As the three of them left, there were some unconvinced voices in the air over the playground. They scolded Du Haichao for being shameless and clearly the defeated general. When they are still pretending to be forced to fight, they will make an appointment to fight, and they will also state the unequal conditions.

I raised my hand and motioned for everyone to be quiet. Then, I turned my head to face the crowd and said in a loud voice, "Sun Yunlong, Du Haichao and Lu Ping have come prepared. Their three forces are more powerful than ours. If we lose this war, I will not have a foothold in this school, and our gangs will be disbanded. But I only ask you, knowing that such consequences are ahead of you, are you afraid? "

Hearing this, the people in the field were stunned for a moment. They all knew that I didn't make alarmist remarks. If I failed, we would indeed have such a result. Du Haichao also said just now.

For a while, the scene became noisy again, and all kinds of voices rang out one after another. Among them, one voice was particularly loud: "Damn it, boss, you are not afraid of the power of the three of them, but also severely abused the three of them. Now, we have so many people, and we are afraid of his mother's ghost."

His words were particularly stimulating, and the whole audience was enthusiastic. Many people became extremely excited. At the moment, some people echoed: "yes, boss, we are not afraid. Even if the outcome of failure is very bad, we are not afraid of it!"

Some people also said: "follow the boss, we will win. How about Du Haichao's three people united? We are not afraid."

In a few words, soon the mood of the whole audience was aroused, and all the people were excited. In the face of a stronger opponent than us, they not only did not fear, but also showed higher and more confident.

This is the effect I want. Only by overcoming the psychological difficulties can we have the hope of victory.

When they were in high spirits, I raised my hand again, and then made a more sonorous voice, saying: "since you follow me, I will be responsible for you. The arrogance of the Yunlong Association, Lu Gang and Haichao association has long been disagreeable to me. This school is going to have a revolution, and this revolution is led by our beacon fire and you, as members of the beacon fire Yes. Although the consequences of failure are unimaginable, I would like to see the glory after victory

When I win, I will unify the campus. At that time, the three forces of them will be completely destroyed, and the beacon fire will be the only one.

The fruit of the victory inspired all the people in the stadium. The most fanatical cry broke out in the sky of the playground: "beacon fire club, beacon fire club, beacon fire club!"

The sound, deafening, straight into the sky, this moment, our morale surging to the extreme. Everyone has reached the most excited state, and the purpose of my conference is also a complete success.

Although the founding time of beacon fire is still short and the time for members to join is shorter, I have already felt a great cohesion and solidarity from them.

When the effect was achieved, I did not stay any longer. When the voice of the crowd slowed down a little, I officially announced that the meeting was over and all were dissolved.

Immediately, most people left the playground in groups with excitement.

In the end, only a few of Chen xiaodai's people were left on the huge playground, and their faces were filled with excitement and excitement. However, Chen Xiao's eyebrows concealed some worries. I know that he must have something to say to me.

Sure enough, as soon as the playground fell down, Chen Xiaobian immediately came to me and said to me excitedly: "boss, I really didn't expect that we would soon become the largest Gang on campus. Just think about it, they are very excited. Du Haichao must be afraid that our development force will become more and more fierce, so they will unite to deal with us, which explains me more How strong are we

Hearing Chen Xiao's words, I nodded symbolically, but I didn't open my mouth to respond to him, because I knew that Chen Xiao must have something to say below.

After a second or two, Chen Xiao's voice suddenly changed. He put aside a trace of excitement and said to me with a little worry: "but boss, the three gangs of them unite to deal with us. We don't seem to have the ability to win!"

On hearing the speech, I looked awe inspiring. What Chen Xiaoxiao said was exactly what I thought in my heart. Even, he said that we did not have the ability to win. It was already implicit. In fact, there is a great possibility that we will lose the battle.

In front of people, I try to improve their morale and give them confidence, because these are all necessary for a gang to win the battle. But I also have my own worry, that is, we have fewer people than the total number of the three major gangs.

The fight between gangs is totally different from that between people. I am not afraid of any of the three of them. Even if the three of them unite, I don't care. But if it is to upgrade to the level of gangs, I have to consider the disadvantages that beacon fire club faces.

When there were a lot of people before, I didn't show any worries. Now, only a few confidants of Chen Xiao are here, so I won't hide them. I frowned at Chen Xiao and said very seriously: "you think right. This is what I worry about. So, tonight, you and your brothers around you have to work harder."When I heard that I had another task to explain, Chen Xiao and the people around him could not help but look stunned and became extremely serious. Chen xiaogeng said frankly: "boss, you can tell me, as long as you tell me, even if you don't eat or sleep, we will finish it tonight."

