After listening to Secretary Xia's words, I realized that at that time, I thought Qiqi was lonely when she saw me holding Peng Xuefei. But now, she was not happy. She knew that there was still a more difficult road to wait for me. Therefore, she left quietly to meet her father waiting outside, and then observed my situation in the dark. Let her father show up in times of crisis.

I really don't know how to repay her help, let alone what to say.

After a long pause, I said softly, "Uncle Xia, thank you for your help."

Hearing my words, Secretary Xia waved his hand and said frankly, "don't thank me, I'm for my daughter!"

I pursed my mouth and puffed hard to squeeze out this sentence: "can uncle Xia not tell me that I am Suluo?"

I know that, up to now, it is impossible for me to hide from Secretary Xia any more. The reason why he came to me and was so frank with me must have completely confirmed my identity. If I was still pretending to be stupid, I would be too sorry for Qiqi's kindness, which would disgust him. It would be better to tell the truth. In any case, without Secretary Xia, I would be dead now.

I also believe that if he can talk to me, he won't be too heartless to me. Otherwise, he can directly expose my identity to the Hai Gang, and there is no need to talk to me.

Sure enough, Xia Shuji couldn't help smiling when he heard that I was frank. Then, he puffed up a cloud and said to me:

"are you afraid that the Haibang will know your identity and affect you to save your father. Don't worry, I won't say that. In fact, I have always disagreed with my old man's practice. In the final analysis, the reason why Haibang wanted blood Ganoderma lucidum for your father was that my old man wanted to save her granddaughter so much that he gave the Haibang a chance to negotiate terms.

Although I want my daughter to be good, I don't agree with this. Qiqi has asked me to save your father for many times, but I can't do anything about it. I can't reach out to the Haibang. You should know how much effort the Haibang spent in catching your father and suffered heavy losses. Moreover, you and they have already made an irreconcilable dispute. Now, even if the Haibang does not marry my family, it will not Even if I want to help you, I can't do it. I also have my consideration. If I want the stability of H Province, I have to rely on the sea Gang, so that the underground forces in the provincial capital will not be disorderly! "

Some sincere words were said from Secretary Xia's mouth. I could not help but take a fresh look at him. His image in my heart was suddenly much higher. Maybe Qiqi had such a broad mind and intelligent brain, as well as a calm temperament. To some extent, it was influenced by Secretary Xia. There were genetic genes, environmental influences and process Education.

As the saying goes, like father, like daughter, Secretary Xia is not a mortal. He is at the top of the pyramid and sees things more thoroughly than ordinary people. Where there is white, there is black. Black and white complement each other. Even if Secretary Xia has power, he can't take advantage of the Haibang. Even if he has power, he needs mutual benefit and symbiosis to ensure the stability of the province.

Therefore, what Secretary Xia said is sincere. Even if he wants to help me, it is impossible. Of course, what I admire more is the heart of secretary Xia. According to the truth, why should he care about the life and death of me and my father and directly leak me to the Hai Gang. When he gets xuelingzhi, he can save his daughter.

But this is not his style of conduct. He is not such a person. He is not ashamed to do such a thing. He has his principles and his moral bottom line.

Thinking like this, I feel more warm in my heart, but I really don't know what to say in my mouth. After squeezing for a long time, I just squeezed out two words: "thank you!"

Besides thank you, I don't know how to express my mood at this time.

Of course, Xia Shuji doesn't care about my thanks. He smokes his cigarette. When a cigarette is finished, he loses his cigarette end. A copy of the book says, "Qiqi often talks about you in front of me and says that you are the only one she likes. She thinks that you must be the Dragon and Phoenix in the future. I don't know what she thinks of you, but I think you are It's nothing special. Even if I'm not calm at all, I will offend the Sheng family. If I don't come tonight, you don't know how to die. I advise you to think about the consequences in the future. Don't be too blind, or you will die sooner or later! "

Hearing the words of secretary Xia, I couldn't help but be stunned.

Qiqi's attitude towards me has been known for a long time, but I only thought that she was influenced by my persistent love and my spirit of never giving up. Unexpectedly, she thought that I had a promising future. Really, how did she see it? Countless Xia secretaries said that I was nothing special. How could Qiqi feel that I have a promising future?

I really can't think of it. However, I know that the powerful man in front of me is really good for me. What he said is reasonable. It's a bit blind and unstable for me to offend the Sheng family.

It's not until now that I understand the importance of power. I know that no matter how well I mix, I am nothing in front of power. Therefore, I not only did not refute Secretary Xia's words, but also said sincerely: "well, I know!"

