After Peng Qing finished his speech, his momentum gradually burst out. He felt that everyone in the Peng family had a great sense of family. He would rather give up the small righteousness and pay attention to the great righteousness. After all, brother fighting is the business of his own family. Now outsiders are involved in it. Peng Qing is ambitious and dare not take this risk. Finally, he chooses to go with his brother To the outside world.

The rebels on Peng Qing's side are all from the front sea Gang on his side. They probably can't see Wu Tianhao's practice. Moreover, Peng Qing has made a statement. Naturally, they are on his side. Soon, these rebels also gathered together.

The two brothers, who were still at war before, at this moment, threw aside all barriers and resolutely united to deal with their common enemy.

The two brothers joined forces, and their power soared. The elite of the sea gang was all there, and they had the potential to destroy the country. Even though Wu Tianhao and others were strong, they could not resist.

Wu Tianhao's face finally began to change in the face of the enemy's pressure. However, his confidence was still there, and he didn't appear to be too alarmed. Just as the Peng brothers approached him at the same time, Wu Tianhao suddenly said faintly: "ha ha, leader Peng, it seems that I really underestimated you and the unity of your Peng family. Today, it's a mistake for me You can't deal with me

On the surface, Wu Tianhao has admitted everything, but his tone is still so arrogant, and his eyes are not in any panic. It seems that he is not afraid of the Honggang people.

When Peng Yi saw him like this, he was stunned and asked, "why?"

Wu Tianhao picked his thick eyebrows and said in a playful tone: "don't forget, your baby daughter is still under my control. You should not want your daughter to die in your own home. Even if you don't care about your daughter's life and death and are willing to sacrifice your daughter's life, if this matter is spread out, I'm afraid Sheng Mingjie will have deep opinions on you."

Sure enough, Wu Tianhao is full of confidence. He has left enough space for himself. After saying this, he immediately turns his head and signals to the next housekeeper.

Steward Ren immediately understood the meaning. He turned his face and looked at the man in black beside him. He said, "boss, go and ask the fifth to bring Miss Peng here."

The eldest one of the black characters took orders and said in a cold voice, "yes!"

With that, he immediately turned around and was about to bring people. However, as soon as the boss in black turned around, there was a man who moved ahead of him. This man was Peng Xuefei in black.

At this moment, Peng Xuefei couldn't disguise any more. She walked out of Wu Tianhao's team and walked to her father. She said coldly: "you don't have to shout. I've already come here already!"

Hearing this sentence, the atmosphere of the scene suddenly seemed to solidify. Everyone was shocked to lose their teeth. Even Peng Yi, who has been calm as a mountain, has opened his eyes and stared at Peng Xuefei in a black robe.

And here, Wu Tianhao and Ren housekeeper are even more confused. You know, Peng Xuefei's clothes, but their unique clothing, is equivalent to their people who suddenly jump out. How can this make them think? They seem to be dreaming, and their face is unbelievable.

When Peng Xuefei took off the mask on her face, the whole audience believed that Peng Xuefei really appeared.

Seeing Peng Xuefei's real face, all the people on the scene can't help but be surprised. Everyone's expression is unpredictable. Among them, Peng Yu, Peng Xuefei's younger brother, has the most warm expression. His eyes are full of excitement. He was the first to jump out and hold Peng Xuefei. He was surprised and said, "sister, it's really you!"

Peng Yu's tone was full of excitement and surprise. Obviously, he was very happy with Peng Xuefei's safe appearance.

Perhaps, because of this catastrophe, the Peng family seems to have become more united at this moment, and their feelings are more and more profound, and the family atmosphere is very strong. Peng Xuefei may also feel her father's silent love and feel that she is not abandoned by the family, which makes her look better and radiant. With her warm eyes, Staring at Peng Yu deeply, he focused on the key and said, "Well!"

The simple scene of dialogue between the brothers and sisters fell into the eyes of gang leader Peng. When he saw Peng Xuefei show up at this time, his sad face could not help but stretch out. His expression in his eyes became gentle and loving. He said to Peng Xuefei very gently: "Feifei, you are back!"

At this moment, Peng Yi's voice is no longer strong, not indifferent, not calm, but full of father's love. He finally shows his fatherly side, which makes Peng Xuefei's body shake. She looks at Peng Yi with tears in her eyes and says excitedly, "father, I'm back!"

