H Province has always been the most chaotic province. In this world where the winner is the king, who is stronger or weaker depends on his strength. However, thirteen, who rose suddenly, once fought back the sneak attack of the army of the green dragon Association in the night bar and became famous at one stroke. Finally, after killing the vice president of the Qinglong Association, he was buried in the river by the head of the Qinglong Association, and even died. He was so sensational as to be dead In today's underground boundary of H Province, almost no one does not know the name of thirteen.

It was also because of the popularity of shisan, that at this moment, as soon as the slovenly man's face appeared on the arena, the audience was completely shocked.

No one thought that thirteen, who had been dead for several days, would suddenly appear in this underground boxing ring. At the moment, he was in a state of desperation, his clothes were tattered and his hair was messy and dirty. He looked like a real beggar, but under the incandescent lamp, he was so dazzling. In a moment, he attracted the attention of all the people in the field and affected all of them Human heart.

The rest of the silence, as if the silence of the crowd to become silent. It took a long time to break the peace of the scene, but this time, the crowd broke out into more violent noise.

The people who can appear in this stadium basically know the existence of the character thirteen. Some people have seen thirteen, and some have not. But the image of thirteen goes deep into everyone's heart. They are indifferent and do not like words. All these are just corresponding to the characteristics of this person who appears suddenly on the stage.

So, almost all of the audience suddenly realized that shisan had come back from the dead! This can not shock people. People on the stage, can't help but start to talk. They are telling the story of thirteen and describing his legend.

The madman, in their hearts, is a rebellious God. From a disabled fool to a red man around Zhang Wenshan, he even beat Zhang Wenshan's son, and finally he was safe and sound. It can be seen how high the status of thirteen in the five halls is.

At this moment, almost all the voices under the stage are about shisan. His legend is shocking, but the most shocking thing is the resurrection of shisan from the dead. Everyone knows that when Mo Qinglong disposes of people, he can make mistakes. Therefore, the appearance of the 13th moment here is just a flash of everyone's eyes, which is incredible.

However, no matter how shocked others may be, he did show up and really live. At the most critical moment of the contest between the four halls and the five halls, he appeared on the challenge arena. Needless to say, he was obviously representing one side of the five halls.

In the past two days, since the 13th incident, Wutang has been in bad luck. Almost all the people present know that Wutang has been severely damaged by the Qinglong Association. They can basically see that the popularity of the five halls is not increasing. Even the two brothers of Zhang Wenshan look a little dejected. For a moment, the five halls are in the dark, but now the appearance of the thirteen immediately ignites the five halls As if thirteen is a light, it illuminates the whole five halls.

At this moment, the most shocking person in the audience is Zhang Wenshan. He has always been calm and unafraid. In these days, he has really experienced the most violent storm. His expression is no longer unhappy, and his heart is even more angry and angry. In a few days, Zhang Wenshan, who is as towering as a mountain and as powerful as a rainbow, will soon be beaten into an old man in the twilight, Especially today, on such an important occasion, he was mercilessly ridiculed by his opponents, and he could not pick out the players to compete. This made him feel exhausted and haggard in his heart.

Although his younger brother Zhang Wenyuan agreed to play, it was even more worrying for Zhang Wenshan, because he knew very well that Zhang Wenyuan, who had not recovered from his old illness, had little chance of winning compared with the ferocious Kewen. Even in the end, he did not hope to run for the position of vice leader, but also ruined the reputation of Wutang and even more likely made his younger brother suffer more injuries And even life-threatening.

So, seeing his younger brother go to the challenge arena bravely, Zhang Wenshan's eyebrows are all twisted into a ball, and his heart is all eroded by the darkness. However, at his most desperate moment, 13, miraculously appears.

At this moment, Zhang Wenshan's mood did not know what language to describe. In particular, the invisible momentum on shisan completely swept away the haze in Zhang Wenshan's heart. It was only during such a change that Zhang Wenshan's eyebrows expanded and his dark inner heart became bright and bright. He never knew that he had such an exciting moment. He never realized that he was regarded as a mole ant's thirteen. The weight in his heart was so heavy.

At the scene, Zhang Wenyuan was almost as excited as Zhang Wenshan, who was on the edge of the challenge arena. To be honest, Zhang Wenyuan is also a hero like figure with strong strength. However, he is obviously losing momentum in the competition with Wenwen. He has no confidence in himself. His steps to the challenge arena are extremely heavy.

When the word "slow" was introduced into his ears, his heart suddenly burst a few times. A strange man full of peculiar smell said to him, let me come. Zhang Wenyuan's heart beat faster. Until this moment, seeing thirteen appeared, Zhang Wenyuan's heartbeat almost burst the watch.

