Since the light language appeared in front of me, her attitude towards me has been not good, her voice is also cold, and she is always on guard against me. But at the moment, I just stepped out of the door, I heard another soft voice, which was in sharp contrast with her attitude towards me today. My first feeling was that she believed me.

After a while, my body was frozen, and my heart was pounding. At this time, there was a sound of feet behind me. I didn't look back, but I felt that the light language was approaching me, which made me a little nervous. My heart rate suddenly accelerated, and I felt like having an affair with her. That kind of feeling was very uncomfortable.

In fact, I can guess that light language didn't really believe me, but when I heard what I said, I had to believe me for a while. When I was talking to her, I tried to pretend to be very natural on the surface, because mother Luo accidentally integrated myself into this family, and this kind of concern was not pretended.

She called me, for a time, I was a bit at a loss, but I know, now I can't expose in any way, otherwise all I've done will be wasted. Moreover, I don't want to disturb mother Luo's quiet life, and I don't want to let her get involved in my whirlpool again. What's the identity of whispering is not important to me now, so Although I was frightened, I was still calm on the surface. I turned my head indifferently and looked at the light language close to me and asked, "what's the matter?"

Light language did not speak, just Leng Leng looked at me, she stood in front of me not far away, has been staring at me, as if to use her naked eye, I see through the general. After staring at me for a long time, she didn't see anything unusual. Finally, her face showed a little disappointment, and then she said in a slightly embarrassed way: "it's OK. I think you're a little familiar, like a friend of mine before!"

When she said this, there was a little bitterness in the soft voice, as if thinking of that person would hurt her heart. When I saw her like this, I was moved, because I had such a feeling. But I didn't show it at all. Instead, I deliberately put on a self mocking smile and said to her, "no, is there anyone else like me just because of my appearance?"

I said this in order to completely dispel the doubts of light language. After hearing this, she gave a bitter smile and said, "she is the one I have been looking for. She has promised to come back to me. He has never broken his promise, but as a result, ah!"

The light words were meaningful. I was in a trance after listening to them. I didn't dare to delay. Although I was not the person in her mouth, I was afraid that she would really start investigating me. So I said goodbye to her immediately and said, "that's OK. I'll go first."

I don't know if it's because I feel like the person in her mouth, or I really think of me as that person. Anyway, now I know that she doesn't have a deep hostility to me, and she doesn't hate me so much. So, when I heard that I was going to leave, the cold light language politely detained me for a while and said to me, "then you can stay and have dinner, My mother, she should be back soon. When I see you are not here, I will blame me for driving you away! "

Originally, I didn't stay here at all. Now, I was so upset by the light language that my heart was even more upset. How dare I stay for dinner? It's really easy to expose myself. Therefore, I replied simply: "no, thank you for your kindness. I really have something to do and I have to go first!"

Finish saying, I and light language waved a hand, directly and resolutely turned to leave, I walked very free and easy, did not take a cloud, however, let me not expect is, when I walked out of the gate of this dilapidated building, light language suddenly chased over. My step can't help but stop, now the gate of the courtyard, and then, I look back to the light language running in a hurry. As soon as she came over, she was out of breath and said sorry to me.

Originally, the light language specially ran down to apologize to me. She said that she had a bad attitude when she was at her home just now. She asked me to forgive her. She also explained that she met too many people who harassed her. Those people disturbed her in various ways, and her heart became sensitive.

Of course, I know what she meant. She didn't want to expose herself, so she came to me to apologize. She was also a smart person. She knew that I saw some clues, so that I could guess that I was concerned about mother Luo. I didn't care about her previous attitude, but joked with her: "how do you know I'm not a bad person?"

Finish saying, I also showed a cunning smile, in fact, my purpose is to make the difference, do not want to live too serious, it is easy to make light language suspicious. But no matter how I behaved, her attitude towards me has really changed. She said directly and frankly, "no, I believe you are a good man. I want to thank you for my mother again!"

