Han Yimo was at a disadvantage when he was fighting against the second master of Sheng. Now he was distracted and showed a major flaw. He seized the opportunity and immediately attacked Han Yimo with one hand on his shoulder.

Among the experts, one move can bring out the momentum of overwhelming. Liu Longyin is unable to prevent one move, and the whole person flies up. Unfortunately, Han Yimo's skill is profound. No fall, however, she was not hurt, or suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

But Han Yimo didn't care about her injury. Her eyes were still staring at me with anxiety in her eyes. Obviously, she cared more about me than herself.

These things, happened between the electric light and flint, but reflected into my blurred eyes, my heart, in this moment, become more heavy and painful. Unexpectedly, to death, I am still a burden, I also want to implicate Liu Longyin.

Thinking of this, I can not help but emerge on my face an extremely bitter smile, I thought, this is my last smile in the world, but just when Peng Yi's feet are only a few centimeters away from the tip of my nose, suddenly, in the trees opposite him, there are two shadows, almost can be said, two shadow, as fast as lightning, action fierce 。

These two shadows, one black and one white, flashed to the other side of my body almost instantly.

Their speed and tacit understanding are astonishingly consistent. As soon as they come to my side, they shoot at Peng Yi at the same time. This power is simply destroying the withered and decaying, destroying the heaven and the earth.

Peng Yi, who was determined to kill me, didn't respond to the sudden attack. He just stretched out his hands to meet the attack. His two hands respectively caught one hand of the two shadows.

In a trance, the air seemed to explode with a bang. Then, an amazing scene appeared. The black and white shadows didn't move, but Peng Yi's whole body flew backwards. Finally, he hit the ground heavily. It seemed that he had made a hole in the ground.

This scene, instantly shocked all the people on the scene, immediately, nearly the end of the war, it stopped in advance.

A second ago, Peng Yi tried to kill me with the momentum of thunder, which attracted almost everyone's attention. The next second, the black-and-white shadows suddenly broke into Peng Yi's body, which attracted the whole audience's attention. Even the powerful second Master Sheng stopped his movements and looked at the black and white double evils.

Peng Yi, who fell to the ground, not only didn't kill me, but also suffered heavy damage. This made him very unwilling and angry. In a moment, he seemed to be burned by fire and sent out a raging anger.

With infinite anger, he quickly got up from the ground. However, it may be that his hands were too strong to stop shaking. He slowly raised his shaking right hand and pointed to the two people in front of him and angrily said, "who are you?"

When he said this, Peng Yi's voice trembled, which was angry and unwilling. His voice almost penetrated into everyone's heart and made everyone confused. Also let me wake up from the despair of death.

At this moment, I realized that I was not dead, I was saved. My gray heart can not help but light out a hole, my fuzzy eyes, also gradually enlarged, to see to save me in the fire and water in the black and white double evil spirit.

When the eyes touch them, my eyes seem to be bright, and my eyes can not help but show a color of surprise. This black and white figure is really unusual. They are two extremes, one extremely black and the other extremely white.

White that person, a white clothes, shoes are also white, even the skin is snow-white, at first glance in the past. She is a beautiful young girl, very eye-catching, very energetic.

The black man is dressed in black, his shoes are very black, and his skin is even darker. Moreover, his face is wrinkled, his face is full of wrinkles, and his eyes have deep crow's feet. He looks very old. At first glance, he is an old man.

These two people stand together, formed extremely sharp contrast. One black and one white, one old and one young, one male and one female. Anyway, this beautiful girl and ugly old man give me the feeling that they are like grandsons and grandsons. I can't help but be curious about them.

Everyone in the audience, at this moment, is focused on the two of them.

In the face of the public's attention, the two men are calm. They just guard in front of me and face Peng Yi. Almost at the same moment, they open their mouth, and the lady first says, "depend on heaven!"

The man said again, "kill the dragon!"

They spoke at the same time, but their voices were very clear. The four words of relying on heaven and killing the dragon were so loud that they fell into everyone's ears in an instant.

Perhaps, it is these four words are too heavy, the scene of the top experts face fusion.

The high-level Haibang, the Peng family, and the Sheng family have become very rigorous and full of vigilance. On the contrary, Han Yimo's team suddenly relaxed and showed joy.

