When shisan said this, there was a trace of magnanimity on his body, which made Zhang Wenshan's heart stunned. However, shisan's reply made them feel embarrassed to kill themselves. After all, they all knew exactly what Zhang Xiong's attitude towards women was, and the women he liked would not stop until they were rescued That woman should be reluctant to let shisan describe his son's behavior as robbing people by force.

In this way, shisan seems to have a reason to save the woman. Moreover, it may be Zhang Xiong's hand that they moved first. After careful consideration, Zhang Wenshan finally gave up his decision to kill thirteen killers in his heart. Of course, this is not only because of the two reasons given by shisan. In the final analysis, what they consider is the utilization of thirteen. In particular, it will be the appointed time with Sitang in three days.

At this point, we can't make any mistakes. The life of shisan still needs to be preserved, but Zhang Wenshan's anger towards shisan has become even worse. At the beginning, in order to control the madman, Zhang Wenshan tried him out, but he did not try to find out the result. After today's events, he had a faint sense of vigilance in his mind. This 13-year-old has a tendency to be out of his control.

After a short silence, Zhang Wenshan, the speaker of Wutang and Zhang Xiong's biological father, made the final decision and said to shisan: "shisan, whatever you do today, it's an unforgivable sin. But since you have a heart of gratitude, I'll give you a chance to do meritorious deeds. I'll assign tasks to you in the next two days Performance, I'll forgive you, OK, now it's none of your business, go down! "

Thirteen smell speech, slightly nodded the head, but did not say anything more, a face of indifference turned around, toward the outside of the hall. Seeing shisan's amnesty, Zhang Xiong was not happy. He thought that his father had been angry for a long time. Shisan couldn't escape to death, but he was still let go, which made Zhang Xiong's heart bend to the extreme.

When he left on the 13th day, he immediately asked, "Dad, did you let go of thirteen? As you can see, it's your son who is fighting today

At this moment, the faces of Zhang Wenshan and Zhang Wenyuan became gloomy again. On the surface, they were convinced by the reason of thirteen. But in fact, their anger at thirteen was still increasing. For Zhang Wenshan, the head of the hall, thirteen and one outsiders still hurt their own people and his son in their own territory, but they did not give him face This is a challenge to the authority of the five halls. In particular, thirteen out of his control, which makes Zhang Wenshan more reluctant.

Zhang Wenyuan knew his brother's mind and his nephew's grievance. After shisan disappeared completely, Zhang Wenyuan opened his mouth and explained to Zhang Xiong, "ah Xiong, how can the status of shisan compare with you? He is just a tool for us to move forward. We have this matter in mind, and sooner or later we will find him to settle accounts."

The so-called thirteen is a tool. Naturally, it is a contest between the five halls and the four halls. It is related to whether Zhang Wenshan can become the vice leader. At present, thirteen carries the hope of the fifth hall. Especially, today, he has wounded so many people at one stroke, and there are still three first-class masters. This is enough to show that in the past few days, the strength of thirteen has improved Step, in this way, the hope of victory is greater.

Although Zhang Xiong also knows his father and uncle's consideration, but after listening to Zhang Wenyuan's explanation, his look of grievance has not been much reduced.

However, at this time, Zhang Wenshan didn't care about his son any more. He beat and beat him. Now he can't kill thirteen, so he can only bear it. At the moment, he was thinking about another thing. Suddenly, he asked Zhang Xiong, "Daxiong, the woman you mentioned should be the woman you met in the hospital when you first dealt with shisan."

Zhang Xiong was shocked to hear his father, and suddenly shifted the topic to Zhang Xiong's head. He was a little puzzled for a moment. In a flash, he nodded his head and said: "yes, it's just a woman from other places. Even if that woman has rescued a madman, thirteen is not such a gratitude method. I'll go to his mother's gratitude, and God knows what his idea is!"

