I am very clear in my heart, although Shen Muchen looks like a woman, he is a real bloody man. If I ask him to help, he will help me even if he goes out of his way. However, I know more clearly that Shen Muchen's strength is not as good as Chen Haoran. Even if he does his best, he can't help me. At that time, he will only let himself suffer.

Of course, what's more important is that I have lost my original blood and no impulse to revenge. Now I just want to escape from this group of inhuman demons.

Shen Muchen saw that I had made up my mind, so he didn't say much. He just sighed and stopped his movements. He calmed down for a moment and asked me, "OK, I'll listen to you this time."

As soon as the voice dropped, I lost consciousness. Half an hour later, in the hospital in the city, after treatment, my wound was sewn up again, and I fell asleep on the hospital bed with drops hanging.

When I opened my eyes again, it was already dark outside. At this time, a voice sounded: "look, the boy is awake!"

Listen to the voice is crab, I look along the voice, found that there are only two people in the huge ward, crab and Shen Muchen, at the moment, they completely ignore the hospital regulations, are leisurely smoking.

See me wake up, Shen Muchen concern asks a way: "feel how!"

I replied weakly, "well, much better."

Shen Muchen asks again: "since you plan not to read, then what do you plan to do next?"

This question is exactly what I dislike, and it's also the last thing I want to hear. I stare at the ceiling, and after a long time, I spit out two words: "go home!"

Shen Muchen deeply inhaled the cigarette in his hand, then leisurely said: "go back, go home better, your school is too chaotic, really not suitable for you to stay!"

At this time, the crab also can't help but agree with a: "yes, don't read the book, put life on, it's not worth it!"

Listening to their words, my mouth can not help but emerge a smile, this smile, full of bitterness, bitter to the bottom of my heart. I did not speak, just quietly looking at the ceiling, Shen Muchen and crab did not ask what, also did not make a sound, quietly accompanied me.

I stayed in the hospital for one night. The next morning, my wound was OK and my body was able to move normally. Therefore, I strongly asked Shen Muchen to discharge me. After leaving the hospital, he didn't ask me to stay any more. He just invited some brothers and held a farewell banquet for me.

Although I was injured, I couldn't drink, but this was the last meal in this city and the last time I had dinner with these brothers. I didn't want to leave any regrets. I drank a lot of wine regardless of the dissuasion. I feel that this time the wine is bitter. When I drink it, I always cry and I can't help it.

Shen Muchen and them, look at me like this, also a face dignified, completely can't laugh out, they don't know how to persuade me, just try to say some funny words, want to make me happy.

After drinking the wine, it was already afternoon. Shen Muchen and crab sent me out of the hotel together. They also said that they would take me to the railway station, but I refused and said to them, "thank you for your kindness. But before I leave, I will go to a place alone

Shen Muchen is a smart man. He can understand what I mean. So, he didn't say anything more. When he took me to the taxi, he said heavily: "Arlo, do you really don't come back after you leave?"

This words, let my heart can not help but suddenly, I can't help but look at this still a bit gloomy sky, the heart is bound to pour out too much unwilling. After a long pause, I replied in a desolate voice, "maybe."

Shen Muchen laughed and patted me on the shoulder and solemnly said, "it's OK. My hometown is in the same city as you. I'll go to see you when you are free. But if you want to come back here in the future, please remember to contact me at the first time!"

I use the most sincere eyes, looking at Shen Muchen, saying goodbye: "certainly, hope to get together with you again, goodbye!"

Finish saying, I and Shen Muchen as well as crab, came a affectionate hug, then immediately got into the taxi that stopped. When I got on the bus, my eyes were red, but I tried my best to suppress this sadness, and then I gave the driver an address, and the car left immediately.

Witness is the villa area of Fang Qing's family. When I got there, I got out of the car. I didn't dare to get too close to her house. I just hid in a far away place, staring at her yard. A person, standing in silence for more than an hour, time can not afford to wait, the past can not bear to look back, my heart, like a piece has been cut off, become no longer complete.

Looking at this heartbroken place, my eyes were wet with tears. I couldn't help saying to myself: "Fang Qing, maybe this is the last time I've come here. I'm going to leave. Thank you for giving me a love I never dare to hope for. Thank you for the happy time you gave me. I also wish you would find one in the future To those of you, I'm gone. Goodbye

With that, I turned around and resolutely left the sad place. I stopped a taxi and went straight to the railway station. I quickly bought a ticket and got into the train. I finally looked out of the window and finally took a look at the city. In my eyes, there was an indescribable look in my eyes. Then, I closed my eyes quietly and waited for the train to start.With the rapid development of the train, I am more and more far away from my university and the city. My burden seems to be lighter and lighter, and my breath is more and more smooth. Maybe from this moment on, I will get a thorough understanding.

