After receiving a phone call, steward Ren put up the killing intention and left directly. After the housekeeper left, two men in suits suddenly came in and closed the door of the villa. They looked at the gate like two lions and stared at me.

I slowly got up from the ground, and then sat back on the sofa, carefully pondered my situation. Although the strength of these two people is very strong, it is still a big gap compared with Ren housekeeper. If I break out and want to remove these two obstacles, it is not a big problem.

However, I did not dare to do so. It was too risky. However, I was even more uneasy to stay in the villa. It was quite like waiting for death. Although the housekeeper answered the phone and let me off temporarily, he obviously did not intend to let me die, otherwise I would not need to be put under house arrest.

What's more, I can't help but doubt that Ren's action just now is too impulsive. He killed me with all his heart, but let me go at the most critical moment. I can't help but doubt that he didn't really intend to kill me just now, but he tried to test my strength.

Because, with his resourceful wisdom, he would never easily believe me. He must still be worried about how I escaped from the dungeon. How could he let me die in such a hurry without knowing the specific situation.

Now, he is supposed to have something to do, or to investigate something. Once he determines something and knows that I have no use value, then I will die.

In fact, I also understand that for a rebel like Ren housekeeper, my death is more beneficial to him, because in this way, the leader of the Hai Gang will have a gap with the Xia family, which will aggravate the plight of the Hai Gang leader.

What's more, housekeeper Ren has exposed his true face in front of me. How can he tolerate me going out alive? He will certainly kill people. No matter what I think, as long as I stay here, the end is only death.

Not only me, Peng Xuefei's situation is certainly not good. When the first housekeeper left her in the pit, she was determined to let her die. Now that she is back, how can Ren housekeeper let her go easily.

The more I think about it, the more anxious I feel. If I can, I really want to get out of the dead end, rescue Peng Xuefei, and then quickly implement my plan. However, as soon as I enter the tiger's den, which is as deep as the sea, Peng's manor turns out to be such a dark and terrifying place. As soon as I come here, I'm locked in this luxurious but breathless villa. In front of the door, there are two cold-blooded experts like wolf dogs It's really too hard to go out without being doubted. Besides, even if I get out of this pass, I can get out of the manor with the heavy guard? Not to mention saving Peng Xuefei.

But if this manor is really controlled by the housekeeper as I thought before, then the whole Pengjia manor will become a piece of iron bucket, and I can't fly with wings. In this way, my plan is even more difficult.

At this moment, I just feel that every minute is suffering. On the premise of waiting for death, I have to think of ways to do impossible things. I can't protect myself. How can I save others?

I came to the Haibang headquarters to see Peng Xuefei's father and to inquire about the internal situation of the Haibang. But now, as soon as I came in, I would face death. How can I bear it.

What's more, I don't know whether Peng's manor is under the control of the housekeeper, where the guild leader is, and what kind of situation is inside the Hai Gang. I don't even want to die in such an inexplicable state.

At the end of the day, I was just in a daze, and I couldn't understand it.

When I was so anxious, suddenly, the door of the villa was opened again. Out of the door, there was a black figure wearing a black robe and a mask on his face.

This dress up I am very familiar with, is that night with Ren housekeeper, catch me and Peng Xuefei's group of kidnappers dress up, see this dress up the moment, my heart concussion more and more fierce.

I know that the group of kidnappers led by them are extremely powerful, but I can't imagine that some of them dare to show up in the headquarters of the Shanghai Gang in this dress, which is really shocking to me.

Before I could figure out what was going on, the man in black outside the door quickly walked into the hall. With his entry, the door of the villa was closed again. Then, in the empty hall, the voice of the man in black immediately sounded: "master, kill the south wind immediately!"

Kill me, this short sentence, like a thunderbolt, instantly hit my heart, let my body suddenly stand up from the sofa, my eyes like eagle eyes, tightly staring at the man in black in front of me.

He is like the devil of the night. I have seen their determination and ruthlessness at the beginning, and there is no emotion to say at all. At this moment, when I heard his words, I instinctively raised my vigilance and squeezed my fists unconsciously.

I noticed that he didn't wear gloves on his hands, and his voice didn't sound like a housekeeper. He should not be a gloved man. So, what he said about the master meant to be a housekeeper or someone else?

If he was not a housekeeper, would he be the real rebel leader of the Hai Gang?

