After the message was sent out, I began to wait for Peng Xuefei's reply, but after a long time, she slowly sent a message: Cade hotel!

I quickly searched with my mobile phone and found that this hotel is not far away from our school. It is still a five-star hotel. In this regard, I can't help but beat the drum again. Peng Xuefei, who was obviously contemptuous and disgusted with me, suddenly invited me to dinner again, and still went to such a high-end place.

Is Peng Xuefei really so kind? I, who have already had some insight into her city government, vaguely feel that there seems to be something unusual in this process. However, no matter what, this opportunity is so rare, I can't refuse it.

So, I quickly replied to Peng Xuefei: OK, when do we start?

After sending the message, I hold my mobile phone and continue to wait for Peng Xuefei's reply. However, when class is almost over, I will wait for a few simple words: I'll talk about it then.

I am speechless about this. Peng Xuefei is too cold. She even asks me to have a meal. Fortunately, I am used to it, and I don't care too much.

The class in the morning was over quickly. As soon as the bell rang for the lunch break, two tall and strong men came outside the class, who took Peng Xuefei away. They didn't even have a chance to talk to me. I thought that we would meet in the evening anyway, and we were not in a hurry for a moment.

After that, I walked to the school canteen with Chen Xiao.

At this time, the canteen was full of people. Although Chen Xiao was small, he was very flexible. Soon he got a meal and helped me to have a meal. We sat face to face and ate.

But during the meal, there are many people around me, all cast an eye on my side, some people also point, whisper about me. Of course, I didn't care about these fragmentary sounds, but Chen Xiao's ears were very smart. He seemed to hear what these people were talking about. After a while, his eyes showed an incredible color. He looked at me in amazement and said, "boss, you beat Ouyang Jing in public, and also let him kneel down?"

I casually looked up at Chen Xiao, leisurely said: "yes, what's wrong with this?"

Chen Xiaodao took a breath and said with exaggeration: "my God, that's Ouyang Jing. He is a famous rich second generation in our school. His family background is very strong, and there is something to do with our school. You, you can even sit here and eat safely now?"

Looking at Chen Xiaoyi's startled appearance, my heart is flat, is not a rich second generation, which rich second generation has no background, I am still a rich second generation, but this background is useful for some people, for some people, it is useless.

Thinking of this, my heart can not help but think of Peng Xuefei, I did not respond to Chen Xiao, but quietly eating dinner, thinking about this meal tonight, Peng Xuefei is what heart.

But after thinking about it for a while, I found that I really couldn't figure it out. The woman's heart was too deep for me to touch and guess. At present, I can only take a step and look at it and get close to Peng Xuefei. Even if it's urgent, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. I can only try it slowly, so I won't miss any chance to get close to her.

In the afternoon, I went back home, took a bath, changed my new clothes, cleaned up myself from the beginning to the end, and I came to school slowly. In the afternoon, Peng Xuefei did not come to class again, which made me feel a bit of wasted time. Fortunately, near school, my mobile phone received another message, which was sent by Xia Xiaoxiao. It said: I am at the school gate.

As soon as the bell rang after school, before the teacher announced that the class was over, I slipped out of the back door in a hurry. Because the place to eat with Peng Xuefei was not very far away, I did not drive and walked directly to the school gate.

At the gate, far away, I saw Peng Xuefei's figure. She stood alone under a big tree. The green leaves of the tree set off the beauty of the red flower. However, she was still a rose with thorns. Her expression was extremely cold. Her lip color was still very red, but she changed her clothes. She was no longer a long skirt. Her upper body was a T-shirt and her lower body was jeans This common collocation, wearing on her body, shows a very unique temperament.

When I came to her, Peng Xuefei gave me a look and said unhappily, "how can you come? Do you know, it's a very unpleasant thing to keep people waiting! "

I am a little speechless, almost just after she sent the message, I came here, just, don't you need time to walk?

However, for Peng Xuefei's insolence, I am also used to it. In accordance with her cold and arrogant temperament, she probably never waited for a man!

I casually said sorry to her, she did not accept, went ahead, I followed her side, walked towards the hotel.

