As soon as I said that, all the people in the audience immediately froze. Everyone's eyes showed a deep shock again. They all knew that I was crazy and that I was a new rising figure in this school, Jiangnan style. But they didn't expect that I still maintained such a strong posture in the face of Ouyang's family, and refused to let it go at all They were surprised.

After a moment's silence, people's voices began to ring again. Some people said, "the wind in the south of the Yangtze River is really fierce. Is it hard to succeed? What strong cards does he really have? But can his cards really be bigger than Ouyang's? "

Some people then said this and responded, "I think he's mostly pretending to be forced. Don't look at his arrogant appearance, maybe his heart has already retreated, and now he's riding a tiger."

After they fight with their family members, Ouyang's family is no longer in a fight. How can they fight with his mother !”

As for Ouyang Jing himself, he has been angry and repressed since I beat him. Now, he has the hegemonic capital. He planned to watch the good play coldly. However, when he heard my arrogant words, he immediately couldn't help it. He angrily rushed forward to me, swearing at me and said, "grass, you can't fake it!"

Then he turned his head to look at steward song and said, "steward song, don't talk to him any more. Help me to abolish him and let him disappear from my face."

At this time, Ouyang Jing's face was very ferocious. He spoke in a hurry, and even his mouth gushed out. However, steward song was calm. He was not as impatient and savage as Ouyang Jing. He looked relaxed and laughed, and said to me, "young people like you are a little rare now, but it still can't change the consequences of your mistakes, you know I don't know. The land of this university is owned by Ouyang family. A lot of machinery and equipment in the university are also sponsored by Ouyang family. The leaders of the school should give our boss a little face. If you beat our young master openly in the school, you must be removed, but this punishment is far from enough. "

Although steward song was laughing, there was no room for doubt in his words. It seemed that my arrogance and my inferiority were just like a housekeeper in front of him. He didn't look at me at all.

At this moment, my heart is bound to burst two times, I know Ouyang Jing's background is not small, but I did not expect that their family and the school have such a close relationship. It can be said that no matter what the school is, they are always in front of the sponsors. It is no wonder that Ouyang Jing can be so arrogant in the school. It is not difficult to think about his Ouyang family's intention to expel me 。

Peng Xuefei, she used to hide such a large mine. She made me offend Ouyang Jing. It seems that she was trying to blow me out of school. This time I've really learned her way.

Now, no matter what I do, there's no room for maneuver. Ouyang Jing, I've already beaten him. Their family is bound to kick me out of school. Even if I apologize immediately, it's certainly useless. Finally, whether I can stay in school or not depends on Uncle snake. I think, since the owner of other villa has the ability to insert me into this school, he should also have the ability to keep me!

Well, no matter what, it's beyond my control now. What I have to face now is that the other party is besieging me. The meaning of steward song is obvious. It's cheap for me to expel me. I have to teach me a hard lesson until the young master of his family can relieve his anger.

Of course, I can't let them kill me, but I have to wait for uncle snake to come. Thinking of this, I raised my eyes directly and looked at the steward song. Then, I pretended to be calm and calm and said, "Ouyang Jing was the first one to look for trouble. I can't blame me. We are all civilized people. We should be reasonable. We can sit down and discuss things slowly. Don't bully more people There are few people! "

In fact, I want to delay the arrival of Uncle snake. Although I don't know if Uncle snake can help me solve the crisis, at least, I won't let me face so many tigers and wolves alone.

However, this wisp of expectation of me was lost. Steward song would not give me this time, let alone give me any chance to negotiate. He came to teach me a lesson. He would not waste time with me. He shook his head gently and said in a deep voice: "young man, arrogance is not wrong, but it is wrong to be too arrogant. First of all, you should do what you have done Pay the price. "

With that, he slowly raised his hand and then waved it. To put it bluntly, "do it."

As soon as the words fell, the bodyguards who surrounded me were already ready to go. At present, when I heard the order of steward song, two of them rushed forward to stop me.

Maybe, they think I'm just a student. No matter how strong I am, they only come up to two people. The others are still in the same place and surround me tightly in all directions without giving me any space to escape.

I had been trapped in ambush on all sides. It was impossible for me to escape. I sat and waited for death. I watched two bodyguards come towards me. My heart was fierce, and I started to attack one of the bodyguards. At the same time, I released my fist and hit it fiercely.The bodyguard was stunned to see me rush to him, but soon he reacted and gave a powerful blow.

My fist seized the opportunity and hit him on the shoulder in an instant. His body was out of control, and he stepped back two steps. However, his fist failed to hit me and beat back one person. I didn't stop. My body moved. I immediately kicked a foot to another bodyguard. The kick was just in time for this bodyguard because his companion was injured I hit and slightly stunned, I kicked him in the abdomen, his body also stepped back two steps.

Just such two moves, I beat back two bodyguards, and still between the electric light and flint, this scene, let the calm steward of song can't help but frown!

