As soon as Lu Ping said this, he immediately attracted an uproar from the onlookers. Many people could not help but show some surprise. Some people said that Du Haichao was really too vicious and wanted to kill people. Some people said that I really provoked their three major gangs for self-protection every time. Most of the voices of the masses were directed at me, and they could not agree with Du Haichao's practice.

Up to now, the onlookers admire me more and more. They have always appreciated me. It's only because such a bloody scene makes them dare not speak freely. Now, Lu Ping's words make them unable to help but make a voice of injustice.

For a while, the scene became a bit chaotic, and people from the three major gangs began to have some changes, especially Du Haichao and sun Yunlong. Their faces were very ugly.

Under the criticism of so many people, Du Haichao did not feel ashamed. On the contrary, he coldly glanced at the people around his eyes, as if warning them not to talk nonsense.

Later, his eyes turned to Lu Ping, who led the wind.

Du Haichao made an extremely cold voice to Lu Ping and said, "Lu Ping, I hope you can understand what you are doing now."

In the face of Du Haichao's similar threats, Lu Ping said: "I know what I'm doing, and I've known it for a long time. However, I was struggling at that time, but just now Jiangnan wind saved my life. Now I know what I'm going to do."

Lu Ping's attitude is quite obvious. Obviously, he is ready to switch.

Seeing him like this, Du Haichao raised his eyebrows and said to Lu Pingyin, "there is no reason for the struggle between the gangs. Although my method is more cruel, it is also forced by the wind from the south of the Yangtze River. His practice has been tantamount to provocation. Lu Ping, are you really willing to offend sun Yunlong and me for the sake of Jiangnan wind? "

Du Haichao said this, which was tantamount to clarifying Lu Ping's intention.

Seeing this, sun Yunlong's eyes immediately burst into anger. He didn't expect that Lu Ping still wanted to fight against Lu Ping at this time. Suddenly, sun Yunlong gritted his teeth and called out to Lu Ping, "Lu Ping, do you really think that with you and your Lu Gang, you will be my joint opponent with Du Haichao? Put your attitude right now, and we can forgive you. "

The conversation between Lu Ping, Du Haichao and sun Yunlong was so full of gunpowder that the atmosphere on the scene became oppressive. Even those Lu gang members who were waiting for my opportunity subconsciously moved closer to one side without any intention to deal with me again.

In addition, the members guarding the three of them are also separated. As long as Lu Ping and Du Haichao disagree next, their alliance will be broken and they will turn against each other.

At this moment, it was extremely tense for Lu Gang, Hai Chao Hui and Yun Long Hui.

Originally, the war was coming to an end. On the other side of the mixed battlefield, the people of the beacon fire society were fighting in a desperate situation, but obviously it could not last long. As the leader of the gang, I was besieged by so many people. However, once Lu Ping changed his mind, the situation would be very different.

Under such a delicate situation, I felt a strange atmosphere even when I was in the encirclement circle fighting with trapped animals. I was really shocked by Lu Ping's attitude. At the same time, I also felt gratified. As expected, I still did not mistake him. Now, whether I will win the victory or not will wait for him to show his attitude.

Inadvertently, in such a large battlefield, almost everyone is paying attention to Lu Ping and waiting for his answer. Lu Ping, at this moment, is the key to this war.

This kind of scene virtually gives Lu Ping pressure. You know, he represents not only himself, but also the Lu Gang He leads. Under the gaze of the public, his face became more and more dignified. Suddenly, his eyes suddenly showed a firm light. Then, he rushed to me in the enclosure and loudly and forcefully yelled: "Jiangnan wind, before I refused to join the beacon fire. Now, I have a new position. I would like to take the brother of the land group to join the beacon fire. Do you agree or not?"

Although I was deep in the whirlpool, I was still sober. From Lu Ping's words, I deeply felt his sincerity. My body suddenly felt full of strength. I laughed heartily and said, "welcome to the extreme!"

This time, the people in the field were even more stupid. They didn't expect that I had invited Lu Ping to join me before. Now, Lu Ping is really willing to take people against me. This has to be shocking. We all know that although the number of Lu Gang is not as large as that of us, their fighting power is remarkable. Lu Ping, the boss, can give up the position of boss and be willing to live under my command. What kind of courage is needed. Many people couldn't help but look at him with a new look.

However, Du Haichao and sun Yunlong had already turned green with anger. Without waiting for Lu Ping to react, Du Haichao was furious and said, "Lu Ping, I tell you, you will regret your decision."

