The more I think about it, the more I feel that something is wrong. Unconsciously, the strength in my hand begins to increase gradually. No matter what he does to me today, at least, Peng Xuefei and I were caught by these people and thrown into the dungeon, where we suffered from hell. Since then, I have planted the seeds of hatred in my heart, If I don't get revenge, I can't get over it. In particular, the other party is still a kind of abnormal animal, and has no human feelings. He even starved Peng Xuefei and I to death.

This kind of person would like to cut him into pieces. Moreover, I swore to Peng Xuefei that he would have to pay the blood debts of these people. How could I live with them.

So, I once gave up the idea in my heart, turned to remember Peng Xuefei, I will be persecuted, that Peng Xuefei is still alive now? If she were alive, where would she be?

Thinking of this, I immediately threatened the man in black and said, "you first tell me where Peng Xuefei is, what have you done to her?"

The man in black saw me ask Peng Xuefei, his eyes suddenly turned around, as if he was making some ghost ideas. However, he kept silent again. Soon, he said to me anxiously: "Miss Peng is in her room. We didn't do anything to her. We just put her under house arrest. You let me go quickly. I can let Miss Peng leave safely. Otherwise, she will die."

Sure enough, the man in black is cunning, and every sentence has a strong purpose. I believe that once he is free, I will be absolutely dangerous.

For such a person, I can't let go, my deep hatred must also repay, so thinking, my eyes suddenly cold, in the black man thought he had succeeded in the plot. I suddenly bent the corner of my mouth and said to him in a cold voice, "I'm sorry, I don't believe you!"

Finish saying, my hand suddenly increased strength, just listen to a click, instantly, the neck of the man in black was crushed by me.

Cunning, he suddenly opened his eyes, died, his expression is very exaggerated, a look of death.

After I let go of my hand, his body immediately fell in front of me.

Looking at his stiff corpse, I was not afraid. On the contrary, my heart felt relaxed and solved him, which was equivalent to alleviating some kind of nightmares for my dungeon pain, which was equivalent to revenge and a trace of hatred.

But after dispelling hatred, it is followed by distress, deep distress, just as the man in Black said, I can't escape after killing him, it is still inevitable to die.

In this prison like Peng's manor, how can I retreat? Facing the countless guards, what can I do to get out of the encirclement and escape from here?

No, I can't get out of here. I can't think of how to rescue Peng Xuefei and my father. Now I, the situation is really worrying.

However, no matter what, I don't regret killing the man in black. For a cunning and ruthless man like him who is cruel and full of lies, he is a disaster.

I couldn't help but take a deep breath. Then I gazed at the three corpses on the ground and thought about the way to escape.

At this moment, my mind was spinning fast, I used all my IQ and the calmness I could control to think about how to escape from Peng family manor.

After thinking about it for a long time, I felt a little weak. So I simply squatted down and took off the black mask on the black man's face, looked at him, and found that he was a completely strange man. Anyway, I had never seen him, which was of no value to me. I can't help but turn over from him, still can't find anything useful. This mysterious man doesn't even have an identity card. Everything is unknown. It's also a dream to get inspiration from him.

However, I had to stand up and walk in the villa, but there were patrolling guards around the villa. Moreover, even if I got out of the villa, I couldn't get out of the manor smoothly, unless I had the skill of concealment.

Just when I was impatient and helpless, suddenly, I saw a man in black rushing by outside the window. For the man dressed in black, the guards on patrol outside seemed to have not seen him. In other words, this dress up is a symbol of identity and power. Anyone who can wear this dress may be able to walk across the garden of Pengjiazhuang.

Thinking of this, I immediately turned my head and looked at the man in black on the ground. Suddenly, my heart couldn't help but be happy. The melancholy color between my eyebrows immediately disappeared, almost without any hesitation. I quickly folded and went back to the center of the hall and stripped off all the clothes of the man in black. Then, I quickly changed into his black robe, even his black mask Yes.

When you're dressed. I quickly stood in front of the mirror, looking at myself in the mirror, my heart was even more happy. At the moment, I only showed a pair of cold eyes, completely a cold man in black, who can recognize this? Isn't this a special invisibility cloak for me?

In this moment, my eyes could not help showing some excitement, but soon, this trace of color was covered by me, replaced by indifference, extreme indifference, with this indifference, I suddenly turned around, took a powerful step, slowly walked towards the door of the villa.Put on a layer of black robe, changed a identity, my heart is naturally not calm, like a thief, ups and downs, special heart. But my pace is very steady, and my eyes are also very firm, because I know in my heart that if I want to escape from this dangerous place full of crisis, I can't show any flaws. I must fully grasp the charm of the black robed man, so that I can hide from the sky.

