I never thought that Peng Xuefei would say such words. When I was speechless, I felt a little more happy. I felt the distance between myself and her, and made a further step forward. I felt close to achieving the goal.

When Peng Xuefei said this, her voice was very loud, and everyone's eyes were focused on her body. Therefore, when she opened her mouth, everyone could hear her. Because of this, the whole audience was stunned. No one thought that Peng Xuefei finally chose me, Jiangnan style.

All the people present, no matter whether he was a high-ranking official or a politician, was still a Mafia magnate or a rich tycoon. All of them were as stunned as Peng Xuefei, because Peng Xuefei's choice was really beyond their expectation.

At this moment, no one spoke any more. The scene was silent. Sheng Mingjie's act of sending flowers was still. Peng Yu's mouth opened. He Yunxiang and other people's eyes widened. But my already depressed heart rose miraculously, and my eyes could not help but brighten.

Yes, Peng Xuefei just praised Sheng Mingjie and hurt me, but it was not her choice. The person she finally chose was me.

When everyone was shocked, Peng Xuefei opened her voice again. She looked directly at Sheng Mingjie and said forcefully: "Sheng Mingjie, I know you like me, and you like me sincerely. But I still want to make it clear to you that if you are forced to force others to load on me, I won't want it. Maybe, even if I don't choose Xu can, I will It's just that Jiangnan wind has given me the courage to refuse you. I thank him. At the same time, I hope you don't embarrass him

Hearing the speech, my heart couldn't help but be shocked again. I know that Peng Xuefei said this, in fact, was pleading for me. After all, I came out to say that she was my woman, which was bold enough. She chose me and refused Sheng Mingjie, which made me in the opposite position of Sheng Mingjie.

Sheng Mingjie want to deal with me, easy, what's more, this is his home, maybe I don't even have the chance to fight. Peng Xuefei did this, completely to protect me, my heart, not from the rise of a warm, very moved.

At this moment, Sheng Mingjie's mouth twitched. However, he didn't give up. Instead, he asked Peng Xuefei in doubt: "Feifei, you chose the Jiangnan style in order to refuse me, right? I know that you will not look at people like Shangjiang Nanfeng. Even if you refuse me now, I can wait. You don't need to lower your posture like this? "

Hearing this, Peng Yu on one side also came up. He looked at me contemptuously, and then said to Peng Xuefei, "yes, sister, you said it yourself. Jiangnan wind is nothing and always tries to be brave. People like him are pretending to be forced. It doesn't matter if you don't agree with elder brother Sheng, but you don't have to choose him!"

Sheng Mingjie and Peng Yu made a start, and others immediately followed. While persuading Peng Xuefei, they did not forget to trample on me.

Although I don't care about other people's views, but to see them one by one so unscrupulously belittle me, as I said pig and dog, even if I don't want to care about it, I'm also irritated by them.

However, Sheng Mingjie's words do have some truth. Peng Xuefei chose me in public, not because she liked me, but because she refused Sheng Mingjie. I know this myself, but it's enough for me that she can choose me in front of so many people, at the risk of rejecting her father's intention and compromising Sheng Mingjie's face, and still don't forget to protect me from Sheng Mingjie.

In the public discussion, Peng Xuefei suddenly chuckled and said to Sheng Mingjie, "I have done what you want me to do. Although I didn't choose you, we are still old classmates and good friends. Thank you for doing so much for me. This time, I hope you don't have any narrow-minded heart."

With that, Peng Xuefei turned her eyes away from Sheng Mingjie. She stepped back two steps and sat down safely in the seat she had just done. However, she did not tangle again this time, but was very calm. Her posture was just as indifferent to herself.

Sheng Mingjie frowned and looked at Peng Xuefei. Then, he looked at me again and said in a cold voice, "Jiangnan wind, it seems that it is really a mistake for me to invite you. However, you can rest assured that I will not move you today. But don't be happy too soon. Now, I officially declare that I see you in my eyes

Sheng Mingjie's words are still so arrogant. Even though he was rejected by Peng Xuefei, he did not show the dispirited attitude of a loser. What he said still has a deep meaning. If he does not deal with me today, it does not mean that he will not deal with me in the future. In particular, the last sentence he said is that I did not enter his eyes before, which is obviously A deterrent to me.

