I immediately put on an enigmatic look, to Peng Xuefei very serious reply: "because, without him, I would not have the opportunity to show my true heart in front of you, he created this opportunity for me, let you know that my love for you is heaven and earth can be learned from, let the hall Peng elder sister, personally cook for me to send over, I am too satisfied!"

Hearing this, Peng Xuefei understood immediately. I was playing with my tongue again. She couldn't help but stare at me, and then returned to her cold color. She scolded me and said, "I'm still so poor. It seems that there's nothing wrong with it. But I hope you don't get me wrong. I'm sorry to bring you food. There's no other meaning. Besides, I'll tell you, Sheng Mingjie is not easy to be provoked We'd better keep a distance, or you'll be in trouble again! "

Peng Xuefei asked me to be her fake boyfriend at the beginning, in order to get rid of Sheng Mingjie. Now, she has offered to keep a distance with me. I know that she is for my safety, but at the same time, she is also affected by today's events. At noon, although Sheng Mingjie's proposal to her was interrupted by me, she came from The pressure on her family has certainly not decreased. She is still firmly locked in by Sheng Mingjie.

However, I certainly won't give up Peng Xuefei easily. He Yunxiang told me to stay away from Peng Xuefei in the mountain villa before, so that I could go out safely. In that case, I didn't promise. Now that I finally walk out of the ghost gate, how can I keep a distance with Peng Xuefei.

Thinking like this, I could not help but put aside the hippie color on my face and said to Peng Xuefei very seriously: "I am not afraid. Since I have decided to chase you, I have considered the consequences. If I want to take down Miss Peng of Haibang, how can I do without taking some risks?"

With that, I once again showed a sunny smile and seemed very confident.

I thought Peng Xuefei looked at me like this and scolded me, but I was wrong. She didn't. She just looked at me with a very deep look, as if she was re examining me.

This time, I really feel the seriousness in her eyes. She seems to have a different view on me. In her mind, I am no longer the rich second generation of the dandy. Maybe, at this moment, she feels my love. Although this love is played by me, it is very realistic.

Of course, Peng Xuefei didn't say anything, I didn't say anything, just looked at her quietly, and showed my sincerity completely in the eyes.

The ward fell into silence, the atmosphere was a little strange, Peng Xuefei may have felt embarrassed, she immediately withdrew her eyes, and then casually asked: "by the way, Jiangnan wind, your original relationship with Xia Yuqi is so good!"

When Peng Xuefei said this, it sounds like a casual question, but I feel that she seems to care about this. I remember when Qiqi took me away, her look was very complicated, and that kind of complexity was quite meaningful. Thinking of this, I immediately teased Peng Xuefei: "what's the matter, Miss Peng, are you jealous?"

In the face of my perfunctory and joking, Peng Xuefei was a little angry. She directly scolded me and said, "I'm really shameless. Tell you, Jiangnan wind, try to stay away from me in the future, otherwise, if you die, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

With that, she took the lunch box and left in anger.

Looking at her interesting back, I was pleased to smile. Although Peng Xuefei showed her arrogance and indifference, I could feel that she really cared about me, which was enough to show that the distance between me and her was one step closer. Then, if I want to catch up with her, it means that we can wait.

But, at the same time, I also thought of an egg pain problem, that is, Qiqi and Peng Xuefei, at the same time let me be on guard, is Sheng Mingjie.

It seems that this hypocrite is really unfathomable. It can be said that he has become the biggest obstacle in my pursuit of Peng Xuefei. I don't know much about him. The more people I don't know, the more uneasy I feel. He is like a pimple in my heart. If I don't make him clear, I feel uneasy.

In addition to him, there is a person I want to know urgently, that is Qiqi.

But I don't know who to ask them. Ordinary people certainly don't know them. Even uncle snake doesn't know Sheng Mingjie very well. Who else knows about him?

All of a sudden, I thought of a man. My new brother, Mu Nan, is the leader of the car party. Yes, he is qualified to attend Sheng Mingjie's party. Then, he must have something to do with Sheng Mingjie. He should know Sheng Mingjie a little. It's right to ask Mu Nan about Sheng Mingjie.

After thinking about it, I didn't want to stay in the ward. Immediately, I got up from the bed.

Although, my body injury has not recovered, but after such a long rest, my spirit has been enough, go out to work completely no problem.

After getting out of bed, I casually cleaned myself up, and then I went straight outside the ward.

But I was about to get close to the door of the ward. Suddenly, the door opened automatically.

