Although not one of the best gangs in the provincial capital, the flying car party is also a big group in the top rank of the platoon. Now, it is under my command, and my strength has been directly developed.

This point, for me, is a great harvest, with a sense of relief, endure the pain of the body, I go all the way, have been walking, will soon go outside the barbed wire.

At this moment, inside the barbed wire fence, I can only see some sporadic members of the bottom flying car party patrolling. Outside the barbed wire, there is a quiet area without a shadow. Suddenly, my heart can't help crying.

When I came, I was carried by the motorcycle of the party. Now that I'm gone, I don't even have a transportation tool.

In the middle of the night, there must be no car nearby. If I want to go back, I have to go to the main road by myself to get a taxi.

Although I can play an unparalleled power in the state of fury, I will have serious side effects after playing. Once I relax, my body will become extremely weak. This time, I wake up in time, so my body has not suffered more impact. Even so, I am still very tired and walk It's a little wobbly.

However, I still didn't ask people to send me away. After all, hiding the relationship between me and the car party is the most important thing. Even if there is a glimmer of possibility, I can't let people see the unusual relationship between me and the cyclists.

The effort to pick up, I took a difficult step, and finally out of the barbed wire.

However, after a short walk outside, I suddenly saw a few lights in the distance. After a while, I became absorbed and focused on the past. I found that two cars were speeding towards my direction.

This time, I can't help but feel a little trance. The people who drive the party usually drive motorcycles. How can anyone drive a car?

Soon, I thought that it might be the outsider who came here. At present time, but after the early morning, there would be outsiders coming. I secretly felt surprised.

The two cars were moving at a high speed, and as I thought about it, the car in front of me had already sped past me.

And a car behind me also passed me, but it just passed me, suddenly stopped. The sound of friction between the car and the ground stimulated my nerves. I knew that the car behind it stopped suddenly. I almost subconsciously turned my face slightly and looked at the stopped car.

This look, my heart can not help but burst out, I suddenly feel that this car is a little familiar.

However, at this time, the door opened quickly, and a figure came down from inside.

When I saw her face in the light of the car, I was shocked. My eyes were shocked.

I never thought that Peng Xuefei was the one who came to the base camp of the party in the middle of the night.

After Peng Xuefei got out of the car, she walked straight to me. At this moment, my feet seemed to be nailed to the ground. My eyes were fixed on Peng Xuefei. It seemed that only she existed in my field of vision in this world.

For a long time, my role in front of Peng Xuefei is the rich second generation who publicizes the dandy. She is the object that I want to hide my identity most.

However, she appeared in front of me at such a critical moment, which shocked me. At the same time, I could not help but have some worries in my heart. Peng Xuefei, would she have any doubts about me?

When I was worried, Peng Xuefei had already stood in front of me. She looked at me with surprise on her face. Then, she said in surprise, "Jiangnan wind, how did you come out?"

Peng Xuefei's question immediately caught me. She was really worried about what was coming.

for the contradiction between me and the flying car party, Peng Xuefei was very clear. She clearly knew how I abandoned sun Yunlong, and how I ran the plane. She knew that we were fighting against the flying car party and beat them to pieces Because of me, the party ruined the plan and lost face.

It can be said that the conflict between me and the party has reached an irreconcilable level. Moreover, this evening, the party sent the most magnificent formation to bring me to their headquarters. Such a battle is only for catching me. Anyone with a clear eye should see that the party will never forgive me this time. Even, they are likely to kill me.

However, now, I came out of the party safely, or in Peng Xuefei's eyes.

After Peng Xuefei asked this, she continued to look around me. Then, her eyes were firmly fixed on my face. Her expression at the moment was astonished, suspicious and serious.

For a while, I couldn't help but get anxious and die brewing. However, my surface was very calm, with the appearance of the past to her.

Then, I pretended to be relaxed and grinned and said: "nothing. The boss of the Party of flying cars especially appreciates my ability and let me join the party. But I like freedom and I'm not happy, so he let me go."Hearing this, Peng Xuefei was stunned at first. Then, the color of doubt on her face became even worse. She stared at the wound in my abdomen and the clothes on my body and asked me, "is that how I appreciate you?"

Before I came out, I didn't change my clothes. The purpose was to let people see my embarrassment and injury, so as not to doubt the unusual relationship between me and the car party. However, now I'm facing Peng Xuefei. I can't tell her that I was beaten up and thrown out by the people of the party.

As a childe, even if he is suffering, I must be euphemistic, which reflects my character, and won't let Peng Xuefei think more about other aspects.

So, I pretended to be careless and responded with her: "the leader of the Party of the flying car knows that I have extraordinary ability, so he has to compete with me. As a result, he has become more appreciative of me."