In Zhang Wenyuan's concept, shisan is already a dead man. Suddenly, when he saw a man he thought was dead, how could he not be shocked. What's more, this person was originally the candidate to participate in the martial arts competition on behalf of the five halls. In other words, he didn't have to go to the arena to support himself. Moreover, judging from the momentum of shisan, he should still retain his previous strength, which shows this time In the martial arts competition, there is still hope of victory in Wutang. What a surprise for Zhang Wenyuan, it is a surprise that he never dreamed of.For a moment, Zhang Wenyuan seemed to have unloaded the heavy burden. His heart became very relaxed. Even his heavy steps suddenly became much lighter. With his shining eyes, he looked at more than thirteen eyes. Then he walked back to the seat where Zhang Wenshan was.

While walking, Zhang Wenyuan's eyes couldn't help glancing at the other side of the four halls. The other side's reaction was also a part of Zhang Wenyuan's heart. Fu Gang, who was full of joy, turned pale and ugly in an instant, and his eyes were full of fierce light.

It can be said that these days, Fu Gang's mood is quite opposite to Zhang Wenshan's. The death of thirteen is a big piece of good news for gang. Fu Gang feels extremely happy that the Green Dragon Society has severely damaged the hall. Suddenly, he feels that God is helping him to win this contest.

Fu Gang and Zhang Wenshan have worked together for many years. Both of them are equal in strength and ability. Neither of them is satisfied with the other, and both want to suppress each other. Today's competition indicates who can be a higher level in the future. As the heaven helps Fu Gang, the fifth hall falls off the chain at the crucial moment of the contest. He immediately shows him the stable outcome of the contest. He thinks that the result of the contest is kekekeube Therefore, Zhang Wenshan and his five halls had to hold themselves up to the position of vice leader. In other words, Zhang Wenshan must submit to himself.

However, Fu Gang's happy heart was destroyed by the sudden appearance of madman. He didn't believe in Kewen's strength, but the appearance of thirteen was too unexpected, completely breaking his control power and exceeding his expectation. It made Fugang very upset and angry.

However, at the same time of anger, Fu Gang is also extremely curious, how could he still be alive? At first, he was very curious about the existence of thirteen. He felt that he could not see through the thirteen. Now, he could not see through the thirteen. Anyway, the existence of this person was a threat to himself. He did not allow such a threat to exist. Therefore, with anger on his face, he winked at Cowan on the stage. The meaning was obvious, that is, Jean Coe Wen should not only defeat thirteen in the arena, but also kill people.

Naturally, Cowan received the signal from Fu Gang, and his momentum also rose. When he suddenly saw his opponent standing in front of him, it was thirteen. At that moment, Kewen's heart was extremely complicated. First, he was shocked, deeply shocked, but more excited, faintly excited.

At a very early time, Kewen expected to have a competition with shisan. Even if the other side killed four masters of the dark group, he did not fear the madman. On the contrary, he still held a great expectation that he could fight the 13th World War. He would use his strength to defeat the 13th to show others that the dignity of the dark group was inviolable.

Now, the legendary thirteen stands in front of him, and he has received the will of Fu Gang. In his heart, he even more sentenced thirteen to death. Tonight, no one can stop his victory. At this moment, since thirteen is blocked, he will pay the price of death.

Wen Wen inspected the crazy crowd around him. His killing intention became stronger. His sharp eyes showed a bloodthirsty light. His voice became gloomy and terrifying. He said in a cold voice, "thirteen, right? I hope you don't let me down!"

When he looked at the thirteen, he just stood upright and looked at Kewen calmly. The audience's boiling couldn't arouse his reaction. However, Kewen's words were ignored by shisan. What he showed was still indifference, and it seemed that he was even colder than before.

Such indifference makes Kewen extremely upset. In his opinion, he is the one who should be proud of the world, not thirteen. But shisan's silence, not talking to him, and even not blinking his eyelids just like he did not hear his own words. This makes him think that shisan is too arrogant and dare not to pay attention to himself.

At this point, Kewen's fighting spirit has soared to the most intense level. He did not say anything more, but approached the thirteen directly. However, compared with the fierce fighting strength of ordinary people, he was not too blind. Although he was arrogant, he did not neglect, and would not underestimate the enemy. He walked slowly to the thirteen, and then suddenly struck at thirteen.

The punch that Cowan used was not fancy, straight or even fast, but his strength was not small. The strong wind from his fist directly lifted the hair strands in front of his thirteen forehead. Seeing that his fist was about to hit shisan's body, shisan, who had been standing still, suddenly took a step under his feet. He stepped backward, and only one step he avoided the attack of Cowan.

Seeing the competition began, all the people could not help but stop talking. Everyone consciously closed their mouths and kept a quiet state. Even their bodies were fixed. Their eyes were tightly fixed on the stands, and their eyes were fixed on the competition. When they saw Kewen's punch empty, many people could not help but hiss In their opinion, thirteen's evasion is really amazing, which virtually dissolves Wen Wen's attack.

This boo directly stimulated Kewen's nerves. Just now, the crowd on the scene was boiling for thirteen. Now, he only makes a tentative attack, and if he fails to hit thirteen, he makes others hiss. Of course, he is not happy. He has been famous for a long time. Is it better than a famous thirteen?At this moment, he got serious. Seeing that there was some distance between shisan and himself, he ran to shisan. In an instant, he hit shisan's head with his feet.

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