In particular, Han Yimo saw the Dragon slaughtered by relying on heaven. She was shrouded in dark clouds and immediately cleared the haze. The whole person was radiant. Her panic and worry were no longer any longer. Instead, she was surprised and happy. Her eyes seemed to be hot.Unabashed, Han Yimo directly with cheering voice, can't wait to say to them two: "rely on heaven to kill the dragon, how did you come?"

Han Yimo just asked this sentence, immediately, there was a domineering and majestic voice followed: "of course, I brought them here!"

This sound, together with Han Yimo's, is like the sound of drums and harps. When combined, it has the effect of changing stars. It seems that both of them can absorb people's soul.

When the sound dissipated, suddenly, a group of people were reflected in the trees behind Yitian Tu Long. To be precise, this is a team. They slowly come out of the woods.

The momentum of this team was appalling. At the moment when they came into my eyes, my whole body was like an inflated balloon, which exploded. Because, the leader of the team, I was shocked completely.

He was no one else. He was the one who saved and took us in after Peng Xuefei and I escaped from the dungeon. Xu Xiangru.

Many days have not seen, Xu Xiangru's image has not changed, but the momentum has changed greatly.

At this moment, Xu Xiangru was still wearing simple clothes, a coarse linen clothes, even shoes are very ordinary cloth shoes, the whole is a genuine farmer.

However, his momentum was quite different from what I saw in his house. At this moment, he was no longer a simple farmer. His momentum changed and became extremely grand.

This strange atmosphere can not cover up his unique spirit, which is hidden in the mountains for many years, the spirit of the tiger out of the mountain, unparalleled, towering.

See the moment Xu Xiangru, my mind subconsciously on the emergence of four words, mutual help.

As for this idiom, I had a conjecture at the first time when I heard Han Yimo announce his fame. However, at that time, my idea was fleeting. Because Xu Xiangru, an honest man who was bullied and humiliated by a bully, would not fight back. I couldn't imagine that he was an expert of the generation, so I immediately ruled out that he and Han Yimo had something to do with him Related ideas.

However, the fact in front of me has to make me believe that Xu Xiangru is another Dharma protector around the ghost king, and is a great God with the same name as Han Yimo.

This coincidence really surprised me and made me a little unbelievable. I was caught in the pit dungeon by the housekeeper Ren. After escaping, I fell into a coma, but I could meet the ghost king. Is this a coincidence or is it?

I can't understand, but at the moment, I don't have the mind to do too much entanglement here, I just can't help but be excited and excited.

Finally, I finally found the hope of life, which is really dazzling hope, because Xu Xiangru brought people, although not many, the overall momentum is against the sky. Looking from afar, I can guess that Xu Xiangru brought the other half of the great general under the throne of ghost king.

Behind Xu Xiangru, there are four people, all of them are middle-aged men who are very humble and ordinary. But under the ordinary surface, what is hidden is the power of breaking the sky, needless to say. These four people and Han Yimo brought four ugly middle-aged men, is a level, are masters in the master.

And behind them, there are eight well-dressed men with resolute eyes. They are also like machines. They are like bodyguards. They are expressionless, silent and colorless. It can be seen that they are eight of the sixteen ghost errands.

In this case, I just rescued my Yitian dragon butcher. They are two great gods who are as famous as thousands of troops. No wonder. The combined power of the two of them was able to wipe out a thousand troops and engulf mountains and rivers, and directly defeated Peng Yi. It is no wonder that once they announced their names, all the top experts of the Haibang and Sheng family were shocked.

It turned out that these two were the other two messengers under the throne of ghost king.

But what I can't understand is that the two armed forces complement each other, but their age is not matched.

If the Dragon butcher looks like an old man, he is one of the emissaries of the ghost king. I absolutely believe that, after all, he is almost a big age, and he is also like a master in the previous era.

However, to say that the little girl relies on heaven is the emissary of the ghost king, which is too much to believe.

Because, depending on the sky to look like a 20-30-year-old girl, so young, so young, how could she be the emissary under the throne of ghost king?

Look at her appearance. In the age of ghost king, she should have just been born, right? After all, all of the ghost King's generals were famous more than 20 years ago, and they were masters more than 20 years ago. Today, they will be at least 40 or 50 years old!

This Yi Tian doesn't look like a 40-50-year-old person. She looks so young, unless she is a child grandmother of Tianshan Mountain and has a young face. Or, she is well maintained and grows against the growth?

It's incredible, really, too much shock superimposed together, so that my mind is confused, for a long time did not relax God.

When I was in a state of consternation, Xu Xiangru had brought his people to me.

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