leave.

Ziyi listen to my words, eyes immediately red, eyes appear tender side, she looked at me affectionately, with a hoarse voice said to me: "I do not come to plead for him, because, because I do not want you to have an accident!"

Her words are very sincere, and her tone is full of love. I am so familiar with her voice that I miss her too much. All of a sudden, it melts my heart, and it sweeps away all my previous melancholy clouds. I suddenly feel that the former Ziyi is back. She is not nostalgic about Fudong, but she still has affection for me. Indeed, from Ziyi's point of view, I can't fight the Buddha. She didn't want me to cause a disaster and eventually kill myself, so she came to persuade me. It seems that she was not worried about Fu Dong, but worried about my safety.

Thinking of these, my heart is not conscious of warming up, the mind is also clear a lot, I directly stood up, went to Ziyi in front of, looked at the person I love, full of eyes sincerely said: "do you think that if I release Fu dong now, the Buddha will not deal with me?"

Ziyi listened to my words, her tender eyes also changed, and she became a little helpless. She made an extremely bitter voice to me: "then you can leave here. It's not safe for you to stay here. Even if the Buddha doesn't retaliate against you, some people specially aim at you. Their purpose is to kill you!"

At this moment, Ziyi didn't seem to hide her feelings at all. I felt that she had shown her most real side. I seemed to have seen her heart clearly. She should still love me. This sudden thought made my heart beat wildly. Maybe I and she still have compound hope. With this hope, I suddenly understand what Yes.Just Ziyi's words said, someone specially aimed at me, then she doesn't know something? Is there really a conspiracy in this? Thinking of this, I quickly said to Ziyi: "Ziyi, tell me quickly, do you have any difficulties in marrying Fu Dong? Are you forced? What did Wu Tianhao say to you when he saw you?"

I said these words very quickly, which is the most urgent thing I want to know. Today, I can't pry out the answer from Fu Dong's mouth. Now I see Ziyi again and hear what she said just now. I'm really excited. I can't wait to ask. Now the only one who can give me the answer is Ziyi.

Ziyi suddenly became a little panicked after listening to my words, but in order not to let me see, she still pretended to be calm and quickly covered up the panic. Then, she said to me, "this matter has nothing to do with you. Don't worry about it. In a word, Suluo, if you believe me, you should release Fu Dong and leave the city The farther away, the better. Never come back. This is the safest way for you

Ziyi's tone is full of worries about me. I suddenly feel that since I came back to see her, Ziyi has pleaded for me again and again. Every time she comes to me, she is for my good. However, in the past, I have too much emotion for her, and always think her good intentions are wrong. She thinks that she despises me, so she advises me to leave again and again.

In fact, it's nothing to look down on. After all, Buddha and I are a little bit of a witch. We can't compare with each other. In the eyes of anyone, I fight with him. Ziyi just doesn't want to see me die in vain. She is still the girl who always thinks about me. The main reason why I misunderstand her kindness is that she doesn't Listen to my explanation. I married Fu Dong.

Now seeing Ziyi's sincerity, I feel that I still love me from the bottom of my heart and understand her heart more. Suddenly, I deeply believe that she did not really marry Fu Dong. She must have her own bitterness, because in her words, I heard what she had hidden from me. Thinking of this, my heart immediately recovered The haze also all dispersed, all the negative energy disappeared in an instant. Then, I couldn't help but hold Ziyi's hand and asked her with warmth: "Ziyi, you always love me, right?"

When I said this, my voice was shaking. At this moment, I was very excited. After that, I looked at Ziyi with affection and looked forward to the answer she gave me..

Ziyi didn't expect that I would ask this sentence rashly. A trace of shyness appeared on her face. She seemed to be flustered by my question. She pulled her hand away from my hand nervously. Then she said to me, "Suluo, what are you thinking in your mind? What's the use of saying these now? What's the most important thing for you now is to get away from here, don't take things It's out of control! "

For Ziyi, what she always cares about is my safety. Now that she is married to the Buddha's house, she should be very aware of the power of their family. More clearly, the Fu family won't let me go, so she advised me to stay away. But for me, the most concerned thing is that Ziyi loves me. No matter what means Wu Tianhao controls Ziyi, I just need to know Ziyi She still love me, the answer is more important than my life, so I continue to pursue this question, asked: "of course, it is useful, I care most now is whether you still love me, as long as you still have me in your heart, even if the sky falls down, I will not be afraid!"

I said this is my most sincere expression of words, said Ziyi or a burst of moving, at this time, it seems to change back to the original green little girl, I teased are embarrassed, she is now a little embarrassed, stuttered to me: "you, you, you son of a bitch..."

now I know the answer, although she didn't say it Yes, but she betrayed her from her words and deeds. Ziyi didn't completely cut off her love for me. She must still have me in her heart. At this moment, I couldn't restrain myself. I held myself in my arms and held her tightly for fear that she would run away from me. I said to her ear: "Ziyi, what I said is true, I'm not afraid of death I'm afraid you will change your mind. As long as you still love me, I don't care about anything. As for the Buddha, I'm not afraid at all. They can't do anything about me! "

Maybe I was too excited. When I spoke, Ziyi was also a little excited, but more embarrassed. So, I just hugged for a while, and she pushed me away. Then, she said to me firmly: "Suluo, we can't do this. We can't do this directly. You'd better forget me, I have already said what I should have said when I come here today. If you believe me, you should leave immediately! "

Ziyi and I finished these words, and did not wait for me to reply, immediately left in a panic, I can clearly feel that there are a lot of things in her heart, some of which are related to me and dare not let me know.

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