However, I know very well that I have the upper hand at the moment, because there are only two people coming to the other side, and these two people have never thought that I will resist. I belong to the surprise party, and they have not exerted their real strength. If they take it seriously, then the result will not be like this now.

Although, with my real strength, I will certainly be able to defeat them, but in that case, I will not be fierce, but abnormal. As a student, with such adverse strength, will definitely be suspected.

On the other side, Ouyang Jing saw that I beat back the two bodyguards of their family as soon as I came out. He was so angry that he immediately yelled: "go on, go on, all his mother together. Kill him for me."

In a flash, all the bodyguards of Ouyang family rushed to me. The strength of these people was much stronger than those students. I didn't want to be beaten badly by them, nor could I break out the strength to fight against them. It was really difficult for me.

In this situation, I had to start to dodge. When my eyes moved, I took the lead to attack a place. I had to break through the besieged before they completely surrounded me. Otherwise, I would not be able to use it.

Soon, I rushed to the edge of the encirclement ring. With one blow, I roared away to a bodyguard in the middle. The bodyguard was very excited and immediately hit a fist. Our fists were suddenly butted together. The other side was beaten back by me, and I stepped back half a step. My fist faintly felt numb.

It can be seen that these people have already known that I have some Kung Fu foundation. They are not polite to me. They are very rude and have no hands at all. I want to fight these hungry wolves alone, which is obviously impossible. At the moment of my stupidity, the people around me have already surrounded me. The fists and feet like raindrops fall on me, and my body is beaten It vibrated violently.

These attacks are more fierce, I bite my teeth, or hard to carry, but at the same time, my heart is also angry, did not expect, these big and big people, also good meaning, in the school indiscriminately to me, this really makes me depressed, I can't hold on for a few minutes, what's more, I don't know whether uncle snake will come, even if I'm not sure if I can help you.

In any case, before the arrival of the unknown number, I can't wait to die. If I am beaten like this, I may not be able to carry it. Therefore, when these bodyguards are kicking me hard, I see the right time, rub against the gap between two of the bodyguards and run out.

Finally, I escaped from the encirclement, but just now, I was still in high spirits, and now I have become very embarrassed, and the corners of my mouth exude a trace of blood.

Seeing me like this, Ouyang Jing's subordinates could not help but sneer at me: "see, this is the end of pretending to be forced!"

"Yes, I thought it was. It's not like being beaten and running around like a dog!"

"Isn't it? Who told him that he didn't know the height of heaven and earth and offended our boss! "

I can not care about these taunts, but I am really depressed. For me, getting beaten is a common occurrence. However, today's fight really makes me feel very cowardly. I was actually suppressed by such goods as Ouyang Jing. How could I be willing to lose to Ouyang Jing and be beaten in public by him.

What's more, when I look up at Peng Xuefei, she's cold face is soothing, there's a taste of successful strategy. At the same time, her eyes also show a deep look of disdain. I'm totally looked down upon by her, and she can get rid of my salted fish. My heart is really unwilling, if it's not possible to expose me Share, I don't need to bear such a stranglehold.

Fortunately, steward song is also a man of sense of propriety. Seeing that I was beaten badly, he did not continue to let people do it to me. Instead, he looked at Ouyang Jing, who was superior to him, and tried to ask, "young master, is that enough?"

In an instant, Ouyang Jing became the dominator of the audience. His nostrils were almost up in the sky. He looked at me with scorn. Suddenly, he burst out laughing and said: "Jiangnan style, you are also called a person? Ha ha, don't pretend if you don't have the ability. I said that if you offend me, you will die. Today I will teach you how to be a man. Fight! Keep fighting until he can't get up! "

As soon as Ouyang Jing's voice fell, those bodyguards of his family were going to attack me. But at this moment, the roar of the car suddenly came from the distance. The sound became more and more clear, which shocked everyone's heart. All of a sudden, the eyes of the whole audience could not help but project in the past, and even the bodyguards of Ouyang family could not help but stop.As far as everyone could see, six black Range Rovers roared from afar. These cars were faster and more aggressive than the Mercedes Benz of Ouyang's family just now. At once, the eyes of the whole audience were startled. Even the stable steward song could not help frowning.

In a flash, six Land Rovers sped over. Finally, Qi Qi stopped in front of us. When everyone was in a daze, the door suddenly opened and several figures came down. About 20 of them were wearing black suits and black sunglasses. They were very powerful and powerful. The leader was Uncle snake, and he was also in the villa Another man from the family, uncle gang.

With a sonorous momentum and a powerful step, they came in order and plain. The steward song and the bodyguards of Ouyang's family were regarded as the air by them. They showed a sharp spirit on their bodies, so that all members of the Ouyang family spontaneously gave way.

Through this road, snake uncle led all the members straight to me, bowed to me very neatly, and said forcefully: "master Feng!"

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