Chen Xiao's words were echoed by other people. In their eyes, it was a kind of extreme trust for them to be ordered by my boss.

I nodded my head at them, and then I said seriously, "only by knowing ourselves and knowing the enemy can we be invincible. Our strength has already been exposed to the public's vision. Sun Yunlong and the three of them came here just now to see and know the number and strength of our gang, but we don't know exactly what the other party is. So, you are tonight The task is to explore the situation of their three forces! "

Hearing what I said, the people responded with one voice: "understand!"

With that, Chen Xiaoyi and his party left the playground in a hurry.

It's not difficult to say that the task I'm going to tell you is difficult, but it's not so easy to say it's simple. In particular, they have only one night's time, which is really a bit in a hurry. They must seize the time to find out the details of each other before tomorrow's war.

However, after Chen xiaoet al. Left, I privately sent a short message to Chen Xiaoxiao, asking him to help me find out the whereabouts of Xialu Ping and give it back to me at any time.

The reason why I sent such a message to Chen Xiaoxiao quietly, instead of telling him in public, is that this matter is very important to me, and my purpose is not to let others know for the time being.

It is the first step to increase the morale of the members of the beacon fire society, and the second step is to understand the situation of the enemy. However, these are not the key to our victory. The key to our victory is Lu Ping.

As for Lu Ping, I don't have too much intersection. The number of times I meet with him is very few, but I always attach great importance to this person in my heart. I feel that his personality is a little like Chen Haoran. He is a real man who dares to fight.

When I met Lu Ping for the first time, because Peng Xuefei took me as a shield, I was too publicity. Lu Ping was angry and wanted to hit me on the spot. I could see that he was a straightforward man. Another thing can be seen from this: he gave me a challenge.

Sun Yunlong led people to surround me, and Du Haichao threatened and lured me. Lu Ping was the only one who dealt with me openly and squarely. Even when they united against me in the Royal Garden, Du Haichao was full of ingenuity, sun Yunlong was murderous, and Lu Ping was only deep. Even if they came here just now, he was still deep. This is not in line with his character. I can see that Lu Ping must have something in his heart, and his mind must be related to me.

Perhaps, this is an opportunity for me to win over Lu Ping and instigate him against him. As long as I can draw him into my camp, I will surely win the battle tomorrow.

However, I am not sure about this matter. I have to wait until I find Lu Ping.

When I left the playground, it was completely dark. At this time, my stomach began to make a revolution, and I sang the empty city plan in time. So, I went directly to the canteen to solve a dinner.

Today's canteen, lively as usual, and the canteen students, seems to be more restless than usual, a lot of people's face are showing tension and excitement, they get together in twos and threes, intense discussion of a matter, I heard that they are discussing, it is the campus three major gangs, fight against our beacon fire.

This incident caused a lot of stir. Just after I finished the meeting, there was a lot of buzz on campus. During the process of eating, there were continuous voices coming into my ears. Some people said that as a transfer student, I had just entered the school and made so many magnificent things. Now I am the leader of the largest Gang on campus, which is really amazing.

Some people say that Du Haichao and their three forces have been developing for a long time. Now, they even unite to deal with the newly established gangs. It is indeed shameless to do so.

It is also said that this war will be the biggest battle of the University in recent years. However, more people are talking about which side will win the final victory.

All kinds of conjectures are different. However, to my surprise, I heard many people say that they hope the beacon fire can win, because since I entered the school, Jiangnan wind has created many miracles. They hope that I can create new miracles again and change the inherent situation of the school.

Maybe, as they said, I will create miracles again. For me, this war is really crucial. If I win, I will not lose. Once I lose, I will get out of school, and my ultimate goal will not be achieved.

Maybe it's because I was too eager to get close to Peng Xuefei. So, I agreed to Du Haichao's engagement without hesitation today. Just in time, it saved me the trouble of finding them one by one. It can solve these obstacles at one time, but the advantage of promise is to save time, and the bad thing is that I have no complete victory Grasp.After dinner, under the attention and discussion of many people, I walked out of the canteen lightly. This evening, I didn't come back home as early as usual. Instead, I was waiting for Chen Xiao to reply me with a message while planning the battle tomorrow.

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