At noon the next day, I came back home. Uncle Yang saw me back and asked in surprise: "Arlo, how did you come back? Is the school off? "

I thought I was relieved. I thought I would be OK when I came back home. However, after seeing uncle Yang and seeing the only one in the world who can be regarded as my closest relatives, I still collapsed. All the grievances in my heart erupted in this instant.

I rushed forward, tightly hugged uncle Yang, choked and said, "uncle!"

Then, I can't help crying, crying, including too much pain and helplessness. Uncle Yang's embrace, as if it was my whole world, gave me the warmest warmth in the world. After wandering for too long, I finally came back to this safe harbor. My inner vulnerability could no longer be hidden, and was exposed directly and unreservedly. I cried hard and kept crying. I cried until my throat hurt and I couldn't make a sound. I stopped.

Anxious uncle Yang, quickly released me, concern asked: "Arlo, tell me what happened, is not bullied, don't be afraid, uncle for you!"

I looked at Uncle Yang with pitiful eyes, shook his head blankly and said pitifully. "No one bullies me. I just don't want to read. I miss you. I miss this family."

Uncle Yang obviously didn't believe me, but he didn't ask me. He just patted me on the shoulder and comforted me and said, "OK, OK. If you don't go to school, you won't go to school. Anyway, I don't feel at ease if you stay at school. You can stay at home and my uncle can support you!"

Hearing this, my heart felt more and more warm, I showed a happy smile to Uncle Yang, weakly said: "thank you, uncle!"

Uncle Yang stroked my head and said, "thank you, thank you. It's right to raise you. Your father entrusted you to me. I feel sorry for your wrongs outside. You can go home safely. Take good care of yourself. Otherwise, your father will come back one day. If you look like this, you will blame my uncle for not taking good care of you."

Just now, I had finished crying and venting, and had already put down those bad things in the past. I was about to face life again and enjoy the warmth of this family. But at this juncture, uncle Yang suddenly mentioned my father, my father who was in prison. After a while, my calm mood suddenly exploded Yes.

He, blame him, all because he left me, let me stay in the fence, let me from a small age to be despised and ridiculed, let mother Fang refused me, leading to Fang Qing and I broke up, students away from me, so that the whole school all point to me, everything, all because of him, because of this father in prison.

I broke away from Uncle Yang's arms, and my feet kept retreating. My eyes became more and more red. I suddenly opened my throat and cried to Uncle Yang: "don't mention my father to me. Since he doesn't care about me, why should he bring me into this world?"

Say, my throat seems to be blocked, how can't go on, chest seems to be blocked by tens of thousands of emotions, blocking me so hard, really bad, tears are forced from the eyes.

After a while, the tension was relieved. My eyes were straight at Uncle Yang and yelled at him: "uncle, do you know, he is hurting me!"

At this moment, uncle Yang showed a look of consternation that he had never seen before. He looked at me straight and asked in disbelief, "Arlo, how can you say that about him? He's your father?"

I was on the verge of collapse, and the whole person lost his sense. I cried and cried to Uncle Yang: "why can't I say him? He abandoned me, because he and I have lost what I should have. What can he have to respect?"

My voice just fell, pa a, uncle Yang suddenly gave me a loud slap in the face, roared: "unfilial!"

For the first time, this was the first time that uncle Yang was angry with me, and even the first time he started to hit me. I was confused. I covered my cheek and looked at Uncle Yang in a daze. I really didn't expect that I would continue to be beaten when I got home after being devastated outside. What did I do wrong? What did I say wrong? Why did Yang Shu hit me?

Tears, clattering down, flow into my mouth, I only feel a disgusting salty smell, I did not wait for uncle yang to say anything, directly rushed into his room, locked the door, shut himself in the room, and wailed.

From now on, I became a tortoise completely, shrinking in the shell of the tortoise, afraid to face all the cruelty outside, my heart became extremely vulnerable and sensitive, I just want to escape from reality, just want to stay away from the crowd, just want to be alone, quietly hide in the room.

I have been hiding at home, forget the time, forget friends, as if isolated from the world!

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