At that time, a handsome face came into my eyes without warning. He was not other than Peng Xuefei's younger brother, Peng Yu.

Seeing this moment of Peng Yu, I was stunned. I didn't expect to meet Peng Yu at this time.At the beginning, I didn't pay much attention to him, but today I was able to get rid of he Yunxiang's claws because of his angry words. I can't help but look at him. His strength is very deep. This seemingly simple young year is really not simple.

More importantly, he seemed to be interested in Kiki, and I got close to Kiki, that is to say, I stood opposite to him again.

Before, I was in opposition to Sheng Mingjie, and he stood on Sheng Mingjie's side. Therefore, he was against me. Later, Qiqi's appearance made him have more opinions on me. Now, he suddenly came to my ward, certainly not to visit.

Unconsciously, I secretly gave birth to some guard heart, for this unfathomable Peng Yu, I had to guard against.

Peng Yu was stunned to see me standing safely. He might not have thought that I would be OK so soon. His eyes were more surprised.

With a trace of curiosity, he looked at me up and down, and then he said, "not bad, Jiangnan wind. It's recovering very fast."

He said it casually, but it sounded a little bit of a test of my meaning. I quickly replied with some playful tone: "ha ha, it's necessary. I've been strong since I was young, so I can't bear to fight. Otherwise, where can I have the courage to pursue your sister?"

I didn't want to stay on this issue. I immediately changed the subject.

When Peng Yu heard me talk about Peng Xuefei, his face immediately returned to the serious. He took two steps and went straight to me. He looked at me closely and said solemnly, "well, you can see that you are really devoted to my sister. It's different from the other two generations. No wonder my sister is more special to you!"

This is to listen to me a little surprised, Peng Yu, but he has not been optimistic about me and Peng Xuefei, how now to say such a thing to me?

I don't care what his intention is, and directly and arrogantly replied: "that's of course!"

For my Ao Jiao, Peng Yu did not care, he just slightly smile, and then said to me frankly: "I come to tell you, I support you to chase my sister now!"

After that, he left the water without waiting for me.

I was completely confused. I thought he was coming to me to make a crime. Unexpectedly, he came to support me to chase Peng Xuefei. It was so surprising to me that I didn't dare to believe it.

In my impression, he was standing on Sheng Mingjie's side. He called Sheng big brother one by one. In addition, at noon, he urged Peng Xuefei to leave me alone. It seemed that he longed for he Yunxiang to deal with me.

All discerning people can see that he is very supportive of Sheng Mingjie and Peng Xuefei together. After a half day, his attitude has turned 180 degrees?

All of a sudden, I think of a person, she is Qiqi, yes, it must be like this, Peng Yu likes Qiqi, can see, or like to listen to the kind, he must be afraid of what there is between me and Qiqi, so, just want to make me and Peng Xuefei together, in this way, I have no threat to his love.

I can't see that Peng Yu is also a kind of love. If my inference is correct, then it can be said that Peng Yu is deeply in love with Qiqi, and the Hai Gang has made great efforts to obtain the Millennium blood Ganoderma lucidum. It's just that Qiqi's attitude is still worth pondering. I can't reach a conclusion yet. I still need to understand her in detail.

After thinking about it, I didn't hesitate to leave the hospital immediately. Then, I secretly contacted Mu Nan and said I wanted to see him.

Immediately, Mu Nan and I immediately made an appointment, this place is a secret stronghold of the party, no one knows except a few of his cronies.

It was revealed that I didn't drive there, but took a taxi. When I arrived, Mu Nan arrived early. As soon as he saw me, he immediately confessed: "boss, I'm sorry. At noon, I didn't help you!"

I put his hand, very free and easy to say: "this is not your business, is I do not want you to help, I can see that you did your best!"

Mu Nan saw that I didn't blame him, and his sad face was immediately relaxed. He quickly welcomed me into the sofa in the secret room and poured me a cup of tea.

Feeling, after experiencing the midday, munan was more respectful to me and did not dare to be slighted. After pouring tea for me, he immediately asked me, "boss, what can I do for you?"

I sipped my tea and said faintly, "I want to know about Sheng Mingjie. How much do you know about him? Tell me all about it!"

After hearing what I said, munan did not show any unnecessary expression. He should be particularly clear about the contradiction between Sheng Mingjie and me. The big play staged at the party at noon today can fully meet the gap between Sheng Mingjie and me. So when he heard that I wanted to inquire about Sheng Mingjie, he quickly told me everything he knew.

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