Seeing pengxuefei, I feel her kindness more and more. She is calm, she can see the situation and people clearly. She knows how duhaichao is and knows that I will fall in his hand if I have a little intention. So she will remind me repeatedly that I can be more sure that pengxuefei is only indifferent on the surface, and her heart is kind.

She said it is true. Duhaichao is really a problem. He is a big stumbling block for me. I must remove him. Last night, I threatened him and let him get out of school. But I thought that duhaichao would not follow my words, but it was likely that duhaichao would come back again, even more mischievous plans would come out. But he was conceited and I had some kind of tactics In my own confidence, I will develop and strengthen my beacon in the shortest time. When the soldiers come to cover the water, I will certainly not let duhaichao have good fruit to eat.

Of course, I still have the heart to pengxuefei's kindness. I didn't show any more fun, but I replied seriously: "I will be careful, but I will dominate the campus. You can wait to see it."

Hearing me say this, Peng Xuefei's face actually appeared a smile, she some Ninja can not help but say: "I said Jiangnan wind, in fact, you have to change your cattle blowing problem, it is very good."

Then, Peng stood up from his seat and walked forward. Looking at her back, my heart gave birth to a little bit of fillip. The emperor was not responsible for the heart. Pengxuefei not only saw several advantages of me, but also said that I am a good person. How great progress it is, and today, in her words to me, besides good intentions, there seems to be incentive intention. Her inspiration instantly ignites my inner morale 。 I swear secretly that I will develop my power at a speed.

Soon, the bell rang, and the students who were locked outside finally disappeared. Chen Xiaoyi was relieved. He immediately entered the classroom and walked to me with excitement and sat down.

Chen Xiao now, from the beginning to the foot, has shown a sense of inspiration, his spirit has become unprecedented full.

I turned a little over and asked him, "how many people have joined us so far?"

Hearing my words, Chen Xiaoshi turned his attention from the excited state. He was like shooting machine guns. He quickly said to me, "boss, since you defeated Lu Ping on the challenge arena yesterday, Lu Lu continued to be joined by some people. Especially this morning, you know, after school, I didn't stop. At present, at present We have more than 300 members. Think about it. I think it's a bit scary. In one night, there are more 300 people. It's scary to say it. "

Chen Xiao spoke quickly and cheered up. His eyes showed a worship to me without reservation. Because, this kind of glory was brought by me. As the first younger brother of beacon fire, he naturally rose with the water. Now, he is the spokesperson of my beacon fire outside.

Hearing the data of Chen's novels, I was shocked. More than 300. This is not enough for the number of students in a school, but it is important to know that the influence of this campus has been a final situation long ago. It has been divided by Lu Ping, sunyunlong, duhaichao and pengxuefei. Other gangs can not penetrate into it at all. Even though it is not enough for a school to have students, it is not possible for other gangs to penetrate It can be said that under the authority of the three of them, no one dared to create a gang at all.

And my arrival, is to break this balance, and create a new pattern. However, I have also thought that they said that the number of the three people under the three, and the number of each gang, must be more than I am now. Moreover, I offended them three at one stroke, which means that they have offended all of the three gangs at the same time.

Thinking of this, I immediately asked Chen Xiao: "Chen Xiao, this is only the beginning in the morning. I believe that the people who want to join us must not be more than these. You must continue to Zhang Luo. You will not be able to come alone. In this way, you can call together people who are close to you and credible to help."

Wen Yan, Chen Xiao's expression can not help but become more excited, because, my words are equivalent to appointing him to power, but he also has some worries and said to me: "boss, you last time let me notice not to mix with other gangs, but this morning, there are three younger brothers of his power to join us. I heard your words, did not dare to accept, afraid of staying, afraid They are coming to undercover. "

Hearing this, I was shocked. I didn't expect that there were other gangs who joined. If I refused all, it would certainly have been lost. After all, they are the big forces of the school. There are many members, and there are many people in it. There will be a mixture of fish and Dragon. If there are many people, some people will not like to be in it. Now, I will rise from the beacon fire It's normal to attract them.

So I hurriedly told Chen: "no matter who is, we should not refuse to join, but you must pay attention to it. Unless you are sure that the other party is actually involved, I will record it and make it into another ranks."

