The Buddha's voice sounds light and flowing, but it contains infinite power. What he says is an endless threat. If it comes from other people's mouth, it must be a person who is full of shame. But if he says it from the Buddha's mouth, it shows that the city is really going to have a great turmoil. Maybe, the city is really quiet for too long.

My first reaction was that the Buddha was going to bloodwash our war, which made me shiver all over my body. It was almost a reflex. I wanted to prepare my brothers for the enemy. To my surprise, I didn't wait for the Buddha's attack. On the contrary, after he said the meaningful words, he went straight into his luxury car. The car immediately disappeared in front of me 1. Other people also got on their own cars and left with the Buddha's car.

Before the Buddha left, he didn't even look at me again. He walked freely. So indifferent, as if I did not exist, I looked at those cars flying away, my heart suddenly showed a sense of fear, this is a kind of inexplicable fear, I underestimated the legendary figure Buddha, he really let me see through, but, he left the words before leaving. But deeply imprinted in my mind, lingering.

I know that the city is about to change. This is an unprecedented and grand crisis for my war. It really makes me panic and makes me a little restless. Buddha, the terrible godfather of the underworld, is about to set off a bloody wind on me, and now I want to collide with him. It must be broken. If I want to save my life, my only bargaining chip is Fu Dong.

So, after the Buddha left, I immediately went back to the office and called Dong Zhiming to ask him to guard Fu Dong well. He could not tolerate any mistakes, and I would immediately report back to me.

This night, I did not sleep well. I was awakened by different nightmares. The next day, the whole city was agitated. The whole underground world was shaken. Many people have publicly expressed their support for Buddha. It can be said that I became the target of all people overnight. Before the battle started, the situation was on one side and I became the whole In order to please the Buddha, the public enemy and even some small gangs even came to challenge him.

However, I don't have the power to fight against the Buddha, but I have more than enough to deal with ordinary small gangs. Therefore, when these little fish and shrimps come to make trouble, I'm not polite. I directly beat them down and teach them the truth of life.

Although I'm not as good as Buddha in strength, I really don't care about anyone else in the whole city except Buddha. I'm not afraid to offend anyone. Moreover, they won't become allies with me. Therefore, I won't be polite to them at all. Fortunately, my killing chickens and warning monkeys has made some effect, and some small shrimps dare not come to challenge my dignity.

However, after all, I still underestimated these shrimps. They did not dare to come alone to die, but they gathered together in an incredible way. It was on this day that the small forces in this city were in turmoil, and all the forces gathered together to form an alliance against me.

Although this is only organized by a group of mobs, they can not be underestimated in terms of number. As the saying goes, a chopstick is easily broken, and a pair of chopsticks is firmly held in a ball. If they fight, I can't cope with it.

Just one night, the Buddha's words will really come true. The black forces in this city have become turbulent and chaotic. This deeply makes me realize that the gap between me and Buddha is that there is no comparability. People hardly need to do it by themselves. On the first day, all kinds of big people come to the door and persuade them in various ways. The next day, the Buddha's words will come true It was all kinds of small forces who came to challenge me. Even the small forces gathered together. I don't know when to fight. If I don't let people go, I may not be able to make a foothold in this city. Before the Buddha came into my war, I was destroyed by these wall grass.

But the more this is, the more the gap between me and Fu Dong is reflected. The more unwilling I am, the more I will not let people go. No matter whether they come from the strong wind or the rainstorm, I can't shake my mind's decision. What I can do now is to give up all the territory, let all my brothers gather in the base camp, and be ready to respond to the enemy at any time.

In fact, I know that the Buddha is not good at attacking me, because he has to take care of the safety of his baby son. But if the alliance that crusades against me, I will not be able to involve Fu Dong. I can only deal with it by myself. Since the fierce storm is coming, let them come more fiercely. I will follow.

Just when I was in a mess of trivia, my office ushered in a familiar guest, this is no one else, it is with me some entanglement, Xue Ning.