This is the reunion of their father and daughter. Their mood is reflected in the mutual eyes. Peng Xuefei, in particular, may have always misunderstood her father and always thought that her father did not love her. Therefore, at this moment, she seems so excited and happy.

After Peng Xuefei's voice dropped, Peng Qing on one side suddenly jumped out. Seeing Peng Xuefei's safe return, the old man couldn't help being excited. He ran directly to Peng Xuefei and said happily, "niece, you're really powerful. Ha ha, you didn't let uncle down, but you escaped from the shackles safely."Peng Qing's praise of Peng Xuefei is unambiguous, and at the same time, it is insinuating that he satirizes Wu Tianhao and others.

Due to Peng Xuefei's appearance, the Peng family of Haibang seems to have let go of all prejudices at once. All of them are integrated into the love of the family and completely dispel the past. Maybe, this is the happiness of the family.

Of course, Peng Xuefei is safe and sound, which not only adds happiness to the Peng family, but also gives the Peng gang leader a lot of faces, which is equivalent to slapping Wu Tianhao and others hard, so that their faces turn to pig liver color.

Wu Tianhao, from the beginning of his appearance, has always maintained his arrogance. Even at the end of the day, he still maintains his calm self-confidence in the face of the alliance between the two brothers of the Peng family. But now, Peng Xuefei, the straw, suddenly escapes from his hand and comes to the hall of the main hall unconsciously. How can Wu Tianhao suffer After he completely confirmed that it was Peng Xuefei, his face suddenly changed. He turned to Ren Guanjia and scolded:

"Lao Ren, tell me what's going on. I asked you to lock people up so that everyone can't find her, but you let her go home safely. I asked you to continue to put her under house arrest, but now she appears here again. You really let me down Yes

This time, the schemer Wu Tianhao is really angry. His sinister eyes can burst out fire at this moment, and he wants to devour Ren Tianhao.

As the controller of the whole thing, Ren is in charge of everything. Now, when such a big accident happens, of course, he can't be surprised any more. He is so confused that he can't believe his eyes at all. When Wu Tianhao gets angry with him, he wakes up in a moment and hastens to explain:

he is shocked“ Master, I don't know how she got out. In the dungeon, it seems that the young man named Jiangnan Feng rescued her. As for Miss Peng, I specially sent the fifth to take care of her, but I don't understand how she came here in the clothes of old six! "

The old four, the old five and the old six, and the housekeeper almost blinded himself, and the rest of the audience were even more dull. The strangeness of this matter has surprised everyone and exceeded their expectations.

Wu Tianhao listened to Ren's explanation, but he didn't continue to blame him. After all, at this stage, nothing could help. He just aimed his sharp eyes at Peng Xuefei, as if to see through her.

However, Wu Tianhao's eyes only stay on Peng Xuefei for a few seconds, as if he found the key to the problem. So he immediately turned around and looked at a group of black men behind him.

Wu Tianhao's eyes are like golden eyes. His eyes are deep. When he stares at him, he just feels creepy. I can't help but pause for a moment when I touch his eyes.

I did not escape Wu Tianhao's subtle actions. He seemed to see me through without hesitation. His hand instantly turned into claws and grabbed me.

I know that I have been exposed and I can't disguise any more. At the moment of Wu Tianhao's attack, I immediately reached out to block him. However, Wu's strength can hardly be described as strong. It's too strong. Even if I took precautions, I couldn't resist Wu Tianhao's attack. The mask on my face was directly torn off by him.

At the moment when my true face was exposed, I suffered another blow from Wu Tianhao in the chest. I flew out directly and fell to the ground. A mouthful of blood was immediately ejected from my mouth.

All this happened too quickly. It was only in the blink of an eye. To be honest, I realized that Wu Tianhao's strength was beyond my understanding. No wonder the housekeeper was obedient to him. From these two simple moves, we can see that his strength is absolutely superior to that of the housekeeper. Even if I was in a violent state, I was very good at it Can not be his opponent, let alone, I am now the identity of Jiangnan wind, only his ravaged life.

What's more, after Wu Tianhao knocked me down, he didn't stop and wanted to continue to subdue me. However, at this moment, Peng Qing suddenly flashed over. He and Wu Tianhao slapped each other between the electric light and the flint.

After retreating from Wu Tianhao with one stroke, he immediately grabbed me on the ground and returned to their camp. Then, Peng Qing's voice of indignation rang out in the hall: "it's really crazy. On the territory of our Hai Gang, you don't kill anyone you want to kill!"

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