Peng Xuefei of course knows that I am bragging. She is not surprised by my self boasting performance, but what she can't understand is that I was released. Maybe, in her opinion, I fell into the hands of the flying car party. Even if I don't die, I will at least be disabled. Even if I'm not disabled, I will be detained in it. It's unlikely that I will be released so soon.

And the reason I said, the leader of the party admired me. It sounded like a boast, but Peng Xuefei couldn't refute it.

I saw that she didn't chase after the question for a while. She quickly changed the topic and asked her, "however, after all, why are you here?"

In fact, from Peng Xuefei's words just now. I probably guessed that she should have received the news that I was taken away by the party, so she came to rescue me in the middle of the night. Thinking of this, I couldn't help but draw a warm current in my heart. It seems that Peng Xuefei is indifferent on the surface, but she still cares about me in her heart.

However, Peng Xuefei has not responded to me. Suddenly, a magnetic voice came from behind me: "I brought her here!"

Hearing this sound, my heart suddenly startled. Subconsciously, I turned my head and looked at the sound. I saw a figure coming down from the first car that drove by. This man was straight, handsome and handsome. He was my rival in love, Sheng Mingjie.

I didn't expect that Peng Xuefei was brought by Sheng Mingjie. If this is the case, my guess just now will be overturned?

Looking at the current situation, Sheng Mingjie knew the news that I was captured by the flying car party, and then he told Peng Xuefei the news. It seemed that he wanted to perform in front of Peng Xuefei, so he specially brought her here. In that case, he could not only show that he could hold the hardline image of the leader of the flying car party, but also let Peng Xuefei see my misery and compare with him, Jane Straight to the sky, to the ground.

Peng Xuefei, however, has always asked me to pretend to be her boyfriend in front of Sheng Mingjie. Sheng Mingjie tells her this news. No matter whether she cares about me or not, she will certainly appear.

Thinking like this, the warm current in my heart suddenly disappeared, replaced by the pain, especially, at the moment Sheng Mingjie, walking is a proud appearance, eyes are like a king general contempt of me.

When I saw his expression, I couldn't help but say to him: "Sheng Mingjie, what are you doing here with Feifei? This is the old nest of the Party of flying bikes. There are so many of them. You take her here. In case she is in danger, are you responsible

When I say this, it's just that the villains report first, and they will fight against Sheng Mingjie.

But Peng Xuefei listened to my words, the expression suddenly Leng for a moment. But Sheng Mingjie's steps stopped unconsciously, and his brow slightly frowned.

However, Sheng Mingjie's reaction is so fast. After only one or two seconds, his face became more disdainful. Then, he continued to walk and said to me: "I thought you couldn't come out, so I wanted to get you out. Unexpectedly, you are a dog biting LV Dongbin."

Although Sheng Mingjie's words are a little ugly, they are reasonable. I can't help but sneer and respond: "Sheng Mingjie, Shanda young master, I know you have the ability, but do you think I need your help? It's a joke. I'm fine at all. I think you just want to show up in front of Feifei

Hearing this, even if Sheng Mingjie's self-discipline is good, he can't bear it any more. He stops his steps and stands in front of me. Some speechless said, "Jiangnan wind, do you think I need to rely on you to perform in front of Feifei? Well, if Feifei didn't ask me for help, I wouldn't care about your life or death. "

When he said this, Sheng Mingjie's face was cold and lofty, but I found that his remaining light was quietly looking at my injuries. Obviously, he walked out of the base camp of the flying car party safely. My heart is full of doubts.

And at this time, Peng Xuefei suddenly opened his mouth and said to me, "Jiangnan wind, Sheng Mingjie really brought me to save you. Since you have come out, this matter will be settled."

With that, Peng Xuefei took a meaningful look at Sheng Mingjie. According to Peng Xuefei's cleverness and listening to what I just said, how could she not know Sheng Mingjie's ulterior motives? Besides, he should know Sheng Mingjie better than I do and know that he is a man of high self-respect. No matter what you do, it is to raise yourself and trample on others.But before I responded to Sheng Mingjie's words, he gave me a cold hum. Then, he turned his head to Peng Xuefei and said, "Feifei, people like Jiangnan wind are small bellied. I think you'd better leave him as soon as possible. He is not worthy of you, even if he escaped the disaster of the flying car party this time. If it's hard, he'll have another one. "

Sheng Mingjie's words clearly show that he has been angry. Yes, Peng Xuefei did not comply with his words, but said with a strong tone: "Jiangnan wind, he is my boyfriend, if he really has an accident, it is also me who should worry about."

Seeing Peng Xuefei defending me so much, I should climb up the pole and say to Sheng Mingjie, "yes, this is between us. If we break up or not, I won't bother Shanda. You are so thoughtful."

Sheng Mingjie glared at me fiercely and said in a cold voice, "Jiangnan wind, I hope you can have such good luck next time. Just to remind you, don't forget my party the day after tomorrow. Maybe I will have a surprise for you. OK, don't say much. Now, goodbye!"

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