I don't like this female tiger very much. But now I'm in a crisis, I don't want to offend her too much. Otherwise, I'll have another strong enemy. Although the Xue family's strength is not as overwhelming as the Buddha's, it's not weak. They are the first mafia families in this city. Although they have been washed white now, they still exist He said that the name of Xue family was not buried, and was still taboo. Although this force can not help me, at least do not stand on my opposite side, otherwise, the trouble will be even greater.Therefore, in the face of Xue Ning, I still smile at each other. As soon as she saw me, she showed a trace of schadenfreude. She began to tease me and said, "I said that Su Luo, you are really good enough. You are all adults shouting and beating street mice. How can you still stay here? Why don't you hide?"

When I saw her, I kept telling myself, no matter what, I tried to treat her with a better attitude. But at the moment, seeing her attitude towards me, the good attitude I hoarded was gone. I directly threw her a bad face and said coldly, "what's the matter, do you want to unite with them to deal with me?"

Every time I meet Xue Ning, we can't get along with each other. In fact, I am dissatisfied with Xue Ning, and more often I regard her as a love enemy. After all, Bai Ling is pregnant with my flesh and blood in her stomach, which is the fact of iron beating. However, Xue Ning always harasses her and destroys her normal life. It is because of her that I am forced to fake Bai Ling Yes, I can't have a crush on her.

Of course, Xue Ning was even more so to me. Now, seeing me so indifferent, she was not happy immediately. She said to me in a cold voice: "yes, I just don't like you. As soon as you say, I will join their alliance and say that you are a pest. You are entangled with Bai Ling, and you are with Fu Dong's daughter-in-law until death. Suddenly, you come here A little girl said it was your girlfriend. Suluo, you are really good. There are enough confidants in Hong Yan. You are such a scum who even started to kidnap. With your strength, you still want to fight against the Buddha. I don't know where your courage comes from. It's beyond your capacity! "

Xue Ning's character is like this. He has a straight talk and never hides it. But her words really hit me, and I was very uncomfortable. I felt that she just came to see my jokes, or to flatter the Buddha, in order to save Fu Dong. After all, Xue Ning also attended Fu Dong's wedding last time, so she must have something to do with him.

At the thought of this, I didn't like her any more, and I didn't want to talk to her any more. Then I said to her in a sharp voice: "even if I can't help myself, I can't teach you. If you come here and let me let Fu Dong go, I don't want to talk about it. I don't welcome you here!"

Hearing what I said, Xue Ning was very angry and angry. It was not pretending, it was anger from the bottom of my heart. She said to me in a sharp voice: "who gave you the courage to talk to me like this? Suluo, do you want to die? Don't think I dare not take you for having Bai Ling!"

Listen to her words, although I feel uncomfortable in my heart, but I really don't want to continue to entangle with her, she is such a strong woman, has always hated men, and I am very, very disgusted, so, to hear my words, she is not crazy.

For such a female tiger, I really have no way to take her. If I don't answer back, I feel sad, and she can't accept it. Besides, I really don't want to make a big feud with this female tiger. If I offend her, my situation will only be more difficult.

However, I didn't lose to him in momentum, and continued to say to her, "I'll say it for the last time, miss Xuening. If you come to see me about Fudong, please go back. I have nothing to talk to you about. You are not welcome here!"

As soon as I said this, Xue Ning suddenly got angry. He grabbed my collar and lifted me from the boss's chair. His deep fist was about to start with me. Suddenly, a familiar voice suddenly came into my ears: "OK, cousin, don't make any more noise!"

This voice seems to have a magic general, a son let fall into the rage Xue Ning returned to normal, she immediately released, stood aside.

But I sat down, tidied up the pleated clothes, and then turned my head to look like the door of the office. At this time, I saw a slender figure coming in leisurely from the door. His beard was a little sloppy, his face was not decadent, his temperament was low-key but he showed atmosphere. His eyes seemed to contain thousands of stories, giving people an elusive feeling He is no one else. He is my old acquaintance, former school boss, Bai Qiuyan

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