With that, he roared at his subordinates again: "brother of Haichao Association, give it to me!"

Immediately, sun Yunlong also followed in a high voice: "brothers of the Yunlong Association, go up and down the villains of the Lu Gang."In the face of the union of Haichao club and Yunlong club, the solemnity on the land level was eased down. He also raised his knife in his hand and said to his own people: "brothers, let's go too!"

The three leaders gave orders, and their subordinates immediately started to move. They were no longer cooperating as they had just done, but they were facing each other with knives and knives, hoping to kill each other.

A cry came out from the crowd of scuffles. My brothers had already fallen into a state of depression, but at this moment, they started to fight back from the suppressed state.

However, I was originally besieged by many experts. At the same time, the younger brothers of the three major gangs were waiting for opportunities in the periphery. Now, the people of the Lu Gang have switched to my side. The younger brothers of Yunlong Association and Haichao Association have no time to take care of me. Instead, I have to deal with the Lu Gang people. My pressure has been reduced a lot.

Playing while the iron is hot, I can't help but improve my own strength by one point. These people who fought with me did not expect that I could still play such a strong fighting force after fighting for such a long time under the condition of being wounded by many knives. After a while, they became stretched out.

Although I didn't give full play to my real strength, I was able to crush them. Under my blade, some people in student clothes were injured and fell down one after another.

My toughness has won the applause of many onlookers, and the balance of victory is leaning towards my side.

The members of our beacon fire club, after getting the help of Lu Gang, were greatly reduced in pressure. Seeing the hope of victory, they were all full of strength. Even some people who had been injured, had been in the defensive state, or had given up resistance and had a rest on the ground, also stood up. They fought the enemy crazily and fought hard.

At present, the number of people on our side is only a lot more than that of sun Yunlong and Du Haichao. Moreover, with my eldest brother encouraging us, the morale of everyone is very strong.

On the other hand, the situation of the Yunlong Association and the Haichao association is getting more and more difficult. They did not expect that Lu Pingyi's defection and the situation turned around so quickly. Both of them could not help but look flustered.

Du Haichao can't wait. He shouts at Sun Yunlong: "Sun Yunlong, the scene is a little out of control. You should call the people who watch the scene in your house."

Sun Yunlong was stunned. When he heard Du Haichao's words, he didn't answer for a moment. However, seeing my bravery and seeing the turn of the situation in the whole field, sun Yunlong realized that he quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed the phone.

Du Haichao was not idle. He also picked up his mobile phone and began to ask for help from his family.

I have known for a long time that these two people will not give up, especially Du Haichao. What he decided in the early morning was to fix my mind. How could he easily let me go? I'm afraid that's why he didn't escape in the face of the situation change in the field!

I am well aware of Du Haichao's small abacus, but I also know that today's war is very powerful. If we delay it further, it will be very unfavorable for our situation. At this time, there are only three people entangled with me. I forced them back at one stroke, and then my body quickly rushed towards Du Haichao.

Du Haichao and sun Yunlong, from the very beginning of the war, were in the rear position without any action. At the moment, the people under them are fighting with my brother and Lu bang, so they have no time to protect them.

Therefore, my way ahead was unimpeded. In a blink of an eye, my body swam to their side. Sun Yunlong happened to say to the phone, "send more people here, and the location is"

without waiting for sun Yunlong to tell us where we will fight, I suddenly kicked my foot on his arm, and immediately, sun Yunlong fell to the ground His cell phone flew out of his hand.

At this time, the three people who came after me from behind wanted to shoot at me, but I didn't stay on them, but I went straight to Du Haichao.

Du Haichao, on one side, just got through the phone and saw me kick down sun Yunlong. He ran back in a hurry, regardless of everything.

I ran after him, but seeing that I was close to Du Haichao's back, he suddenly turned around and threw his weapon at me. I raised my knife and knocked down his weapon.

Without stopping, I continued to walk towards Du Haichao.

At this time, Du Haichao's face was no longer proud. His eyes showed deep fear. He even had a cold sweat on his forehead. His voice was shaking. He said, "Jiangnan wind, you, don't come here!"

I looked at Du Haichao and laughed contemptuously at him. At the same time, my body stepped forward and suddenly came to Du Haichao. When he saw me panic, I suddenly raised my leg and directly kicked him in the knee. At the same time, I said in a sharp voice, "get down on your knees!"

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