Every force here has its own special intelligence agency. Of course, Zhang Wenshan knows clearly that Fu Gang has already known his predicament. But when he connects his phone and pretends that he doesn't know anything, Zhang Wenshan is certainly angry. But now, after all, he has to ask for Fu Dong, so he has to swallow his anger for the time being.

Therefore, he tried to settle his mind and said with a heavy tone: "brother Fu, you and I belong to the same faction and have known and worked together for many years. Now, my five halls are in trouble. Qinglong will attack several venues in my downtown area. It is very likely that they will fight to the death. I need your support!"

On hearing this, Fu Gang pretended to be surprised: "what? Actually, such a thing happened. Mo Qinglong really ate the courage of the leopard with bear heart. "

First of all, Fu Gang said something with a false emotion. After a while, he changed his tone and continued to say to Zhang Wenshan: "brother Zhang, don't worry. I'm going to gather people. As you said, we two work together and have a master. Your business is my business. I won't ignore it."

Hearing Fu Gang's words, Zhang Wenshan's heart finally felt a little secure. As long as Fu Gang helped him, no matter how ruthless the people of the Qinglong association were, no matter what plot they had, they would not be able to stir up much storm.

With this sense of security, the two ended their conversation. Then, he quickly walked out to see how Zhang Wenyuan had organized his staff.

At the other end of the phone, Fugang also put down his phone leisurely, but his face showed no tension at all. On the contrary, he became more relaxed and more playful.

Seeing this, the Cowan on the other side couldn't help but ask him, "hall leader, the fifth hall lost thirteen at first, and then suffered such heavy damage and lost several fields. Are you really going to help them?"

Fu Gang took a look at Wen Wen and said, "help, of course! It's just that you can help people verbally. You don't have to start a movement. In the past, I might spare no effort to help Wutang, but now it is different from the past. On the face of it, I work with him in Haibang. In the final analysis, it is actually a competitor. What's more, if the action of Qinglong club is so simple as revenge for Mo Qinghai? Let's wait and see the good play! "

At the end of the day, Fu Gang's face became more meaningful, and Cowan couldn't help but show a cruel smile. At this moment, he seemed to have seen the misery of the five halls, as if he had seen Fu Gang sitting on the position of deputy leader and leading them to higher places.

On the other side, in the five halls, Zhang Wenyuan has already gathered his hands, and Cao Bao and Cao Ying have joined together.

Zhang Wenshan left some people in the villa area to guard the base camp, while all the others, at his command, went directly to the various venues in the city.

Wutang, worthy of being a lobby under the Haibang, has a strong strength in the provincial capital. Apart from the personnel who are stationed in various fields, their base camp alone has gathered a very strong force.

On the way, Zhang Wenyuan reported to Zhang Wenshan the detailed information of the attack site of the green dragon club, and Zhang Wenshan made a battle command. He divided his troops into several teams to deal with several attacked fields under the five halls, and he himself led a number of first-class experts to go straight to the worst night bar!

Because the night bar was attacked by Mo Qinglong, the president of the Qinglong Association. What Zhang Wenshan had to do was to fight against Mo Qinglong in person. Only in this way could he regain his lost face in the five halls. Even, his heart has thought well, must hand blade Mo Qinglong, in order to vent his heart hate.

With the passage of time, not long after, Zhang Wenshan led a group of five elite, then to the night bar.

At this moment, the luxurious decorated nighttime bar is no longer as prosperous as it used to be. The signboards fall down and scatter on the ground. The door is damaged and the glass is broken. Even in the air, it seems that there is a strong smell of blood.

However, there is a huge difference between the entrance and exit of people in the past. In addition to the bodies of two security guards, there is no figure in the door and door of the bar. This is very unusual. Zhang Wenshan thought, did Mo Qinglong take people out of the bar immediately after he attacked the night bar? If this is the case, then the five halls of this group of people come to the general situation, not to rush empty? That's just too much.

Zhang Wenshan was also a little depressed. Although he had considered the situation when he was on the road, he thought that it should not be possible. After all, the Qinglong association would go out tonight and make such a big noise that it should not withdraw too early. That's why he made up his determination to fight against the green dragon Association. He even called Fugang to call in people to help him, so as to eliminate the green dragon club with the least loss.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Wenshan didn't show any color. Anyway, the green dragon Association really annoyed him. If the real person of the green dragon association was no longer there, Zhang Wenshan would even kill him to the headquarters of the green dragon Association.

