On the fourth day of Ziyi's coming here, she got up early in the morning and continued to walk on the road to look for Suluo. However, when she passed by a garbage can on the street, she found that the beggar was dragging her body to the garbage can to pick up the food left outside the garbage can. This scene directly let ziyidun live, but anyone who has a little compassion can see this I'm afraid that all the scenes will tremble in my heart. What's more, Ziyi is a woman who is full of sympathy. Of course, she is more sad.

In fact, when Ziyi comes to the provincial capital these days, when she goes out, she will always see this beggar, because he is not far away from the hotel where Xu Nan lives. Therefore, Ziyi sees him every time. Especially in Ziyi's heart, she has a special feeling for the beggar. Therefore, every time she passes by, she will deliberately pay attention to whether the beggar is there.

What makes Ziyi strange is that the beggar doesn't know whether he has a special preference for this place. Anyway, he just stays in this place. From her appearance, beggars are not the kind of people with gangs. He is on his own. He abides by the rules here, rain or shine.

At the beginning, Ziyi didn't understand. However, when Ziyi found out that the beggar was crawling on the ground, she noticed that it was not that the beggar didn't want to walk, but that his feet seemed to be useless and could not move at all. She had to crawl on the ground with difficulty.

When she noticed this, Ziyi's heart became sour and her eyes were almost blurred. It was a kind of deep-rooted sympathy. Such a poor person made Ziyi unavoidably moved. Now, she also knew that this beggar was not an ordinary beggar, not a kind of beggars who lived on begging. He would not spend money at all. Ziyi gave him 100 yuan that day Still clinging to his dirty body. He just has a survival instinct. Looking for food, drink, not to die of hunger and thirst.

Therefore, Ziyi felt that this unusual beggar might have suffered some kind of harm, which made him become what he is now. It can be seen from his injuries that he is definitely a man with a story and has his own helplessness.

Originally, if this was just an ordinary beggar, Ziyi could still turn a blind eye to him, because there are poor beggars everywhere. Even if compassion is rampant, he can't help him out. But now, the situation is different, or he finds the abnormality of the beggar, finds the pain and pain of the beggar, and knows that he is not a real beggar and knows that he is now On the seriously injured, it is difficult to take care of himself, if he has been left here, he may really die because of the injury, which makes Ziyi deeply moved compassion, can not help but want to help him.

Although, for this kind of thing, many people dare not help even if they want to help. If they get into trouble, it will be difficult to do. Ziyi has no family in the provincial capital. She just comes to look for Suluo, and she can't make trouble here. But there is a reason. The beggar gives Ziyi a very different feeling. He reminds Ziyi of the former Suluo, which was the same at the beginning, and was everywhere Bullying, there is no spare power to fight back. Even the beggar is even more miserable and pitiful than Suluo. How can he be indifferent? Even if she wants to ignore the beggar, she can't ignore it. Her heart tells her that she can't let the poor beggar live and die on her own. Since she sees it, she can't ignore it.

In Ziyi's heart, because the beggar was similar to him, she felt pity for her. Although Ziyi knew that the beggar was not Suluo, he should be a kind of comfort in his heart. He didn't ask him to repay himself, but just wanted a peace of mind.

After several tangles, Ziyi finally made a decision, which she thought was the most correct one in her life. After making up her mind, Ziyi directly took a step and quickly walked towards the beggars.

At the same time, on the other side of the city, in an old three story house and a small house on the third floor, mother Luo and mother and daughter of light language were having breakfast.

At this time, mother Luo and Qingyu both looked sad. Their voice was still very light, but their tone was full of worry. They talked about the topic. It's all about the beggar named Suluo. Although they don't know the real identity of Suluo until now, they only know that he is a migrant worker named shisan. However, for such a person who meets by chance, both their mother and daughter have deep guilt.

Luo's mother, in particular, had a special kind feeling from the moment she saw Suluo. Moreover, the young man also helped himself, which made her grateful to him. Although she was poor, she never thought of climbing dragon and Phoenix. She only looked at people and felt that she had mind reading skills. She could see who was good and who was bad, and who had careful thinking Come on, for the young man who is as good as before at first sight, mother Luo really likes him and feels familiar. Especially seeing him poor, mother Luo loves his desire to take care of him.