All the people present also looked at Sheng Mingjie and me. Many people could hear the implication of Sheng Mingjie's words. Some people could not help showing their ferocity to me, while others showed contempt for me. More people showed indifference.

They are all Sheng Mingjie's guests. They all fear Sheng Mingjie's power background. I offended Sheng Mingjie. To a certain extent, I offended them. Of course, they would like me to suffer. In their opinion, it is easier for Sheng Mingjie to deal with me than to trample on an ant.Of course, some people hold different attitudes. Mu Nan, the leader of the party, frowns at this moment. However, he is not easy to say anything.

And I, standing in the same place, standing in front of the disdainful eyes of the crowd, listening to all kinds of ironic sounds, feeling the strange atmosphere in the field. All of a sudden, I burst out laughing, and the laughter was fresh and arrogant.

All of a sudden, many people on the scene couldn't help but be shocked. They looked at me inexplicably all over their faces, and their eyes were full of incredible.

Finally, one of the crowd could not help but shout angrily and asked, "Jiangnan wind, what are you laughing at?"

Hearing this, my laughter suddenly stopped. At the same time, I looked awe inspiring and said in a loud voice to those so-called dignified figures: "I smile, because you can't see the situation clearly. The choice Sheng Mingjie asked Peng Xuefei to make is undoubtedly a competition between him and me. Peng Xuefei chose me, obviously I won the victory, but you are because of Sheng Mingjie The strong, but slander me, revile me, regard me as a failure

As soon as I said that, many people's looks changed immediately. After a little chewing, they understood that Sheng Mingjie was a loser in this respect. They complied with Sheng Mingjie's power, but because of Sheng Mingjie's power, their practice was that they were afraid of power and suspected of flattering others.

Some people with shame can't help but lower their heads, while others who have no bottom line can't help but glare at me.

But did not give these people a chance to speak, I looked at Sheng Mingjie again and said bluntly: "Sheng Mingjie, you are very strong. At least, on the surface, you are very strong, but you are also very poor. I sympathize with you in my heart, because you really don't understand love. Love doesn't care whether you have power, money or power. If you really love Peng Xuefei, you should use your heart to influence her, protect her, and bless her, instead of forcing others into difficulties by means of any potential, not to find a step by yourself. Love pays attention to the willingness of both sides. If you want to have love, you need more heart. That's all I have to say. I know you don't welcome me, and I don't want to stay any longer. If you don't like me, you have to deal with me. Then I'll come. OK, I've finished what I have to say. Goodbye

This is the most sincere view in my heart. I know that after today, Sheng Mingjie will surely retaliate against me. I don't know how fierce it will be. But when the soldiers come to cover up the water, I will act according to the opportunity. After that, I don't want to see Sheng Mingjie's reaction, and I don't care what other people's views are, so I go straight to the courtyard I went outside the gate.

But I just walked forward a few steps, suddenly, in front of me there are several strong figures, they impolitely stopped me down, and glared at me.

Obviously, these people are under Sheng Mingjie. Before I had any reaction, Sheng Mingjie's voice came over and said, "Jiangnan wind, I remember your words, thank you. Don't worry. Today, I won't move you. I just want to remind you that we will no longer be friends when we walk out of this door. "

Friends? This hypocrite dare to make friends with me. Hearing these two words, I really feel a little funny. Sheng Mingjie is really hypocritical to a certain level. He clearly warned me, but he said so implicitly. He put himself on the commanding height of morality. He said as if everything was my fault, and he was generous. Regardless of my fault, he let me go for a while, but he was no longer a friend in the future.

I understand that he is no longer a friend, that is, he will deal with me severely in the future. However, we have never been friends and have never made friends. However, since we have arrived at this stage, I have to bear it calmly. I don't regret what I did just now. As for the consequences to be borne, I'm also ready to let Sheng Mingjie's storm come at will. In the end, my purpose of approaching Peng Xuefei will not change. For her, no matter how rough the road ahead is, I will go all the way.

Seeing that the man in front of me made way for a road, I went on.

However, just at this time, there was a roar behind me: "stop, Jiangnan wind, Young Master Sheng won't move you, but our Haigang will settle accounts with you!"

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