This time, Ouyang family's people are completely dumbfounded. The steward song, with his mobile phone in his hand, has not dialed out, but first heard uncle snake find me the school's authentic principal as a backer. Moreover, listening to the meaning of the phone, he finally saved me. Now, steward song's phone calls are hesitant. It's just a slap in the face of red fruit fruit. He himself I don't know whether to call or not at the moment. In his hesitation, his mobile phone rang a message prompt tone, immediately, song Housekeeper will check the SMS.

Ouyang Jing, the proud son of Ouyang family, was also shocked by a phone call from Uncle snake. After he responded, all kinds of comments fell into his ears. After a while, his face became blue and blue. In particular, his father was just a small shareholder of the school. He didn't want to fire anyone at will. He might have to find out However, uncle snake on my side directly found the headmaster to protect me. People around him couldn't help but compare me with him. He immediately felt embarrassed.

At this time, Ouyang Jing's face was cloudy and sunny, but his heart was completely unbearable. He rushed his resentment to my head and said angrily to me: "hum, pretend that no one heard what was said in the phone call. Ghost knows whether he really called the school president."

After saying that, Ouyang Jing also looked at me contemptuously. At this time, the steward of Song Dynasty suddenly pulled Ouyang Jing's arm, and his tone of speaking to him was empty. He said, "young master, look, this is the message from the boss."

Ouyang Jing raised his eyes and looked at the mobile phone in the hands of steward song. When he saw this, his eyes couldn't help staring at the boss. His expression, suddenly, became more ugly than eating Xiang.

Uncle snake just made a phone call to headmaster Zhao. Now, Ouyang Jing's father sent a message. It's very likely that he just told Ouyang Jing that the way to dismiss me was completely broken.

This scene, fell in the eyes of all the people in the scene, so that everyone's heart was instantly clear, someone also whispered: "it seems that the person who just called is really headmaster Zhao. He must have said hello to Ouyang Jing's father."

As long as I can keep me from being expelled, I don't have to worry about too much. For me, the most important thing is to stay in school and get close to Peng Xuefei in the future. Now, uncle snake can handle the president of this university. What else do I need to worry about?

My heart, a long sigh of relief, the expression on the face is also unspeakable, with a trace of fun, I quietly watched Ouyang Jing eat shriveled, at the same time, I also did not forget to glance at the initiator Peng Xuefei.

Peng Xuefei on one side, suddenly on my eyes, saw the posture on my face, immediately, her eyes will shoot a trace of resentment light to me, obviously, her mind's small abacus has settled.

The gossip around him stimulated Ouyang Jing more and more. He pushed his mobile phone to the steward of Song Dynasty, and then he looked at me fiercely. He roared angrily: "hum, even if you can't fire you, if you beat me, how should this account be calculated?"

With that, Ouyang Jing suddenly reached out and pointed to the footprints on his chest, as if he would never give up.

I scoffed and grinned and said casually, "it's not easy. I'll pay you some medical expenses."

Hearing my answer, Ouyang Jing seemed to have found a place where I was tit for tat. He raised his spirits and said in a cold voice: "medical expenses? Does Ouyang's family still lack this medical fee? Hum, if you really want to pay for it, if you don't have a million dollars, it can't go away like this. "

Ouyang Jing's injury can't be slighter. However, he charged a million yuan for medical expenses, which was really unreasonable. The lion opened his mouth and the onlookers could not help saying that Ouyang Jing's practice was too much. However, Ouyang Jing was just like a girl. He would not be willing to give up. He didn't think he was too much, but showed a high spirited appearance.

At the time when everyone thought I would refuse, a subtle cunning flashed in my eyes. Then, I snapped my fingers boldly and said domineering, "a million dollars, right? No problem!"

For me now, a million is nothing. Uncle snake gave me a card. It seems that there is a lot of money. One million is not a lot. I feel like pocket money. I am a rich second generation. I have no rich capital. How can I be called a rich second generation.

After saying this, I turned my eyes to Uncle snake, who understood it very well. He didn't say anything. He turned to get on the bus and drove away in a moment.

The scene, once again into a state of consternation, many people are whispering, even the cold Peng Xuefei, were surprised by my generosity and boldness, the look in her eyes, become more complex.

But Ouyang Jing, obviously did not believe what I said. With some vigilance, he tentatively asked me, "Jiangnan wind, you are not playing tricks with me!"

