Fu Gang left deep footprints on the lawn every time he ran, which was enough to prove how deep his skill was. In an instant, Fugang flashed in front of Suluo. Without hesitation, he threw his steel fist at Suluo. This time, Fugang simply put out his unique skills. The moves of his fist seemed to bring out illusions and changes, which were beyond people's understanding 。

In a moment, his fist fell on Suluo's chest like a raindrop, which hit Suluo's chest incessantly like Yongchun boxing.

Fu Gang thought that no matter how strong Suluo was, he should not be able to withstand such an attack. However, to Fu Gang's great surprise, he tried his best to attack Suluo, but still could not make him fall down. Suluo's body was as strong as iron and steel, unable to move and destroy, which made Fu Gang more furious.

In the end, Fu Gang gave up using his fist and became an angry master. He let out a roar like a dragon's song, which turned the already powerful momentum upward. Fu Gang, with endless momentum, suddenly takes the tip of his right foot as the center, and suddenly swings his leg to Suluo, who is still motionless. This leg should be regarded as Fu Gang's strongest blow. He goes down with almost all his strength. When he goes down, his hair is blown by the strong wind.

At this crucial moment, Suluo also broke out completely. His overwhelming momentum shocked everyone at the scene again. Just as Fu Gang's powerful leg was about to sweep him, Wu Lai, who was still upright, moved with the trend, stuck to the leg and drew a circle. In the air, he drew a semicircular arc, which eliminated Fu Gang's leg from being invisible.

Su Luo's skill can be seen only by those who understand the art. This is Tai Chi, which can transform the existing into nothing and stop by static. Moreover, it contains the essence of Tai Chi. Only a master level figure may be able to use it so thoroughly. But at this moment, Suluo uses it, and his movements are flowing freely without any flaws. That's what he did, Let Fu Gang's powerful leg remove all the strength.

At the moment when Fugang's strength was removed, Suluo's wrist suddenly shook and quickly grasped Fugang's ankle. In a trance, Fugang was stunned. He wanted to take his shadowless leg back, but it was too late. Because Suluo suddenly moved, he roared angrily toward the dark sky again. Then, under the attention of all the people, Suluo's right hand was tightly held Fu Gang's ankle was lifted to the top of his head. After a while, Fu Gang was thrown into the air.

The picture is fixed in this second. Fu Gang looks like standing on Suluo's hand with one foot. With such a domineering movement, Fu Gang seems to be out of control. His whole soul seems to be lost and his body seems to be out of his control.

The next second, the screen suddenly moved, in the picture of Suluo, even seize Fu Gang's foot naked, in situ crazy rotation. At this moment, the whole audience was shocked. Everyone was shocked, but his heart was overwhelming. Fu Gang himself was like a lost soul. His feet were higher than Suluo's head. He couldn't even think about it. His body didn't seem to be his own, so he was whirled in the air by Suluo. In the air, Fu Gang couldn't make any force at all. He became a plaything in Suluo's hand, and let Suluo grasp it and wave it.

This is a dramatic scene and a scene that subverts the common sense. Everyone in the audience is fixed at the same place and looks at this scene stupidly. No one can think of it. Fu Gang, who was still majestic just now, became a plaything in Suluo's hands. In a moment, the head of the Hai Gang hall, who is extremely proud, can only howl in the night sky. Because of the speed of Suluo's rotation, he even said It's hard to talk.

Almost a few minutes later, Suluo seemed to have exhausted his anger. When he was spinning at the fastest speed, he suddenly threw Fu Gang away with a strong force. Suddenly, Fu Gang, like a giant fireworks, suddenly shot into the night sky. Finally, he fell heavily on the ground under the whole audience's gaze.

This time, Fu Gang is completely soft. His body is like a cripple. His head is heavy. He is confused and relaxed for a long time. Fu just regains his anger and tries to open his blurred eyes. He still wants to stand up. But when Fu Gang opens his eyes, his body becomes stiff again, The one who came into his eyes was suro, who was more terrifying than death.

At this time, Suluo's eyes were red and his face was ferocious. He also held a shining knife in his hand. The light of the knife flashed Fu Gang's eyes, and even more startled Fu Gang's heart. The fear of death deeply suppressed him. He opened his mouth powerlessly, but his voice didn't come out. Suluo, like the God of death, opened his mouth first and said coldly in his voice: "Fugang, you shouldn't take nothing Gu's woman is a bait. Go to death

At the moment, Su Luo has lost half of his love. As soon as his voice fell, the steel knife in his hand was mercilessly cleaved to Fu Gang.