Hearing this, Zhang Wenshan immediately showed a thoughtful look. Then, he turned his eyes to Zhang Wenyuan and said, "the woman from other places, ha ha, isn't shisan from other places? I think that woman should still be in H Province. Wenyuan, go to investigate and find out what her origin is. I vaguely feel that the relationship between shisan and her is not as simple as we see it! "

Hearing the speech, Zhang Wenyuan's eyes suddenly brightened. After a while, he had a kind of insight. Previously, he also simply thought that thirteen was out of gratitude. He could not bear the act of forcibly robbing women from the people, so he saved the woman. Now, listening to his elder brother's words, Zhang Wenshan suddenly found that this matter did not seem to be so simple. Maybe, what other connection was there between shisan and that woman? Even if there is no superfluous connection, but thirteen's attention to this woman is also a constraint on the existence of thirteen.

These two old foxes are quick thinking, careful and vicious, but Zhang Xiong on one side is a little unclear. Therefore, he is full of hatred for shisan. With this hatred, he clenched his teeth and muttered in a cold voice: "thirteen, today is your life, but one day, I will make you worse than death."13、 After leaving the villa, he still did not show any abnormality, except for the bloody clothes on his body, which showed his abnormal situation, he was almost the same as usual, and his expression was still indifferent.

Without any pause, he walked straight into the villa where he lived and walked towards his room. It felt like today's all this was not a major thing for him. At least, his rhythm did not change much, except indifference or coldness.

But when thirteen opened the door of the room, he was indifferent, but he had a trace of moving, because a woman suddenly appeared in his field of vision, he did not expect that this woman would quietly to his room, and this woman is just under the tree peeping at Lin Shihan.

At this time, Lin Shihan is sitting on the bed of shisan. In her eyes, there is a hint of smile in her eyes, which is unpredictable. Up to now, she has already known about the fact that thirteen wounded Zhang Xiong and others. She also knows that thirteen was called by Zhang Wenshan to ask questions. She has been waiting here for thirteen for some time. However, she did not expect that shisan would come back so soon.

However, from the 13th opening of the door, Lin Shihan's eyes were firmly fixed on his face. Just now, there was a flash of color change in the bottom of the madman's eyes, which happened to be caught by her.

This evening, Lin Shihan dressed up very beautiful, but her eyes mixed with a trace of fun, showing that under her beautiful appearance, there is a yin and soft heart that ordinary men are not easy to detect. When she saw thirteen quickly returned to normal and walked in as usual, Lin Shihan immediately stood up from the bed, and she walked towards the thirteen with a gentle step In the past, at the same time, she said to shisan in a very strange tone: "I can't see that you care about Ziyi very much!"

When she said this, Lin Shihan's eyes were very frivolous. She looked at shisan straightforwardly, which made people confused. Whether she wanted to seduce shisan or to capture some unusual changes from shisan.

However, shisan didn't react to Lin Shihan's words. His expression did not change. His eyes didn't even blink. He said coldly and mercilessly, "please leave!"

Shisan's attitude was cold and piercing. He didn't say a word of nonsense. He asked for the guest directly, which made Lin Shihan's frivolous eyes flashed a trace of gloom, which was the gloom of disappointment.

I remember that last time, Lin Shihan tried his best to seduce shisan, but he was hit to the bottom by his indifference. It was precisely because of the ruthlessness and indifference of shisan that Lin Shihan dispelled the suspicion that thirteen might be su Luo.

However, this evening, Lin Shihan even saw that shisan personally sent Ziyi away.

At that time, Lin Shihan's heart rate quickened. All kinds of doubts filled her mind. How could Ziyi appear here? Why are you with Ziyi? What is the relationship between them? Why, the indifference of 13 to all things are extremely indifferent, but only to the purple care has added? All kinds of doubts add together, so that the clever Lin Shihan can't help but doubt again, whether this thirteen is Suluo?

With this suspicion, Lin Shihan immediately had the impulse to try thirteen again. So she came uninvited and waited for him to return in his room. Previously, when shisan opened the door, she saw her surprise, which really excited Lin Shihan. But in a flash, shisan recovered his usual indifference. Even when she mentioned Ziyi, she was ten Lin Shihan was disappointed that she didn't see what she wanted to see from thirteen. She still couldn't see through the thirteen. She couldn't guess what she wanted to see. It was like a pool of stagnant water.

However, since she appears here, Lin Shihan has made up her mind. Tonight, no matter what, it is necessary to try thirteen to the end. She will never give up because of the thirteen's order to leave. Today's Lin Shihan, in order to find clues about Suluo, even if it is a little possible, she will do everything.

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