On the other hand, duhaichao and others' eyes have been firmly on me. At first, they can not help but they can not help but when they see that there are only 100 people ambushed on my side, they have killed more than 100 people on their side to the miserable point, their mouths are all crooked, and they can not help but scold: "waste, waste.". TMD, a bunch of waste. "

Especially, when they saw me return from the place of ambush, duhaichao and others were more angry and angry. Duhaichao and sunyunlong immediately shouted: "go ahead, catch the wind in the south of the Yangtze River, hurry up!"

Suddenly, there were many other people coming to me.

After all, the number of each other is still too much more than us, even if I am strong, but I am only a single soldier with strong combat ability. I can not resist their whole. Therefore, our overall team is still in a weak position. I find that the battle in the field has erupted in an all-round way at this time, and we are severely suppressed and the cost is very high.

The air is filled with the smell of blood, full of miscellaneous sounds. This moment, my hot blood, again, the other party wants to capture the king, why have I never thought of this.

When the hundred people who have been ambushed on my side join our large army, the overall situation on our side is temporarily relaxed. And I am also seeking to create opportunities to attack the three commanders of the other party. Once the strategy of catching the king first in this move is successful, then, today's battle will surely win on my side.

Seeing that the more close the enemies who attacked me, my expression remained calm. Suddenly, I put my hand on my mouth and whistled loudly.

When the whistle rang, the other side of the battlefield was in the unfinished building, and suddenly a dense crowd rushed out.

Chen Xiaohe took the 200 people we hid, rushed out, and shouted loudly as he ran: "kill!"

The neat shouting, the rapid impact, Chen xiaodai led these 200 people, in a moment, created a great momentum.

Because people on my side know that I have this layer of preparation in advance, they have no accident, but instead. There was a greater killing force. But the other side does not know, there are many people feel the accident, can not help turning around to look at the past.

This saw that it gave my men an opportunity, and soon, many of the enemies were cut down. The whole of the other party, a short time, there was a mistake, become a bit of confusion, and I did the purpose of ambush before, it is here. Although I have not many people, it suddenly appears and has a more atmosphere. It seems that there are many people on my side, which is a blow to the enemy in morale.

Even those who rushed to me in front of me, because of this, they stopped. All I wanted to make was to make the opportunity to capture the king first. At this moment, while the overall situation of war was in chaos, I raised the knife in my hand, and went to the last side of the enemy, which was where duhaichao stood, and rushed to kill.

But duhaichao and others were in front of me, and there were many guards. As soon as I rushed over, I was in line with one of the three overlord guards. While they did not respond, I injured several people with knives.

But, the number of each other is too many, I can not rush at all at once, instead, they have come to the sober, and I have been killed together.

Sun Yunlong and duhaichao suddenly saw Chen Xiao come out with a good vote. They were shocked again. Later, they found that there were only 200 people in Chen Xiaos. Immediately, sun Yunlong angrily scolded: "his grandmother, this surprise at first glance, I thought how much ambush! Hurry up and solve Xu can. "

Sun Yunlong's words, invisible also gave their side of the people, gave them confidence, although, I arranged two sudden attacks, caused them a certain trauma, but did not hurt their fundamental, but at this moment, they in sunyunlong a call, and restored morale, made a total number of efforts, immediately, let us all fall into a very deep fire A big crisis.

My men, one by one, fell, our overall strength in a sudden decline, to continue like this, I am afraid it will not take long, I will lose this side.

Seeing the situation becoming more and more critical, my eyes are red. The knife in my hand falls one by one, and my movements are quick and fierce. There are always enemies injured around me, and there are enemies falling down constantly. Even my knives have turned over.

I quickly took another enemy knife, holding a knife with both hands, and continued to fight. Although I am strong and strong, I am in the middle of the enemy. The inevitable injury on my body, my blood mixed with the blood that the enemy sprayed on me, flowed down.

I didn't care about the pain, still tirelessly cut and kill, while killing and moving forward, my whole people like ghosts, with the breath of terror, went straight to duhaichao sunyunlong and so on.

For a while, the enemies who were in front of me were afraid. Duhaichao and others saw me rushing towards them. Their faces became nervous and shouted loudly: "hurry, stop him!"

In a moment, another group of people blocked my way.I have ignored all, suddenly, I suddenly speed up their own pace, in the hands of the knife fierce fight, gradually, I and Du Haichao and other people closer and closer.

