Although the little sister is very hot, but the woman is still a woman, still not a man has the strength, my body is not a big obstacle, but out of the alert, I still pretend to be very painful, in case the little sister to me again.

Fang Qing saw the little sister back, which broke free of their shackles and ran to me. She stroked my face which was caught by flowers. Her eyes showed pity. She stroked me and said, "Suluo, are you ok?"

Now that I have entered the role, I have to continue to play it. I smile at her with pain and say: "the state is not good, hee hee!"

Fang Qing said angrily, "it's all like this, and I'm joking."

At the same time, I pinched my body vigorously, but it was really painful. I cried out loud, as if this moment, I let out all the unhappiness in my heart.

At this time, Hao Nan Ge, who was sitting in the distance and watching, came over. After Fang Qing saw him, she stood up and blocked me in front of me and said, "what else do you want to do?"

Haonan elder brother ignored Fang Qing and pushed her to one side with no pity on her. He said coldly, "go away!"

Then, he squatted down, grabbed my hair and said disdainfully, "sulo, I've heard of you, I know, even though you won't take it, but I can give you a chance, a real chance to knock me down!"

I can bear the insult of little sister because I am a man and a man with responsibility. I don't like girls' hands, but I am still very depressed. In front of the woman I like, I am bullied and abused by another woman, which makes me really unable to accept.

However, after hearing Chen Haoran's words, my blood came back in an instant. I seem to have forgotten the insult I just received. At present, I have only one idea in my heart, that is, to find the lost face in front of the woman I like. I can bear the hardships of women, but I can't accept the bullying and ridicule of men.

Before I did not answer, Fang Qing put in a word in a loud voice and said in the tone of command: "Suluo, don't promise him, you are not his opponent!"

If I have no confidence to promise Chen Haoran just now, after hearing Fang Qing's words, my confidence is really full. Even the women I maintain look down on me, what's the meaning of my various maintenance.

I did not immediately answer his words, but broke free of his hand holding my hair, slowly stood up, looking at me after standing up, Chen Haoran also got up, I looked in front of me, Chen Haoran was more than half head higher than me, sonorous and powerful said: "good, I promise you!"

Chen Haoran didn't get angry when he saw my reaction like this. He nodded and said: "it's a man indeed. I'm not disappointed. As a man, I should fight for the woman I love. For your courage, I'll say a word from my heart, and I'll take it!.

Brother Haonan took a breath and then said again: "since you agree with my opinion, I have nothing to say. But you know, I love face, and I don't want others to say that I bully the weak. After all, you also know that in terms of singles, I can beat you ten times. That would be meaningless. Then I'll have some real ones. Let's have a group war. I heard that you are related to a group of people outside the school. In this way, I'll give you one day. Tomorrow at noon sharp, we'll have a fight on the back hill in the east of the school. What do you think? "

Seeing Chen Haoran's confident appearance, I know that he certainly didn't pay attention to me at all, but the more he was like this, the more blood in my body was boiling. I also knew that fighting in groups was the only chance I could beat him. After all, Chen Haoran's ability of single choice was very few in school. I didn't want to try the pleasure of egg hitting stone.

Seeing that I hesitated, Fang Qing stopped me again and said, "Suluo, you can't promise him. He's not the one you can stir up."

Then, he turned his head and prayed to Chen Haoran and said, "brother Haonan, you can see that no trace is my friend's face. Let my boyfriend go. He knows he is wrong. I promise for him that he will not offend you again."

While Fang Qing was talking, she specially bit the words Jiang Wuxian as my friend. She hoped to stop Chen Haoran's difficulties by using Jiang Wuxian's name. However, Fang Qing's calculation did not work at all.

Just listen to Chen Haoran light said: "Fang Qing, I understand what you mean. Don't you want to suppress me through Jiang Wuxian, but you are wrong. If Jiang Wuxian stands in front of me, I can sell him some thin noodles, but his name has no effect on me!"

During their conversation, they heard the name Jiang Wuxian many times. I have never heard of this person since he came to school for so long. However, why does Fang Qing always say this name and Chen Haoran always mention it? Although this is a question, the current situation is not suitable for discussing this question Question.

