Originally, Peng Xuefei brought me here to see her parents and to talk about the two of us. But now, when the Haibang was nearly destroyed, Peng Xuefei didn't mean to talk about her love affair. At this moment, the Haibang was faced with another more important problem, that is, how to deal with Peng Qing's rebellion.

Peng Yi, the leader of the Hai Gang, is sitting on the throne. The rest of the people are quietly standing on the side. Peng Qing, Three Dharma protectors and five elders, like prisoners, are standing there waiting for trial.

Although, Peng Qing has also made great efforts to eliminate the traitors. Without them, Peng Yi and other rebels would not be able to defeat the foreign enemies by absolute advantage. Peng Yi and others have actually done meritorious deeds. If they commit minor crimes, they may be able to make up for their mistakes and cancel them.

However, what they committed was the crime of rebellion. Without Peng Qing's rebellion, the Haibang would not have suffered such a disaster. Without Peng Qing, it would have been impossible to introduce a group of tigers and wolves to the headquarters of the Haibang by acting as a housekeeper. Therefore, in any case, Peng Qing's mistakes could not be easily forgiven.

The hall is constantly in silence. For Peng Qing's rebellion, he should deal with it immediately. However, Peng Yi is not impatient. He has been sitting quietly on the throne and staring at Peng Qing without expression. He took the lead in breaking the silence, and no one knew the end of the disaster.

In the quiet hall, it seems that I can hear everyone's heartbeat. To be honest, I am also very excited. My heart is not too fast. Of course, I am excited. I am not worried about how Peng Yi will deal with Peng Qing. After all, even if he kills Peng Qing, it has nothing to do with me. What I am worried about is that Peng Yi will deal with my problems after he disposes of Peng Qing. You know, Ren Guan At the end of the day, my identity was exposed, and Peng Yi was not a fool. On the contrary, he was very smart and extremely smart. He couldn't care about being a housekeeper. If he focused on me at that time, I would not have revealed myself.

However, I am not easy to leave now, which will cause more suspicion. I can only stand here with Peng Xuefei with a nervous heart.

As time goes by, the more time goes by, the more intense and suffocating the atmosphere in the hall. The rebellious elders and Dharma protectors seem to be sweating out, which is particularly tense.

Finally, Peng Qing could not hold his breath. He knelt down on one knee and sincerely said to Peng Yi, "leader, this time, all the things happened because of me. All the elders' Dharma protectors were instigated by me. I was ignorant. I didn't know the leader's foresight and his good intentions. In the final analysis, it was because of me that the Hai Gang was in crisis, and I almost destroyed it After a hundred years of foundation, I urge the leader to punish me and spare others! "

Peng Qing is indeed a bloody man. He is not afraid of death at all. He takes the initiative to take all the blame for other people. His fearless spirit is admirable. Of course, the other members of the Hai Gang are not greedy for life and death, especially when their status is in the presence of the dharmapala elder. When they saw Peng Qing kneeling down to confess his guilt, they immediately followed him one by one Kneeling down, have admitted their ignorance, willing to accept punishment.

It can be seen that the rebellion of these people is not to overthrow the foundation of the Haibang. They just have a dim vision and misunderstand Peng Yi, and they will go wrong. Their heart is not bad, and their loyalty to the Haigang is not weak. After all, they still think about the overall situation and unite with Peng Yi to deal with the enemy. This is enough to show whether they will die for the sea gang Chongqing.

What's more, these people are the pillars of the sea gang. If we dispose of all of them, the strength of the sea gang will definitely be greatly reduced, which is also a huge loss to the sea gang. So, no matter how you look at it, it's a headache for Peng Yi.

In the face of the confession of Peng Qing, Peng Yi is still holding the original posture, sitting in the main position, standing still.

However, Peng Yu and others were impatient. They went to the hall one after another and spoke for Peng Qing.

Peng Yu, the little master, is not stupid. He can see that Peng Qing and other people are not in trouble in nature. As long as you can convince them with your ability, they must be extremely loyal. Considering these, Peng Yuli naturally goes out to plead for these people.

Even Peng Xuefei was afraid that Peng Yi would punish Peng Qing. He couldn't help but say, "father, you know the uncle best. He has no ambition. He is straightforward. If he misunderstands you, it will lead to today's situation. Now he has admitted his mistake with you. I hope you can spare him."

At the beginning, Peng Yi might have been hindered by the rules of the gang and had to punish Peng Qing, so he was tangled there. But now, almost all the people who could speak up to the sea Gang pleaded for Peng Qing, and Peng Qing himself confessed his guilt sincerely. According to principle, Peng Yi should have a step to go down and should be able to forgive these people.

But for these, Peng Yi is still as calm as a mountain, motionless, he does not speak, nor express his position, just with his sharp eyes, constantly staring at Peng Qing, the eyes are also elusive.