No matter who it is, in the end, I am completely clear that these people will not let me go. As soon as the voice of the man in black falls, two men in suits next to him immediately accept orders and attack me.Without thinking about it, I immediately roared at them and said, "this is the headquarters of the sea gang. If you dare to kill people here, are you not afraid to blame the leader?"

I'm trying to talk about this. Actually, I don't want to frighten them with the guild leader, but I want to confirm whether they care about the sea gang leader.

As expected, they didn't care about the leader of the Hai Gang at all. As soon as I said something, they just didn't hear it. They kept on sweeping towards me.

At this moment, the momentum of their bodies was fully revealed. As soon as they approached me, they locked me up like tigers, attacking me fiercely.

Almost reflexive, I will clench the fist, suddenly shake off, rise to resist.

In the face of Ren housekeeper, if I don't expose my real strength, I'll be crushed. But I can deal with these two men in suits without exposing my strength. Even though it's hard to deal with them, I won't be trampled by them at will.

The living room of villa is very big, among them have a lot of furniture, I hit and retreat at the same time, sometimes use furniture as cover, with ease.

Two people did not take me down for a while, facial expression is not good-looking, forehead all black out of a line.

The man in black in front of the door saw this, his eyes were cold, and he ordered again: "speed up!"

His tone was extremely cold. It seemed that the identity of the man in black was one grade higher than that of the two men who beat me. He looked very dignified. His urge made them suddenly furious. Their eyes were full of fierce light. Their hands were even more ruthless and had no scruples. Even the obstacles like furniture were knocked down by them, Kicking, kicking, kicking. Everything, they do not care, just to quickly take my life.

Under the threat of death, I can only play my best as the wind power in the south of the Yangtze River. Even so, I am still in a tight corner. The fist and foot of the opponent are like steel bars, and their movements are fast and flexible. I really can't avoid it. If I am accidentally hit, I feel that my bones are broken.

Gradually, my situation is more and more unbearable, and those two people are more and more murderous. They are not breathing at all. They bombard me in turn. I begin to lose my ability. In the case of hiding my strength, I have to try my best to save my own life. For me, it costs more energy. I just feel more and more tired. Finally, one of the men in suit hits me hard Under, I was beaten directly to the ground, exhausted, lying on the ground, just like a pool of mud, the heart of the suffocation can not speak.

Since I lived in the identity of Jiang Nanfeng, I really can't help it. I always have to bear everything and look around. It is because I have too much consideration that I am captured, locked in the pit and devastated. If it wasn't for my strong will, I would have been crazy.

Now, I finally crawled back from the ghost gate, but also faced with the threat of death, what's more, I still have to take into account, or can't easily expose their own strength, I am really unwilling, extremely unwilling, anger, breeding again in my heart, my blood, began to boil gradually, all kinds of emotional factors, in the crazy movement.

After he knocked me down, it was almost like announcing my death. One of them, a man in a suit with small eyes, stood in the same place, looking down at me coldly, motionless.

The other was the executioner who took my life. He took a fruit knife directly from the table and came to me with a murderous air.

At this time, my eyes, already in the red, my blood boiling more and more intense, I red eyes, hard staring at him, angry way: "you don't mess, you can't kill me!"

My voice is like a ghost roaring, but this man does not care, he seems to be a robot who only knows how to execute orders, and keeps approaching me.

The closer he was to me, the stronger my anger was, and my eyes became more and more red. Seeing him come to me, I only felt that the feeling of suffocation in my body exploded.

When he bent down and cut my neck mercilessly with a knife, I suddenly reached out my hand, grabbed his wrist with the knife, and pulled it hard. At the same time, I accumulated my right hand with hidden strength and suddenly made a force to hit his head.

In the face of death, I have an instinctive desire to survive. In such a terrible environment as the dungeon, I can persist in surviving. Now, in order to live, I will be more desperate and anxious. I have to burst out. I threw out this blow with infinite force and momentum.

He was just like a god of death. He didn't respond. His tianmengai was directly punched by me. With a dull bang, the man's cold expression instantly solidified. Just now he was still murderous, his breath of life disappeared immediately.

And I, without hesitation, in his powerless to fall on me, I suddenly raised his foot, instantly kicked him over, and then, I a carp fight, turned over.

Another person saw the abnormality, and in an instant, rushed over. However, it was already late. When he came, I had already got up.

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