When walking on the road, she and I still attracted the attention of many people. People's eyes were different, but they could not attract our attention. We were silent all the way. Until we arrived at the hotel, Peng Xuefei suddenly moved. She kept a distance with me when she just walked. When she arrived here, she was cold and close to me.I see that she is abnormal, and her heart is full of uneasiness. Is it a Hongmen banquet waiting for me?

With this sense of caution, I cooperated with Peng Xuefei and entered the hotel together.

Cade hotel is more luxurious than what I saw on the Internet. The security guards and waiters here are also of high quality. Peng Xuefei and I have extraordinary bearing. They all show an incomparable enthusiasm. After Peng Xuefei reported the name of a private room, immediately there were waiters respectfully leading us to the past.

Before long, we arrived at the floor where the private room was located. Although I secretly felt that this might be a Hongmen banquet, I didn't have any fear in my heart. After all, what's the matter here is also a regular hotel. It's impossible for people to do whatever they like. What's more, Peng Xuefei doesn't hate me deeply, even though she doesn't like me To kill me, I don't have to worry too much. What I have to do now is to take advantage of all the opportunities available to get along with her, influence her and gain her favor.

Thinking like this, my expression is still maintaining a cynical look, as if there is no concern in general, so accompany Peng Xuefei, smoothly came to the box door, the attendant opened the door for us, immediately, Peng Xuefei with her beautiful posture, walked in.

I slightly pause, and then follow Peng Xuefei's pace, into the inside.

However, as soon as I entered the box, my steps suddenly stopped. Just at a glance, I swept into the private room and sat a very familiar person. The person who suddenly appeared in front of me was Lu Ping, one of the three overlords of the school.

I had thought that Peng Xuefei might not be kind enough to invite me to dinner, but I didn't expect that Lu Ping would still be present at this dinner party.

As soon as Lu Ping, who was sitting at the table, saw Peng Xuefei coming, he immediately got up to greet her with a smile and said, "Feifei, thank you for giving me face and coming to the appointment!"

When I heard this, I suddenly felt a little surprised. Lu Ping, he first came to the private room, waited for Peng Xuefei, and then listened to what he said to keep the appointment. Obviously, Lu Ping invited Peng Xuefei to eat this meal. It was not at all what Peng Xuefei invited me to eat. In the end, she set me up.

When I was slightly stunned, Lu Ping, who was full of spring breeze, had already come to Peng Xuefei's face. At this time, he noticed me standing still at the door. For a moment, his people were frozen. His expression was full of shock. His eyes were staring at me closely. There was a sharp edge in his eyes.

In the evening a few days ago, sun Yunlong confessed to Peng Xuefei in the school square. Peng Xuefei took me as her shield in public. Later, I spoke ill of these three overlords. Lu Ping, at that time, could not help but want to fight with me. Finally, because Du Haichao said something in his ear, he stopped.

But at this moment, he suddenly ran into me again, his hand immediately became a fist, and his mouth cold Bu Ding said: "Jiangnan wind, how can you be here?"

Lu Ping obviously didn't know that I would come in advance. Moreover, he suddenly saw me coming. He was obviously very unpopular, as if a big light bulb flashed his eyes. Of course, I don't like him. After all, he is also my potential enemy. Today, Peng Xuefei specially brought me here for an appointment. It is estimated that Peng Xuefei is going to let Lu Ping and I have a conflict!

At this moment, I really have to admire Peng Xuefei's scheming. She will lead me into different people's pits in different ways. Lu Ping in front of her is different from sun Yunlong and Du Haichao. His body is very strong, his muscles are strong, his personality is hot, and his temper is very fierce. Most importantly, his momentum is extraordinary. I can feel that he has Kung Fu foundation Must still be a master, if I only rely on the strength of camouflage, I don't know whether I can surpass him.

At present, a dry fight is just a bad strategy for me. I haven't reached the point of making the worst of it, because in that case, I will fall into Peng Xuefei's calculation.

Suddenly, I put on a face and said to Lu Ping with a smile: "Lu Ping, ha ha, where do you not meet in life? It's really a coincidence. I didn't expect to meet you here."

Although I deliberately ease the atmosphere in the field, Lu Ping is not so easy to fool. After listening to my words, his face became colder, and his tone of cold said: "I ask you, how can you be here?"

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