For me now, the development force is to be fast and fierce. I don't have so much time to screen whether the younger brother under the table is loyal. At present, it is the strongest time for me and my beacon, I will take advantage of this opportunity. And since my goal is to unify the campus, I will inevitably absorb their people, even if I swallow them at one stroke.Chen Xiao is a smart person. Hearing what I said, he immediately understood my intention. Then, he heavily nodded his head.

Then, for two days in a row, Chen Xiaoxiao was busy gathering new members with some confidants. According to my opinion, he divided our summoned people into two parts: one is the one who sincerely wants to join the beacon fire club, and the other is the one with doubts.

In the past two days, my popularity in the school was just too strong. No matter where I went, I was the focus of the crowd. Everywhere on campus, my legend was spreading. I beat sun Yunlong, defeated Lu Ping one by one, and broke the dilemma of Du Haichao's alliance with sun Yunlong and Lu Ping In other words, there is no one in the whole school who doesn't know my name.

With the strong popularity of me, the number of people in my beacon fire has become more and more. In only two days, it has reached more than 700. Regardless of Peng Xuefei's influence, I have become the fourth largest overlord of the campus. Even, I, the fourth ranked overlord, is completely superior to sun Yunlong in terms of momentum. Moreover, the number continues to increase.

As for sun Yunlong, I haven't seen them since they set up a bureau for me that day. They haven't come back to school. I have a feeling that they don't come to school because they are not afraid of me. Their power alone is not as strong as mine. However, their combined forces are certainly stronger than mine. I vaguely feel that they are in a good mood Brewing something, and it must be for me.

However, sun Yunlong, Du Haichao and Lu Ping were secretly speculating about what was going on. I could not guess what was going on. I had to take advantage of the opportunity of their absence to vigorously develop the beacon fire club, so that my power and status became more deeply rooted in this school.

In this way, I asked Chen Xiao to pass the message to all the members of beacon fire. On Friday afternoon, that is, at 5:00 tomorrow afternoon, I will hold a plenary meeting on the school playground. The influence of beacon fire is very strong. This news soon spread in the school, almost everyone knows it.

Time flies and it's Friday afternoon in the blink of an eye.

After school, I entered the playground. As soon as I got to the playground, I was stunned. The scene in front of me again let me see what the sea of people is. The whole playground is crowded with people. It's hard to calculate the number of people for a time, but at least there are nearly a thousand people.

Among these people, there were men and women. They took the initiative to form two square arrays and stood in a neat line. As soon as I entered the arena, I attracted the eyes of all of them. In the face of countless eyes, I calmly stepped onto the high platform in front of me.

Standing on the high platform in the middle of the playground and looking down at the people I accepted in this school, it is impossible to say that I am not excited at all. I didn't expect that I had such a strong cohesive force in such a short period of time when I entered this school. For a moment, I felt an unprecedented sense of achievement, and the king's posture was oily on my body Health.

I kept the momentum of Mount Tai collapsing in front of me. I looked down at the bottom and yelled: "Hello, everyone. Thank you for your trust in me. You have joined the beacon fire club because of your trust in me. And I, Jiangnan wind, will surely give you a new tomorrow."

As my voice spread all over the audience and fell into the ears of every member of the stage, the people under the stage were instantly boiling. They were still quiet just now, and suddenly they burst into excited voices of discussion. There were many different opinions. However, it came to a conclusion that there is no wrong to follow such a big boss as Jiangnan style.

The meeting had just begun, and the atmosphere on the scene was extremely strong. In the midst of all the noise, I suddenly straightened up and yelled to the huge playground: "do what you want, be the best and the strongest. Since we have embarked on this road, it means that we have the same belief. My Jiangnan style will lead you to make the beacon club the largest Gang on campus, Not only that, but I want to be the only king of this school. "

My words, like a strong stimulant, completely aroused the blood of all the people below. After a while, they gave me back with the strongest response: "the best, the strongest!"

With one voice, the momentum of the whole playground was lifted to the extreme and soared into the sky. Everyone in the field seems to have become a brave general and soldier, exuding a strong morale, fierce and impulsive.

However, at the climax of the atmosphere, suddenly, an untimely roar broke through the noise and suddenly rang out: "what a big tone

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