Peng Yi's meaning is very obvious. Compared with Su Luo, he seems to hate Ren's evil deeds. Originally, Wu Tianhao's joint stewardship intended to destroy the Hai Gang, which has gone far beyond Peng Yi's bottom line. Now, coupled with their maltreatment of his own daughter as a beast, Peng Yi can't stand it.

In particular, housekeeper Ren, an old pickpocket, is so cruel to Peng Xuefei, who looks at him like a relative. If this is just a simple kidnapping, Peng Yi may be able to accept it. But steward Ren wants to torture Peng Xuefei to death, which is hard for him to tolerate.

Wu Tianhao, of course, saw Peng Yi's anger. He realized that things were beyond his control. What's more, with their strength, they could not cope with the alliance of the Peng brothers. So, at the moment of burning eyebrows, he said solemnly to the infuriated Peng gang leader: "Peng leader, no matter how you say, your daughter is safe and sound, up to now You have nothing to lose. Our business can be written off from now on. I advise you better not to deal with me, otherwise, your sea gang will be more troublesome! "

Wu Tianhao's words did not seem to be a joke at all. What he said was very serious, especially in the last few words, which was full of threat.

At this time, Wu Tianhao even dared to threaten gang leader Peng. I really admire him. I wonder what his identity is that makes him so arrogant. You know, he used to be just a driver of my father. How could he get into this situation after only a few years.

Just when I was in doubt, Peng Yi did not hesitate to shake his head at Wu Tianhao, issued the final order, and said simply: "I don't want to cause trouble, it doesn't mean I'm afraid to kill!"

The last word of "kill" was loud, moving and shaking in the hall, which aroused the blood of all the members of the sea gang. All the people of the sea Gang once again attacked Wu Tianhao and others.

The war broke out suddenly. The hall was in chaos.

Speaking of the great war, I have participated in the thousand people war, and the scene at that time made my blood rolling. However, now it is only a hundred people's war. I still exist as a bystander, and I feel unprecedented thrilling.

Because, although there are only more than 100 people participating in the battle, almost all of them are top experts. To a certain extent, they represent the top experts of the Hai Gang. Who can watch this incomparable battle like Huashan's sword.

What's more, it's very useful for me to watch the match between masters. Now I have a skill, that is, I can catch other people's moves with my eyes and apply what I have learned. I don't know when this skill has existed all the time. However, I seldom see real master duels, especially today, when so many masters are playing in the same space Get up. It's just an eye opener. I will never miss such a good opportunity to learn, almost from the beginning of the outbreak of the battle, my eyes have been closely staring at the battle scene.

Although Wu Tianhao and others are no less powerful than the Haigang members in terms of strength, they are too small, with only 30 or so members, while the Haibang has 780 or so people, with an advantage of more than twice, which soon broke up the team of Wu Tianhao and others.

As the leader of the rebels, Peng Qing directly confronted Wu Tianhao, while he Yunxiang and another elder joined hands to fight with Ren housekeeper. The others, too, chose their own opponents and were fighting fiercely.

However, Peng Yi, the leader of the Hai Gang, still stands in the same place like Mount Tai.

It can be seen that leader Peng seems to be protecting his daughter's safety. Because the battle is too dangerous, everyone's momentum will be destroyed. If he is accidentally injured, he will be crushed to pieces. If Peng Xuefei, who does not know martial arts, is slightly beaten down, he will die.

Even I, if I don't reveal my real strength, I'm a weak chicken here. If I don't pay attention to it, I'll be crushed by innocent people. Fortunately, Peng Xuefei has always led me to Peng Yi's protective cover. Beside Peng Yi, I feel a strong sense of security.

There is a kind of natural overlord in leader Peng's body, which is very powerful. It seems that it can form a kind of invisible diamond mask to cover Peng Xuefei and me, so that we can avoid the disaster.

And it is because I am in this safe place that I can calm down and observe this rare peak battle carefully and figure out the duel between the masters, and then print it in my mind for future use.