Peng Yi's silent response behavior, put on others, is pretending to be forced. However, there are some things of course in Peng Yi. Peng Yi naturally exudes a sense of being a king. At the moment, he is just like a just judge. No one dares to complain against him, but he is waiting patiently for Peng Yi to speak.After a long time, Peng Yicai finally got up from his seat. Then, he walked straight to Peng Qing step by step. His steps were light and his movements were very slow.

This time, Peng Yi did not release his strong breath, but his Majesty was everywhere, which made people pay respect to him. More than 20 people in the audience all looked at him with awe and watched him walk slowly to Peng Qing.

For Peng Qing, who kneels on one knee, Peng Yi does not show his arrogance. On the contrary, as soon as he comes to Peng Qing, he reaches out his hand humbly and helps Peng Qing up.

Until the two brothers stood in equal opposition, Peng Yi solemnly said to Peng Qing: "elder brother, you may not know me enough, but I know you very well. You are not bad in nature, and your heart is also towards our Peng family. I know that, I also understand that you are a martial Arts maniac and always advocate force, which also makes you rough In your opinion, I'm not as good as you, so you are biased and dissatisfied with me as the leader of the gang. Up to now, the prejudice is growing and you are forced to rebel.

Even if you see my other side today, you know that I am not timid and timid. You have cancelled the big prejudice against me, and even have no rebellious heart. However, you will never be able to eliminate your discontent with me, because in terms of force, you always think that I am inferior to you, and my father should not pass on the position of leader to me! "

Peng Yi's words were slow, calm and to the point. He didn't blame Peng Qing. He just talked about his elder brother's mind, his courage, his wisdom and his capacity beyond my imagination. He seemed to have thoroughly seen through Peng Qing and analyzed his inner thoughts clearly. Moreover, what he said seemed to be right 。

Because, a young Peng Qing, after listening to Peng Yi's words, his old face turned red. His eyes twinkled at Peng Qing, and he was a little speechless: "I."

As soon as Peng Qingcai opened a mouth, Peng Yi reached out to interrupt him. Then, Peng Yi slowly put down his hand that had just been raised. His eyes seemed to contain endless meaning. It seemed that it was so deep that people could not explore.

For a long time, the enigmatic Peng Yicai suddenly opened his voice and said to Peng Qingyi, "elder brother, my father thinks that you are upright and unfit for the position of leader of a gang. He didn't give you a chance. Now, I will give you a chance to make up for your regret instead of my father. Let's have a duel here. As long as you can win me, I'll give you the position of leader. What do you think? "

Peng Yi's words immediately revealed his domineering spirit. His magnanimity shocked me, his courage convinced me, and his self-confidence shocked me deeply.

I really didn't expect that Peng Yi would say these words in such a situation. You know, he could have done anything to make a strong position at this time. Even if he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of Peng Qing.

In order to stabilize his position, a leader of a gang does everything in his power. It is not uncommon to kill his brother.

However, at present, not only does Peng Yi not deal with Peng Qing, but even in order to convince Peng Qing, he takes the initiative to give Peng Qing a chance and is willing to have a fair fight. What's more, the competition he proposed is not strategy, intelligence, or other things that he is good at. It's the atmosphere of the scene. Besides being quiet, it's a bit weird. As an outsider, I am, Also can't help but be infected, the mood becomes particularly heavy.

This decision is really strange and unbelievable. Everyone knows that martial arts is Peng Qing's greatest strength. Peng Yi has said that Peng Qing is a martial arts maniac. Even if he is not as good as Peng Yi in other aspects, there is no doubt about Peng Qing's strength in martial arts.

From what Peng Qing said at the beginning, I also know that he can suppress Peng Qing in terms of force. It is because he is powerful that he appears so arrogant that he doesn't pay attention to Peng Yi. It is also because he is powerful that he doesn't accept Peng Yi and eventually goes on the road of rebellion. However, what Peng Yi is proposing is actually a military competition with Peng Qing. How can we not be shocked?

At this moment, all the people in the audience were stunned, and everyone was staring at Peng Yi. His eyes were incredible.

Peng Qing, as the party concerned, was even more startled. He stared at Peng Yi inexplicably, and his eyes were full of disbelief. After a while, he said, "don't laugh, gang leader. I know I'm reckless. I confess my guilt. I'll kill you as you like. I'll never complain!"

In Peng Qing's opinion, Peng Yi is attacking him in disguise. He doesn't believe Peng Yi's words at all.

However, Peng Yi's look is very serious and serious. He doesn't look like a joke at all. He stares at Peng Qing deeply and says bluntly: "I'm serious. I'll give you a chance. You should cherish it. If you lose, you'll work for the gang wholeheartedly in the future."

After that, he ordered to the crowd in a deep voice: "all back away!"

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