Seeing that I was so brave, Du Haichao and sun Yunlong could not help showing a trace of tension. Both of them were shouting for their men to come and guard them.

But at this time, I have already killed red eyes. I will cut as many people as the other party intercepts. When my blade knife cuts down the last person, there is no obstacle in front of me. Suddenly, my body speeds up and kills Du Hai Superman first.

The obstacles in front of me have been cleared away. Du Haichao, the villain I hate the most, is close at hand. It can be said that this moment is the most critical moment for me to win this victory.

In this situation, the shortcomings of our members of the beacon fire have been fully demonstrated. I am afraid that before long, my side will be defeated. However, as long as I capture three people of Du Haichao, even if only one of Du Haichao is captured, I believe that the end will be turned back by me.

Now, there is no defense line between Du Haichao and me. My brothers are still fighting fiercely with their people. However, at this moment, many people in the battlefield are attracted by the scene on this side. The onlookers outside the battlefield have raised their nerves to the extreme, and they are staring at this side.

In the attention of countless people, I quickened my pace and boosted my momentum. Seeing that I was about to rush to Du Haichao, I even raised my knife in my hand. But suddenly, a figure suddenly moved between me and Du Haichao, blocking my way. I fixed my eyes and found that this man was Lu Ping.

I hesitated a little, but the next second, I was still attacking. However, my target was transferred from Du Haichao to Lu Ping. While I was fighting, I said to Lu Pingdao: "you are not my opponent. You'd better get out of my way!"

Lu Ping waved the knife in his hand with all his strength to resist my attack. At the same time, he responded to me: "Jiangnan wind, we are hostile, my position is doomed not to let you easily succeed."

Hearing his words, I couldn't help but feel anxious. Lu Ping was really too single minded. He didn't help me. He even stopped me. But I can understand that it was his original intention, but I won't give up. Suddenly, I increased the strength of the attack and said to Lu Ping: "Lu Ping, since you are so determined, don't blame me for being rude Next you, I turn the situation around

As soon as the voice fell, the knife in my hand spread out its swift and violent power, and the moves pressed Lu Ping.

Last time, Lu Ping and I had a fight on the ring. Both of them fought barehanded. This time, we all used weapons. I didn't expect that Lu Ping was also a good hand at using knives besides his boxing skills. The pieces of knives in his hands made the tiger and the tiger powerful.

However, his strength was not as good as mine. After I stepped up my attack on him, his situation suddenly became stretched out. Because I was worried that the members of the three major gangs were gathering around, I continued to press Lu Ping step by step. Suddenly, I got up a lot of strength and slashed the knife in Lu Ping's hand.

Lu Ping's mouth trembled, and the knife was about to land. I took the opportunity to raise my feet and hit Lu Ping's abdomen. His body fell to the ground in an instant.

At this moment, I showed my strength and momentum, and became the most dazzling existence in the field. My remaining light caught a glimpse of sun Yunlong on one side. He looked at this scene, and his face became a little stunned. The tension on his face was at a glance.

I know that sun Yunlong is afraid that I will restrict Lu Ping. In that case, even if they don't lose, they will become unbearable.

Even at this moment, even I could not help feeling that I was in a position to win. I did not stop, and I was about to step forward and subdue Lu Ping.

But just at the moment when I stopped in front of him, suddenly, a very bad premonition attacked my heart. I was acutely aware that there was a sharp edge behind me attacking me. For a moment, I could not help but sweat from my back.

At the moment, I didn't hesitate. I turned my body. At the same time, I blocked the knife in my hand towards the back. With a clang, the sound of iron hand over rang. The knife of the other side crossed my side, but it was too late. I would stab Lu Ping lying in front of me.

Almost subconsciously, I suddenly picked the blade on my hand, provoked this man's sword and saved Lu Ping.

But it was because of my action to save Lu Ping that my dodge slowed down by one point. At the same time, another man was cutting at me. The blade was cold and the speed was very fast. In a hurry, I dodged my body, but my arm was still cut by him.

When I stood still, I found that there were four more people in my whole body, all of whom were dressed in student style clothes. But on a closer look, they were obviously much older than the students, and they were much more calm. They all exuded a sense of horror. Immediately, I had a judgment in my heart that the four of them were not real student.

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