As a matter of fact, there are not many people who use weapons for experts. Unless some experts who are specialized in learning swords and cudgels, they will bring weapons to the arena. At the moment, in this hall, only 20 or 30 people have taken weapons. Their weapons are not machetes and steel sticks, but also some distinctive weapons. Broadswords, machetes, long sticks and so on may have been practiced since childhood Therefore, the weapon in their hands, playing that called a vivid, standing on the side of me, can feel the afterpower.

Most of the other masters are unarmed, but in this way, they still have unlimited lethality. It can be said that their hands and legs are completely comparable to the sharpest weapons, capable of killing and invisible.In such an environment, a huge battle seemed to shake the whole hall. However, it was a pity that the strength of the two sides was very different. After a while, the battle became one-sided, and the members of the maritime gang had the advantage. In addition, their passion and fighting spirit were burning, and all of them showed their peak strength.

Compared with the warriors of the sea Gang, Wu Tianhao is on the passive side. He means to be slaughtered by others. For example, the existence of a top-level expert like the death in black can't last long. He is soon knocked down and can't move.

Wu Tianhao, the housekeeper and the five men in strange costumes are the only people who can surprise people. All of them are like tigers and dragons. Although their moves are worth studying and learning, my attention is more focused on Wu Tianhao. I pay special attention to him, not only because he is my most important one Because of his strength against the sky.

At the beginning, Peng Qing rescued me and forced Wu Tianhao back with one hand. I thought Wu Tianhao was not as strong as Peng Qing. But now, I have seen with my own eyes that Peng Qing and Wu Tianhao are fighting together alone, and they can't quickly distinguish the winner and the loser. Wu Tianhao can hold on to Peng Qing for such a long time.

You know how powerful Peng Qing is. Every time he makes a move, he feels like the world is shaking. Moreover, his attack on Wu Tianhao doesn't look like keeping his hands on him. However, he still doesn't overthrow Wu Tianhao.

Although Wu Tianhao has always been passive and Peng Qingzhi is in the active position, I can see that Wu Tianhao doesn't want to attack, but he knows that even if he wins Peng Qing, he can't escape from here. Therefore, he is not interested in fighting at all.

Of course, what surprised me most was Wu Tianhao's moves, which were not urgent and slow, and each move was orderly. It made me feel a little familiar, just like the last time my father singled out the Buddha. It was unpredictable and gave people a sense of incomprehension.

On the surface, his martial arts are very casual, it seems that there is not much lethality, but in fact, with great energy, it is very powerful.

Peng Qing's martial arts are simple, rough and powerful. It's like a giant dragon in the sky. Although Peng Qing's age is not small, his body is vigorous, his moves are agile, and his speed is extremely fast. Every move he takes is against the sky. I feel that his momentum alone can burn people. This power is really unprecedented. I have almost concentrated all my essence Force, eyes blinking at them two, looking at their moves, silently remember.

Really, this group war between the experts gave me a huge shock, let me really see, what is called heaven and earth, people outside, what is endless learning, the mystery of martial arts, perhaps, I will never understand.

In the past, I still wanted to fight with Haibang. Now I think, it's a bit ridiculous. How can an egg touch a stone?

Suddenly, my eyes became more rigorous, and my eyes were always on Wu Tianhao and Peng Qing. The whole person's energy was put into it and concentrated on it. At this time, the war was about to end.

But also at this time, outside the hall suddenly came bursts of powerful footsteps, the sound is very loud, but also special abrupt, let me instantly recall.

I immediately looked out of the hall and found that the group of guards headed by men in white who were guarding the door originally rushed into the hall in an orderly manner and attacked us.

After a while, my heart suddenly burst. I know that the matter is not simple. Although the fighting effectiveness of the guards outside is not as good as that of the people in this hall, their strength is not weak. What's more, they are better than many people. These people together are a very powerful force.

According to the law, no matter what happens in the inner hall, the guards patrolling outside can't enter the hall. They don't have the right or the qualification. Once they enter, it's tantamount to a real mutiny. So, at this moment, seeing such a large number of guards rushing in recklessly, I immediately realized that something big is coming.

Vaguely, I don't think it's a good thing, but I'm not sure which side this wave of guards will help.

My heart beat a little. I saw the guards rush in. All of a sudden, with a bang, countless lights inside and outside the hall went out. Just now, the magnificent hall was bright. In an instant, it fell into endless darkness.

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