I am alone. Even if I know that the front is hell, I want to break through for face. This bet is nothing to me. I don't have much nostalgia for me. If I leave like this, I will not show so embarrassed, without grievance, no resentment, and I can only blame me for not having strength and skills.

A person walks back to school, today's weather is particularly sunny, warm sunshine on my body, the cold heart is not so cool, I have no strong body, but I have a heart not afraid of death, a spirit of not dying.

With this firm determination, I bravely stride forward, every step, stepping on the ground is so firm, walked nearly 20 minutes, I arrived at the agreed destination.

The back mountain of the school is the holy place for love. But in the deep part of the back mountain, it has been treated as a battlefield by the mixed students. In the hidden forest, there is an abandoned square, which has been abandoned for a long time. What did not know before. It is said that the school is intended to be redeveloped, but it has not been moved. Gradually, it has been developed into a battlefield by students. One is a battlefield There is only a battlefield of large combat.

Along the way, the place where several intimate lovers are seen from time to time, a mountain comes to this abandoned square, which is both concealed and spacious, and is prepared for group warfare. And I, although I have been to school for so long, I have come to this legendary place for the first time today. When I arrived, there were already a lot of people in the huge abandoned square. Around the square, there were several people who could not be too busy to watch the big things.

Looking through the crowd, the center of the square stood many strong people, each filled with masculinity. After a glance, they saw that none of them had to have fifty or sixty, and each was tall and upright, and with high morale. Each of them, in their hands, carries a silver steel pipe, and at first glance, it is a gang that often dry frame, with extraordinary momentum. And in the front of these people, Chen Haoran, who is sitting in a hurry, is hanging and frying the sky!

Surrounded by Chen Haoran is not only aggressive, but also handsome. At this moment, he is leaning on a motorcycle, enjoying a good smoke, smoke around him, setting him against more tyranny, just like the emperor who is in charge of the imperial drive, while the little sister snuggles in his arms, which is just like the charming that confused the emperor.

All of them, waiting for me, the leading actor who can't eat and eat, will be on the stage. However, when they see that only I am alone and late, all people are stunned, even they can't believe what they see in front of me, and think I have left some backhand and so on.

However, as I slowly approached the crowd, I was still empty behind me. At this moment, everyone in the scene seemed to understand that I was fighting alone. Suddenly, all sorts of joking laughter reverberated in this area, and they were constantly rising and falling.

The people watching the bustle were talking and mocking. "Mom, is this product sure it's not coming to make fun of it?"

"What kind of situation, think that you are the God of war, can you take one to ten, one enemy hundred!"

"I said," if you can't find someone, you'll get out of school early, how nice it is to stay home. Why come here to find death, you pretend to be in the wrong place! "

"Don't you know? He was a psychopath. It is normal for a person with different ideas to do such a shocking thing today! "

"Ha ha, the nerves are not the same, but the South brother is not a normal person!"

I pretended not to hear these public opinions, only buried my head, step by step, looking at my arrival, and the people beside me unconsciously gave me a way. At this time, a person shadow was in front of me, I couldn't help looking up and found it was Fang Qing!

She saw me, and pushed me hard, and said angrily with red eyes, "are you a fool? I told you to hide far away. You came, and came alone. Did you intentionally find death?"

Her eyes are full of worry, and at the same time, it is not steel hate. I know that every word she says is for my good, but I don't want her to be involved in this matter again. I said to her with a cold face: "I said, this matter has nothing to do with you. Now it is my personal resentment with Chen Haoran, and it has nothing to do with anyone. So please let go! ”"Fang Qing listened to me, and did not stop persuading me immediately, but said:" anyway, it is all because of me. If you really have something wrong, my conscience will be unhappy all my life. I also want to ignore, unfortunately I can not do, I can not see you die. So, you give up your defeat directly. The big thing is to quit school. I will accompany you. I want my dad to help. We can transfer to school together, OK? "

Hearing this, I am still calm and water, but my heart is full of moving. Fang Qing, the girl, is really kind-hearted, which makes me more firm in my faith. Today, this battle, no matter how the end, I do not regret.