Fu Gang, as a hero of a generation, is now reduced to fish and meat under the sword of Suluo. What's more terrifying is that the leader of the Tang Tang Hai Gang, facing Su Luo, who is like the God of death, is completely withered. His body and heart seem to be bound and can't move. Even he can't even ask for mercy. In despair, he seems to have to wait for death Call.The whole scene in this moment, as if was fixed, all people are still immersed in shock, Leng is slow but God comes, only one person, although shocked, but he forced himself to return to God. This man is the leader of the five halls, zhangwenshan.

Zhang Wenshan was also shocked at the moment. He was shocked by Suluo's great strength. But as a hall leader, he would not be destroyed by his head of emotion. Obviously, he has realized the seriousness of the matter. Today, it has been too noisy. If Fu just died of sulo again, Zhang Wenshan would not eat and take it Go.

Even if Zhang Wenshan is not satisfied with just 10000 people, he is more worried that he will just step on his head later. However, he can not let Fu just die in his own territory, and die under Suluo, who received his own clothes. Otherwise, Zhang Wenshan will not say to keep the position of the leader of the hall, I am afraid his life will not be guaranteed. Now, what Zhang Wenshan can do is try his best To make up his fault, once he has just caught sulo with his cooperation, he may have made up his own merits and will not be held responsible by the headquarters.

Thinking of this, Zhang Wenshan in Suluo waved the knife in a moment, suddenly drank: "stop!"

At the same time, Zhang Wenshan's body was like lightning, and rushed to sulo at a very fast speed.

Zhangwenshan is also a strong man. He does not need to say much about his strength. He moves the grass under his feet because of his momentum. In a moment, he comes to sulo, and he splits it into sulo's hand without hesitation, and he has a strong way.

The death god Suluo, completely ignored Zhang Wenshan's cheers, and did not pay attention to Zhang Wenshan's attack. He was bent on taking the hard dog life. Therefore, he ignored zhangwenshan completely. The steel knife still splits to Fu Gang with a sharp momentum. However, sulo finally looks down at zhangwenshan's deadly hand. This hand, with a solid and solid tie, is hit after Suluo Back, so that sulo body instability, straight forward, so that his knife did not split to pay gang.

Although zhangwenshan succeeded in the attack, he was still shocked by cold sweat. Because he felt his hand and hit it on a plate. Sulo's body was so powerful. This is the flesh and blood body. It is clearly the body of steel. At this time, zhangwenshan can understand thoroughly why he just lost. This is not just pay gang The strength is too weak, but after the outbreak of sulo too strong.

However, Zhang Wenshan also had no time to be surprised. After hitting sulo, he immediately pulled Fu Gang from the ground and stood with him.

At this time, Fu Gang was still a little bit shocked. He looked at zhangwenshan with a pair of fear eyes. He was grateful and embarrassed. To deal with gang, it was a very face-loss thing. But in any case, saving life was better than anything. After a little delay, Fu just turned his eyes to sulo.

At this moment, sulo has stood up, but his momentum seems to be more frightening. He was suddenly disturbed by someone at the moment when he was about to kill Fu just solved his hate. How can he not be angry. His eyes are turned from red to blood, and his eyes are full of mad anger. Although he was also seriously injured, his momentum was still destroying the earth.

He turned slowly, with his red eyes, and stared at Fu Gang and zhangwenshan. Such sulo was really terrible, and it made people look at the bottom of his heart without trembling. This second, the whole scene was still silent, still in the state of awe, and still closely watched the magical solo.

In the attention of all, sulo raised his steel knife and pointed directly at zhangwenshan, and said coldly, "I don't want to kill you. Now get out of here!"

If you have a wrong head and a debt owner, listen to Wu Lai. It seems that he just wants to pay the life of the gang. Indeed, the initiator of all these is Fu Gang. He directed today's farce. He cheated Ziyi, used Ziyi, forced innocent Ziyi into this situation, even if sulo killed Ziyi himself, he was paying Gang's idea. How can sulo not be able to avoid it To his life.

Zhangwenshan also knew that the object of sulo's request was just Fu Gang himself, but he could not let sulo succeed. Although he feared the terrible strength of sulo, he didn't mean he would be afraid of sulo. He was slightly fixed. Then, he gave sulo the last advice: "13. I suggest you still hold your hands and get it. Maybe there may be a chance to live. Otherwise, you will be able to get it Don't blame me for being polite! "

Zhang Wenshan, as the guide of Suluo into the five halls, has violated the gang rules by taking such an enemy of the gang. If sulo can make things out of order, Zhang Wenshan will never have good fruit to eat. So, at present, he just wants to finish the matter quickly.

Sulo didn't hear anyone. Besides Zhang Wenshan, at this time, sulo has been lost by hatred. He almost did not hesitate to give up. He gave up a startling roar: "let me die!"

After that, sulo pinched the steel knife in his hand and cut it directly to Fu Gang and zhangwenshan.

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