This moment, the tone of light voice is particularly sincere, is really thank me. In fact, I also gradually know something about her. She is also very kind-hearted, that is, she must always be vigilant. If I had just died in her house, she would have thought that I had something in mind, so she would have even more disgusted with me. No accident, she had already started with me, but I not only did not stay, but also insisted on leaving, which made me feel sorry for me. People like her must feel sorry for me, Will come after me and apologize to me.But I also know that the main reason is still light language. I found some familiar people in my body, which is precisely because of this. Just let light language change my attitude towards me, involuntarily, she would not so dislike me, even willing to apologize to me, but also sincerely said thank you to me.

I gladly accepted the light language of thanks, but also sincerely said to her: "don't thank you, just a little work, goodbye!"

With that, I'll turn and leave. But as soon as I turned around, my steps had not yet opened, and the accident came with no warning. But suddenly, at both ends of the lane where I stood, there were many people in black. They surrounded me like flies

At the same time in another city, Fu Dong gave the villa to Ziyi. In a room, Ziyi was sitting on the bed, holding his mobile phone, looking at a text message.

For three consecutive days, Ziyi has been doing the same thing, that is, staring at the SMS of her mobile phone, and the content of the SMS shows that Suluo's short message. Although it is only a text, Ziyi can feel full of apology and deep love between the lines.

In fact, Ziyi did not know that Suluo loved her, but at the wedding site on that day, Suluo's vacillation to other women made Ziyi's heart break. She hated Suluo's ambiguous relationship with other women. She didn't like their love being disturbed and she didn't like being ignored by Suluo. Perhaps, it is also the wedding that gave Ziyi too much hope, so, the final disappointment will be deeper, she will resolutely quit the farce.

But after she left, Ziyi's heart was empty, as if she had been deprived of her life belief. She felt that she was really inseparable from Suluo, but she could not easily forgive her. Until she saw this message, Ziyi's wavering heart was immediately touched.

She realized that she was self willed, and she did not consider his situation from Solo's point of view. She just felt that she had been wronged and felt that Suluo had shaken her love too many times, so she couldn't stand it. The good trust would no longer exist. Her heart became more insecure, and she would end the wedding according to her own temperament.

In fact, if Su Luo can come to her in person and explain to him clearly afterwards, according to Ziyi's advice, she will definitely forgive her. However, in the end, Ziyi still doesn't wait to come to Suluo, and only waits for this message. Although the content of the message makes Ziyi understand Suluo's heart, Suluo's leaving without saying goodbye gives Ziyi a big blow, even if Ziyi knows Suluo had a hard time, but he felt uncomfortable. He felt abandoned.

For a long time, ziluo has always been the support of Ziyi. The departure of Luo's mother makes Ziyi an orphan, and Suluo is the only one Ziyi can rely on. Now she suddenly knows that Suluo has gone and left herself, and Ziyi's heart is naturally lost. At the beginning, Ziyi really doesn't understand. She thinks that Suluo has given up her and chose Yang Simiao, but with time She was immersed in this message for three consecutive days. Slowly, Ziyi understood Suluo's heart and understood her compulsion.

The kind-hearted Ziyi began to forgive Suluo, so she took the initiative to call Suluo. When she pressed the number, Ziyi had already forgiven Suluo, or, she had to forgive Suluo, because Suluo paid too much for her. She didn't want to suffer from the suffering of missing at home. She found that she couldn't leave Suluo, and that man was the only one She is worthy of relying on. She also knows that Suluo is not wrong, but she is too kind-hearted. Especially when it comes to women, she can't be cruel and say no.

Two people together is to tolerate each other. Ziyi knows that her fatal weakness is willfulness. She is too easy to misunderstand Suluo. She said that she would change many times, but it is hard to change. However, even so, Ziyi is also trying to change, so that she can learn to tolerate, misunderstand and and understand her beloved man.

With this firm belief, Ziyi dials Suluo's number. She decides to take the initiative to make up with Suluo again. However, to her great disappointment, Suluo's mobile phone can't get through at this time. This made Ziyi's heart panic, she immediately realized that things were not good, and then, Ziyi said nothing, she directly put on a dress and ran out of the door, toward the headquarters of Suluo.

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