Looking at Fang Qing, who pleads for me again and again, I really can't bear it. I'm a man. If I don't do something, I'm really sorry for the man. Anger and blood are burning in my heart.I knew in my heart that how I fought Chen Haoran, I would not be his opponent. Although I had already guessed the end of the story, I also wanted to avoid steaming steamed bread for breath. I took a look at Fang Qing, then looked back at brother Haonan in front of me. Then, I swore, "OK, I'll listen to you!"

Seeing that I finally agreed, Chen Haoran's face showed the danger of evil again. He grinned and said to me: "of course, since we have decided to fight, we should really distinguish the winner and loser. We have to put some chips to make a bet. I can't let you play with me for nothing. After all, my time is very precious. Well, I won't embarrass you. If you win, I promise you any conditions you want to raise, as long as I can. But if you lose, it's very simple. You just need to get out of school obediently, because I don't want a mental illness to tarnish the school's reputation. What's more, if a mental illness stays in school, I'm not sure what to do if I go crazy and do something to hurt my woman. Can you accept the condition I proposed? "

After listening to Fang Qing, Fang Qing came to me quickly and called out to me: "Su Luo, you must not promise him. Why should you listen to him? It is clear that Huang cancan bullied me first. Even if Suluo should not threaten her, you can also beat and scold. Is this not enough? Do you want to push people to the dead end? Don't deceive people too much! "

Say say, Fang Qing excited all cried, tears, she how strong on the surface, in the end, she is a girl, a gentle girl!

I didn't expect that Fang Qing would cry and cry for me, and my heart was melted. But Fang Qing's tears only touched me, but could not move the pack of wolves, tigers and leopards, especially brother Haonan. He coldly replied, "I'm kind enough to do this. According to my previous character, I didn't give him any room to discuss, so I just abandoned him!"

The heartbroken Fang Qing wanted to say something more, but I didn't wait for her to open her mouth. Suddenly, I went to her, stretched out my hand to wipe the tears on Fang Qing's face. At the same time, I also gave Fang Qing a firm look. Then, I turned my eyes and focused on the arrogant and domineering Chen Haoran. Suddenly, I roared: "Laozi, promise you! But I hope you can also abide by the agreement. "

My voice, rough and loud, reverberated in the open roof for a long time, shocked myself. At this moment, I suddenly felt like a hero fighting for love. Even Fang Qing, who is constantly begging for mercy for me on one side, is shocked and speechless at the moment. He just looks at me in a daze, and his eyes are blurred.

And brother Haonan in front of me gave me a satisfied smile and quickly clapped his hands and said, "OK, OK, OK, I just like you. I haven't had a fight for more than half a month. I hope you don't let me down tomorrow and try to bring more people with me!"

With that, he passed me directly and left from me. Other people also left immediately. But little sister went to the back deliberately and kicked me when she left. She disdained to warn me and said, "you don't have to fight with Haoran. After today, you are waiting to get out of school! Ha ha ha

With that, she twisted her plump ass and left.

In a twinkling of an eye, only Fang Qing and I were left on the huge rooftop. We all unconsciously looked at each other. Our eyes were full of sparks. In a trance, I seemed to have felt that I was Fang Qing's boyfriend, but all this was my own fantasy.

However, immersed in her own fantasy, I was finally beaten back to reality by Fang Qing's action. When she took out the paper towel, she was wiping the residual blood on my bloodstained face. After feeling the pain, I didn't think I could cry out. Fang Qing looked at me apologetically and said to me, "I'm sorry, it's all my fault I pulled you into this whirlpool, but, solo, don't worry, I'll go to find no trace in a moment, and he will save you! "

At this time. I suddenly found that I really like the girl in front of me. Looking at her, I used to shrivel my mouth and said: "it's my own business. Don't bother others. Besides, if I don't try, how can I know? Even if I can't beat Chen Haoran, I'll quit school. Anyway, I'm not interested in staying in this school!"

Hearing this, Fang Qing was more sad, choked and said: "Suluo, if you really quit school because of me, I will feel sorry for my whole life!"

I comforted Fang Qing and said with a smile, "it's out of my nature. I don't intend to blame you at all. Besides, it's just your personal guess. You haven't tried it yet. How can you decide that I will lose, in case I win!"

In fact, I don't want to believe this sentence myself, but in order to make Fang Qing completely at ease and not blame myself, I can only say so.

But Fang Qing didn't get any comfort after listening to it. She cried more seriously. She looked more sad than ever. After staring at me for a long time, she suddenly said a word and said, "Suluo, I suddenly found that I seem to have started to like you gradually."

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