Hearing the speech, Secretary Xia nodded to me. Then, he looked leisurely at the black car Qiqi was sitting in. He said thoughtfully: "since I have offended the Sheng family in order to save you tonight, I can help you again. If the Sheng family has sex with you in the future, you can try to solve it by yourself. But if they want to use the power of white Taoism to deal with you, I will Will help you to press, after all, this is Qiqi's wish, I have to satisfy! "Hearing this, I seem to be surprised to hit the head, this unexpected surprise from the sky, let me a little bit confused, can not accept it.

Just before, I was still worried about how to bear the anger of the Sheng family in the future. If they were to compete with me in terms of force, I was not afraid. With the support of Han Yimo, I would not be afraid of the so-called masters of the Sheng family. I would like to fight them to death.

What I worry about is that the Sheng family is using their power to do me harm. But at the moment, Secretary Xia's understatement has directly eliminated my hidden danger. How can I not be surprised.

However, after a short surprise, I suddenly seemed to react to something. I felt like a huge stone suddenly pressed in my heart. It was very heavy and depressing. It felt strange, like secretary Xia's voice and tone were a little unusual, especially when he finally said that it was Qiqi's wish that he would help me, which sounds very awkward.

In addition, when he said this, his eyes were always staring at the black car. It seemed that there were thousands of words in his eyes. After a long time, he took back the deep sight, looked at me, and said earnestly: "sulo, I hope you don't let Qiqi down, and try to walk the next road. Don't let things like today happen again. I also want to see you How much success can be achieved in the future? Is it like Qiqi's unlimited future. Well, I have something else to do. Let's go first! "

With that, he left without waiting for my reply.

I followed his direction and looked at his back. The light from the gap between the leaves sprinkled on his body, which made his back extremely magnificent.

All of a sudden, his feet stopped and stood still for a few seconds. He did not look back. He just made a very heavy and solemn voice: "there is something Qiqi doesn't allow me to say outside, but I think you need to know that the doctor has made the final diagnosis for her condition, saying that she can live for one month at most!"

As soon as the words fell, Secretary Xia's steps began again. This time, his great back was full of vicissitudes. In the vicissitudes of life, there was endless sadness. I could clearly feel his heavy and desolate heart.

My daughter, who is so smart and clever, will die. How can a father bear to send a man with white hair to a man with black hair.

However, from the beginning to the end, Secretary Xia didn't ask me for blood Ganoderma lucidum. He didn't force me, let alone forced me. At the end, he told me the real situation of Qiqi's illness. I know that he told me this because he wanted to put his last hope on me, hoping that I could take the initiative to help Qiqi.

But Qiqi herself wanted to hide it. It can be seen that she did not want me to be embarrassed. She told me that she looked down on life and death, but could live happily in a limited life. She said that she did not need blood Ganoderma lucidum and did not want to force things that did not belong to her. It can be seen that her mind is really open, but is there anyone who is not afraid of death? Can Qiqi really live happily in the last time of her life?

I don't know. I don't know if Qiqi is so free and easy. Anyway, if I wait for death every day of my life, I will never be happy. The taste of waiting for death is more painful than death itself. How strong is Kiki's heart to overlook this kind of pain?

Maybe, she didn't look down on her. Maybe, she just lived in the abyss of pain. Otherwise, Secretary Xia would not tell me the truth in the end. He just wanted his daughter to have a chance to live. He hoped that I could give her daughter such a chance.

If I can, of course, I will go out of my way to save Qiqi. Her kindness to me is so deep that I can't repay her too much. However, I have no choice. My Ziyi is in danger, and I have become a vegetable because of me. In any case, I can't give up Ziyi, even if I want to save Qiqi again.

But I don't know why, hear Xia Shu Ji say Qiqi can only live for a month at most, my heart will be so painful? This is not only the pain of guilt, but also the pain of regret that Qiqi is about to leave my world completely. It is invisible and untouchable, and the heartache is like a knife.

My eyes began to become dull, staring at Xia Secretary slowly out of the jungle, walked to the road, to the black car.

On the way of walking, he did not stop for a moment. His back became more and more distant and blurred, until he got into the black car and disappeared. The car left with it, leaving dust flying.

I stand in the jungle, can not see the shadow of the car, more can not see Secretary Xia and Qiqi, but in my mind, but constantly appear the figure of Qiqi, once with her scenes, quickly flashed from my mind, the evening breeze slowly, but also brought me endless sorrow.

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