Without thinking about it, I replied directly: "ha ha, it's only one million yuan. I really don't pay attention to it. Wait, the money will arrive soon."

There was silence for a while, and when everyone didn't know why, uncle snake came back in his car.When he got off the bus, uncle snake had a bag in his hand. He carried the bag and came to me. Then, he put the bag on the ground, and then opened the zipper. After a while, the 100 yuan banknotes were displayed in front of the public. Everyone in the audience had a dazzling feeling.

Ouyang Jing's eyes brightened when he saw this. Of course, as a typical rich second generation, he didn't care about the money. I think it was because he recovered his face. Therefore, he suddenly changed his face. Immediately, he ordered a bodyguard to come and get the money.

The bodyguards of Ouyang's family were not polite. They came directly to take away the million banknotes. The onlookers were really totally stupid. In the previous scene, it was clear that I was in the upper hand. I didn't need to lose the million yuan. However, I gave it to each other so easily. Many people could not understand my practice, but they could not help sighing and saying My Jiangnan style is really a second generation of rich people. It's only one million yuan. I don't even blink.

Even the steady steward song realized that I was not easy to be rich and bold. He didn't want to meet with me. So he went down the steps and said politely, "this is a misunderstanding. Since we have talked about it clearly, it's no big deal. We'll see you later."

With that, the steward of song immediately ordered people to escort Ouyang Jing and prepare to retreat with a million banknotes.

However, just as they were heading for their Mercedes, I stood still and gave uncle snake a wink.

Uncle snake understood it again. In an instant, he led the people he brought and blocked the way of Ouyang family.

Seeing this, Ouyang family and his group immediately stopped their pace. Their eyes were faintly startled. They also knew that uncle snake's character was cold and merciless, just like a machine. They had nothing to say to him. Therefore, their eyes were all on my side. Ouyang Jing couldn't help but say to me: "Jiangnan style, what do you mean?"

I slightly grinned, bent out a trace of extremely amusing smile. Under the whole audience's gaze, I looked at Ouyang Jing casually and said slowly, "it's not interesting. Your account has been settled. Now, it's time to calculate my account."

My tone is not urgent, slow, extremely insipid, but what I said, but instantly exploded the whole audience, shocked no one's heart, especially the people of Ouyang family, was deeply shocked, everyone can't help but be stunned, a look of unknown.

I secretly pay attention to Peng Xuefei, found her eyebrows, but also stir under, in the eyes flash a trace of doubt color.

Obviously, all of us think that I have counselled my account at first, but I have thought about it for a long time.

Originally, I kicked Ouyang Jing and beat his people, and he called the Ouyang family to beat me up and want to fire me. These almost offset each other. If the Ouyang family gave in, I would not be so hard to talk about.

But the blame lies in the Ouyang family. They are too self righteous. They don't admit their mistakes when they are wrong. On the contrary, they beat me upside down and ask for compensation. In my opinion, that foot on Ouyang Jing's body is not worth a million yuan. If I let them go like this, not only the students around me don't understand, Peng Xuefei will despise me, I'm afraid, even I can't swallow this tone.

Anyway, I'm a dandy in school, and I've become famous. Today, I'm using Ouyang Jing, a rich young man, to make an example. In this way, my fight today is not in vain. In the future, it is not any cat and dog dare to bully my head, and I am too lazy to deal with people who are irrelevant.

The scene, in a short period of consternation, the crowd, suddenly started a rustling voice, at this time, these people's voice, can't help but turn to my side.

There is humanity: "I said that the wind in the south of the Yangtze River seems to be in the upper hand. How could he willingly give Ouyang Jing one million yuan compensation? This is unscientific! It turns out that he still has this stubble. It's interesting. "

Some people echoed: "yes, I thought this was the end of the day. Now it seems that Jiangnan style is really not a person to be provoked. Let's continue to have a look."

Some of these onlookers were brought out from the playground by Ouyang Jing. Some of them came to see that there was a big noise here. At the beginning, almost all people thought that my end would be very miserable. But now, many people are shocked. It feels like watching a wonderful reversal drama. In the end, Ouyang Jing did not Can really bully me, also did not really fire me.

Even, the pomp and momentum of my side have steadily suppressed the people of Ouyang family. Now, hearing my words again, everyone's heart is full of expectation. Let's see how the farce ends today.

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