Hearing this, I still pretended to be indifferent and said to her: "Fang Qing, I thank you for your kindness. However, you may not understand my character. If I say it, I will stick to the end. Even if death really comes, I will not blink my eyebrows. I have really escaped too much. Now I don't want to do it again I want to face it like a real man! "It's a pity that what I never expected was that Fang Qing, who had always been quiet, would have such a stubborn side. She yelled at me with her red eyes: "I don't care. This is because of me. I will face it with you, even if it is dead."

Hearing her words, I was really speechless. At the beginning, it was because of rescuing her. Now Fang Qing is involved in it. All I have done is in vain. Is there any significance for me to do this!

Out of the protection of her, I can't let her stay here. So, I stare at Fang Qing with very fierce eyes and roar at her: "this is a matter between us men. What are you doing with a woman? You said to face with me, ha ha, what's the relationship between us? It's worth doing for me like this. Tell you, which is cool and where to stay, stay away from me. Do you hear me? If you hear that, get out of here

I said every word very hard, the last word, I almost tried my best to eat milk and roared out loud, which made Fang Qing's body tremble. She looked at me in horror, and her eyes were a little dull. Hearing this, her tears were unable to control, but she was still unwilling to ask me wrongly: "didn't you say you like me Can you do this to me! "

When I heard her saying this, I roared up and said, "ha ha, I said I like you, but I don't like it now. Why don't you go away? I don't want to see you again. Do you hear me?"

Every word out of my mouth, is a kind of suffering, every sentence said is so heart piercing. Yes, I have to admit that I really like her, but now this scene is not a time for romance. For her safety and to be able to leave her out, I have to say so. I don't need her understanding. I just hope she is safe.

Hearing my words, Fang Qing turned directly and ran away quickly. Seeing Fang Qing disappear in the crowd, my hanging heart just let go. Then, I straightened up my chest and walked towards Chen Haoran, who was close at hand.

When I came to Chen Haoran, he immediately used his sharp eyes to stare at me for a long time, then asked, "Suluo, are you really coming alone?"

"Yes," I replied forcefully

Immediately, Chen Haoran was angry, he directly let go of the little sister, pointing to his nose and swearing at me: "you dare to play a damn me!"

His anger is very big, but did not scare me, I still a face firm sonorous reply: "brother Haonan, I did not play you, on the contrary, I still attach great importance to this fight, so, I did not shrink back, you are required to bring people, but I found no one to praise me, I have to come myself!"

After I said this, Chen Haoran became more and more angry. He yelled to me, "I said I would fight a hard battle with you. What do you think of my words? If you fight you alone, my one hand is enough. Why do I need to arouse the public?"

I replied faintly: "brother Haonan, you listen to me, no matter how, I came according to the agreement, how you want to me, I have no complaints, lost I will realize my promise."

After listening to my words, brother Haoran gradually calmed down. He nodded to me and said meaningfully, "yes, I look up to you more and more. As a man, you are very responsible. I admire you. But, my big group of brothers have been basking in the sun for so long. What do you say? "

With that, he pointed to the majestic brothers behind him. Then, all the big men behind him looked at me with fierce eyes, as if they would kill me at any time.

However, I didn't care about them at all. Under the gaze of everyone, I took out my machete and put it in my arms. It was shining in the sun. When I carried it, my whole morale suddenly rose, and I suddenly felt that I had the momentum of a man in charge.

Immediately, I faced Chen Haoran and his group, and I didn't know where the courage came from. I didn't want you to play with me. I came to fight with you. Even though I knew I had lost, at least I could prove that I had fought

My words made me feel heroic, but they did not suppress the scene. Instead, they amused them and caused a burst of laughter. They did not regard me as a hero, but a fool who came here to find a sense of existence!

Chen Haoran asked, "Suluo, are you kidding me?"

I frowned and solemnly said, "I'm not kidding!"

After a while, Chen Haoran couldn't help it any longer. He was completely angry. He waved his hand directly and burst into a shout: "brothers, give me a waste of this guy!"

As soon as the voice fell, the group behind him came around me with steel pipes. In the face of these fierce enemies, on the contrary, my heart stirred up. I felt a solemn and stirring sense of death. I licked my lower lip, raised my knife and was ready to confront them.

Many people in front of me were surprised to see the crowd.

I was about to turn my head to see what was going on. Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind me: "Arlo, you don't call me when there's a fight, isn't it interesting?"??

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