Suddenly, Zhang Wenshan's murderous spirit was completely released. With a big wave of his hand, he ordered: "if you meet the green dragon Association, you will be killed without mercy."As soon as Zhang Wenshan's voice fell, the momentum of all the people in the five halls was released. These people were the elites of the five halls. There were many first-class, second-class and third-class masters. There were countless people in the periphery. The momentum released by so many people was absolutely irresistible.

With this fierce spirit, Zhang Wenshan and his elite troops all went to the bar.

However, when they all arrived at the door of the bar, they still did not find half of the figure, even a trace of unnecessary movement, they did not hear. Inside the bar, it was completely quiet. This let Zhang Wenshan's heart, faint have a kind of bad feeling, he suddenly turned his head, to a first-class master made a wink. The man immediately understood and quickly walked into the bar.

After a while, the man rushed back to the door and replied to Zhang Wenshan: "hall leader, there is no one inside, no one is there!"

This sentence made Zhang Wenshan's heart burst out two times. Of course, he realized that there must be something strange in it. It is definitely not as simple as the withdrawal of the other party. In this way, there is only one possibility, that is, the people of the green dragon association are cheating.

At the thought of this, Zhang Wenshan's anger immediately rose. However, as an old fox, he would not be confused by the anger. Although the situation was strange, he did not confuse him. After pondering for a few seconds, he quickly called on his men to evacuate and said in a loud voice, "retreat quickly."

When he said this, Zhang Wenshan also wanted to contact other venues to see how their situation was and whether it was as weird as his own. But almost as soon as Zhang Wenshan's voice dropped, all the people who did not wait for them turned around. Suddenly, there was a cry of killing, which came from behind them: "kill! Kill the scum of the five halls

Fierce shouts of killing, mixed with the sound of disorderly footsteps, suddenly hit. At this time, the gang of Zhang Wenshan finally reacted that they had been cheated. Instead of waiting for them to come to revenge in the bar, the members of the green dragon association had been hiding outside and waiting for them to fall prey to themselves.

At the moment when Zhang Wenshan and Zhang Wenshan suddenly saw each other, a crowd of people had already poured in. On both sides of the road in front of the bar, they were blocked by the crowd. At a glance, the number of people could not be counted. These people rushed to Zhang Wenshan and others in a murderous manner.

At this moment, Zhang Wenshan was in deep water, while his son, Zhang Xiong, lingered in the flowers. For this idle playboy, seeking pleasure was the most enjoyable thing for him. For what happened to his family, he didn't know at all, or he would not pay any attention to it. Now he was immersed in excitement and celebrating him Thirteen of his great enemies are dead.

Because thirteen died in the river, Zhang Xiong chose to play in a bar near the river. At the moment, he was enjoying it on the open-air balcony of the bar, with his hands clasped in his arms, and a beautiful woman dressed up in a charming way.

Beauty and wine, and then looking at the river which had swallowed up thirteen, Zhang Xiong's mood is really indescribable. Today, Zhang Xiong found that the river was so beautiful. The wind swept his face, he was intoxicated. His mouth was bent and his eyes were filled with endless pleasure.

Just as Zhang Xiong and his people are in a state of drunkenness, the ugly man suddenly comes in a hurry.

This man is the one who disabled the thirteen. Now he is responsible for only one task around Zhang Xiong, that is, looking for Ziyi.

For a few days, he didn't have any news of Ziyi, but tonight, he suddenly found Zhang Xiong in a hurry, and his expression at the moment was full of vigor and vitality. He looked more excited than he found the treasure.

In the past, he was responsible for handling light language, but in the end, it was obvious that he did not do well. This greatly disappointed Zhang Xiong, so that he was ignored. Now, Zhang Xiong again sent him to look for Ziyi's whereabouts. The ugly man paid 200% of his efforts, and finally. The emperor pays off the man who has a heart. He even found the trace of Ziyi.

At present, without any delay, he ran here at full speed without any breath. He directly reported to Zhang Xiongchen: "young master, good news, good news. I have found out the whereabouts of the girl named Ziyi. She is not far away from us. I have sent someone to watch her!"

At first, Zhang Xiong was immersed in the happiness of intoxication. The wine had already eroded his sense. But when he heard the news, Zhang Xiong's eyes were shining, and his drunkenness was eliminated. He threw away the two rouge rouge powder around him, and suddenly stood up and said happily: "ha ha ha ha, God has helped me. Today is double happiness. Let's go Let's get there

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