But in fact, mother Luo couldn't make more for him, just wanted to keep him for dinner. But who would have thought that as soon as mother Luo came back, she got bad news. The young man who had taken thirteen was the person behind the gang who harassed mother Luo in the restaurant. This news made mother Luo suffer a blow. She felt that she had implicated others for several days, and mother Luo still complained about herself.

At the beginning, she didn't like such a person who came from an unknown source. It can even be said that she was disgusted. However, she didn't hate his appearance. Instead, she ran to her own home and deliberately approached her mother. This made her feel that he had ulterior motives, so she was bored with him inexplicably.But when he took the initiative to leave, not bad at her home to eat, light language instantly understood that he was wrong about this person, he should be a good person, is a good person who really helped her mother, of course, the more important thing is that this person's free and easy personality, as well as his back figure, make light language feel very familiar, unconsciously can make light language want to take the initiative to approach.

So, after Suluo left, after a few tangles, she took the initiative to go downstairs to apologize. But to her surprise, the enemy came to her door. These people were fierce. From the momentum, they felt that they were all some powerful people. As soon as they came out, they couldn't help but start fighting against Suluo. Suluo was injured and the other party was so numerous that he had no room to fight back and was directly captured by them.

Qingyu can't stop her, because it involves the gratitude and resentment in the world, which can't be solved by her as a little girl. Secondly, she has a selfish heart. Although Suluo is similar to that person, she doesn't want to cause unnecessary trouble. Although Suluo is a member of his gang, she will suffer such revenge. In fact, she knows that, Another important reason why they retaliated so hard on Suluo was that they wanted to force themselves to give in and let her accept the man who pursued her.

However, light language's character is like this. She has her own purpose around Luo's mother. She doesn't come to talk about love. What's more, she still has a deep love in her heart. Therefore, she has no love with that person. No matter how much power the other party has, light language can't accept it. Moreover, the more the other party is like this, the more she dislikes him, only one of them is involved Innocent people, or let light language heart is unwilling, people are just a poor man who went to work in the city, because of helping her mother, finally ended up in a terrible end, how can light language, who is strong in appearance and fragile in heart, suffer such a blow.

For so many days, like Luo's mother, Qingyu has been living in pain and self blame, but she is really helpless. She can't save that kind-hearted person, Su Luo. In their eyes, the boy named thirteen can only pray in their hearts and hope thirteen can be safe.

A week later, mother Luo and Qingyu are still depressed. No matter what they do, they are not in the mood to eat breakfast. They have a sense of guilt for shisan. But at the same time, they are also forced to breathe by those gang members. The actions of those people will force the mother and daughter to a dead end.

In fact, behind the unknown, Luo's mother came to seek refuge and wanted to live a peaceful life. Behind this plot, someone has been pushing forward, and their goal is not so-called light language. The real person to attack is mother Luo, which, of course, she never knew.

And just as the mother and daughter were frowning and chewing the tasteless breakfast, suddenly, there was a knock on the door, a thump, a cold sound in the quiet room.

Maybe it is because she has been harassed so many times that her mother's heart has become very sensitive. When the knock on the door rings, the mother and daughter who think about the matter almost shiver at the same time. The chopsticks in their hands almost shake off, and their eyes are full of fear.

After a long pause, she put down the dishes and chopsticks and was ready to open the door. As soon as the door opened, a disgusting face appeared in front of the light language. She had seen this face many times, and the light language looked like she couldn't open her small eyes. She looked like the scene of a traffic accident. She had a big bald head and a scar on her head. The whole person felt that she was disgusted Open the door to nausea. It's disgusting.

This disgusting looking man has been harassing whispering for several times recently, which makes him extremely disgusted. Moreover, he led the team who took thirteen last time. Judging from his appearance, this man is not very good, but he gives light language a very unusual feeling. Although he is not a high hand, his military value is not ordinary. As soon as you see him in front of you, you want to close the door.

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