Walking to the door of the living room, I opened the door of the villa directly. The light wind hit me, which made me feel refreshed. However, my heart was still nervous and cautious. I walked out of the villa carefully. For fear of people finding something abnormal in the living room, I closed the door of the villa, and then left the villa.

When I came here before, I had already remembered the general orientation of the whole estate. Therefore, even though the manor was large, I could still find the location of the exit. Therefore, I followed the route directly and kept walking.

Along the way, I met a lot of patrolling guards. However, they all turned a blind eye to me. My luggage proved my identity. This level of identity, like my pass, made my journey unimpeded without any examination.

Unconsciously, my pace quickened up. Now I am in a different mood from me when I came. When I come, I can still enjoy the scenery, but in fact, I can observe the terrain. But at the moment, I have only one idea in my heart, that is, get out of here quickly.

However, after walking about half the way, I suddenly found that the patrolling guards in the manor seemed to be disturbed and suddenly assembled.

At first, I thought I was found out and was ready to rush out by force, but soon I realized that these people didn't seem to come at me, but they were accepting some kind of order. I saw that after the assembly, they were heading for some place directly.

All of a sudden, I could clearly feel that Peng's manor, which was heavily guarded and repressed, suddenly became extremely quiet. Only a few guards were left, and others seemed to have withdrawn.

No matter how stupid I am, I can understand that it must be something happened in the manor that caused them to go out together.

All of a sudden, I think of Peng Xuefei. Yes, although this is Peng Xuefei's home, she is obviously in trouble. I kill a man in black now. This matter must not be concealed. By then, Peng Xuefei will be more implicated. Where can she live?

If I left like this, it would be a bit irresponsible and cruel. Even if I didn't love her deeply, even if I approached her with purpose, but after all, she and I had experienced so much together, and we struggled together before death, and we came back together. How much I care about her, maybe I don't know myself. I only know that I won't let go She doesn't care about her life or death. What's more, she believed me so much and gave me all her love. I can't abandon her ruthlessly any more.

Thinking of this, I immediately turned back, and then cautiously kept up with the large troops who had assembled the guards. In my opinion, these people's actions might have something to do with Peng Xuefei.

With this suspicion, I followed them closely, quietly, but naturally, and finally, these people stopped outside the hall of the manor.

Pengjia manor building is the biggest feature, and the architectural style is diverse. The main hall in front of us belongs to the classical architecture. Moreover, it looks very huge and spectacular, just like the main hall in the imperial palace. It is particularly powerful.

As soon as they arrived in front of the hall, the assembled guards quickly and orderly surrounded the hall. They were completely blocked. I didn't dare to get close to it. After all, my identity was disguised. If they had a password or something like that, I, Mr. Nanguo, would be exposed.

Just, I feel that Peng Xuefei may be in the hall. If she is there, how can I get in and take her away safely.

This is a difficult problem, a great problem, especially in this case, the guards surrounded the hall, the difficulty is even greater. At this moment, my heart began to falter.

However, while I was staring at the hall from afar and struggling in my heart, suddenly, I heard the sound of beating the window from somewhere.

The voice came from the back of my left. Involuntarily, I turned my head and looked at it. I found that not far from my left rear, there was an independent villa. One of the rooms in the villa was on. A figure was beating the window in front of the window, as if shouting.

There are curtains in the window. I can only see a dark shadow, but I can't see the face clearly. However, from the reflected figure, I can feel that the person is Peng Xuefei.

However, just as soon as I had this idea, suddenly another figure flashed out, which was tall and powerful. As soon as it appeared, it forced the shouting figure to be subdued and pulled away.

Now, I'm more sure that Peng Xuefei is the one who is shooting the window for help.

Without any hesitation, I immediately gave up staring at the main hall and went straight to the villa.

The houses here are basically single family, and this villa is no exception. Its location is quite good, the scenery is good, and the environment is quiet and beautiful. However, what does not match the environment is the scene behind the curtain before. I feel that Peng Xuefei is in a bad situation.I can't help but speed up the pace, very quickly also very light ran to the villa side, then, I secretly stand in the window, listen carefully, not a long time, I heard a cry voice in the room: "you let me out, quickly let me out!"

In an instant, I heard that it was Peng Xuefei's voice. As soon as her voice fell, another man's voice came from the room: "Miss Peng, don't waste your energy, just stay in the room!"

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