The fire of war has taken over the underground forces in this city. The Xia family, who covers the sky with only one hand on the white road, is now on my side. It can be said that the huge H Province has no power that can threaten me.

When I saw the troublemakers clearly, I guess it suddenly occurred to me that these two gangs were not my old friends in the University of H Province, Chen Xiao and Lu Ping. They were two of them, with the elite leaders of the Fenghuo Gang, who were shouting: "we are the brothers of your eldest brother. You can tell your boss to come out!"

What they said was justified, but my brothers in war did not believe their words at all. They only thought that they were here to make trouble and constantly drove out.

When I saw this, I quickly got off the bus, walked a few steps, came to them and said, "wait a minute!"

As soon as I heard my voice, everyone's eyes immediately turned to me.

The brother of the war saw me and immediately saluted: "boss."

Lu Ping and Chen Xiao, as soon as they saw me, immediately ran to me and cried out in unison, "brother Feng!"

As soon as they finished shouting, they realized that they were wrong. Immediately, they changed their tone and said in the same voice: "Rogo!"

These two brothers are my best brothers in the University of H Province. They are also the pillars of the beacon fire gang. As for the small Gang in school, I hardly care about it. I leave it to them. Chen Xiaoxiao is smart and smart, Lu Ping is brave and aggressive, and both are good.

When I was fighting with Sheng Mingjie, Lu Ping and Chen Xiao still waved flags and shouts for me. However, I haven't seen them since the summer vacation.

Unexpectedly, they came here. I couldn't help but ask, "Why are you here?"

Lu Ping laughed and said, "of course, it's to join the war and fight with you in the world."

Chen Xiao also echoed: "yes, yes!"

They are all local to H Province. They should be very clear about my business. Recently, the war has been wantonly soliciting people. They came to join me today. I gave a smile and then asked them seriously: "are you sure? It's dangerous to follow me! "

After listening to my words, Lu Ping and Chen Xiao, and even the more than a dozen elite members of the beacon fire Gang, bravely roared: "not afraid!"

In their tone, they showed courage and blood. I can see that these people are not afraid of death. They all have a lot of courage. When we were very weak before, they would dare to deal with the flying car party with me. It can be seen that they are brothers with passion and courage. I also know that although the fighting power of these brothers of beacon fire Gang is not strong, if they are trained Then, they can definitely show their endless potential.

I really need such potential stocks. The most important thing is that they are loyal to me and more importantly, they are loyal to me.

When I was in the University of H Province, the beacon fire gang was my painstaking effort. These brothers were my friends. They went through a lot of things with me and fought a war with me. Now that they want to continue to follow me, I have no reason to refuse.

Therefore, I did not mince it, and directly put them under my command. So far, Lu Ping and Chen Xiao, the elite of the beacon fire Gang, formally became members of the war.

Next, I ordered Shen Muchen to gather all the brothers who were going to the dark moon Hall tomorrow. Then, our troops held a banquet together in a big hotel, which was also our last feast. After all, from tomorrow on, we will enter another state of life. Dark moon hall can be understood as dark, can only see the moon grottoes, where we must not have a good life, to bear endless pain.

How much pay, how much return, we want to change, want to break through ourselves, we must eat bitter, hard training.

And tonight, we'll open our stomachs, enjoy ourselves and cherish the last happy time. Of course, I will not just focus on eating and drinking. In the process of eating and drinking, my brothers and I said a lot of words of thanks and encouragement.

My passion, my fighting spirit and my ambition are all displayed in front of my brothers.

In particular, after drinking, I was more ambitious. I outlined the grand blueprint I would like to build in the future. I promise my brothers that I will take them to conquer the whole country, change the order of the underground world completely, and I will take them to break through the extraordinary world.

These seemingly whimsical words, my brothers are unconditionally believe. Because I am different, because I am the son of the ghost king, because of my own courage, we all trust me very much.

This feast, in my heroic words and brothers' impassioned, successfully ended. After dinner, hundreds of us went back to the base camp to prepare for the morning departure. Many cars, tents, and even dry food have been prepared, which is like living in the wild.

Of course, after the hundreds of elites left, the development of the war is also very important. Therefore, the follow-up work of the war needs to be arranged absolutely.

In addition, Huang cancan came back all night. She was the leader of the Zhuque hall. She was in a different position. She took part in the last devil training arranged by Uncle Yang. This time, she also took the initiative to fight. Since Han Yimo, a female hero, was an example, Huang Cancan was very energetic, She was very happy to join.This time, she went to me directly and told me that the fire had been taken care of, and that Ziyi had settled down. There was no accident. In addition, Huang cancan also sent someone to protect her secretly. There was no problem with her safety.

After saying these things, Huang cancan suddenly handed me a small note and said to me, "this is Ziyi's new number. She asked me to give it to you. She said that she would not take the initiative to contact you. If you want her, just call her. This number is only for you, and she won't turn off the phone!"

I slowly took the note with the mobile phone number written on it. My heart trembled, and a warm current flowed gently, which warmed my whole body and mind.

Ziyi, she has really changed. Before she left H Province, she was suddenly so open-minded. After returning home, she still considered for me, she left a number, but did not disturb me, just waiting for me to call her when I was free. Her understanding, let me thoroughly moved, I do not know what to say.

I wrote down the phone number with my mobile phone. I didn't save Ziyi's name, but wrote a new name. My love will never die.

however, I didn't contact her immediately. I was afraid that if I talked to her, I could not help but find her impulsively. In any case, the feelings of this matter I need to temporarily suppress, I can't think more, only silently put the mobile phone back in the pocket.

After that, I put aside my thoughts and continued to work on the preparation of the dark moon hall and the arrangement of the renewal after the war.

After the early morning, everything was basically solved, and I was finally able to have a good sleep. Maybe it was because I was too tired and had too much work and didn't have a good rest. Therefore, I had a very heavy sleep today. I had agreed to leave at 10 o'clock, but I didn't wake up until 11 o'clock in the morning.

Looking at the time, I was startled. I didn't have time to wash. I put on my clothes, jumped out of the bed and rushed out of the room.

When I went outside, I couldn't help accusing the guard at the door, "why don't you call me?"

The guard apologized and said, "boss, I'm sorry, it's the big brothers who think you're too tired. I want you to have more rest and rest. We're not allowed to disturb you!"

I said speechless, "where are they?"

The guard immediately replied, "they are all in the parking lot!"

Without delay, I immediately pulled out and rushed to the parking lot.

When I got here, I realized that the huge parking lot was overcrowded and even orderly.

Our five hundred elites are ready for the war, and Lu Ping and Chen Xiao, the brothers of the beacon fire, have arrived early. Peng Yi, who had made an appointment with me, also came with the 100 elites of the Haibang. They had already stood in the line and were waiting. All the officers and men were dressed in high spirits, tall and upright in the sun, full of vigor and momentum.

However, these hundreds of officers and men who are ready to wait for enthusiasm are not going to war, but waiting patiently for my leader.

To tell you the truth, as the leader, I overslept and let my brothers wait in the hot sun. Of course, I was more moved. My brothers would rather wait endlessly than disturb my rest because they wanted me to have a good sleep.

Now, I really have a good rest. At the moment, I see these ambitious and vigorous brothers. Immediately, my passion bursts out. My blood burns violently in my body. With vigorous steps, I go straight to the front of the team.

As soon as I stood up, Shen Muchen stepped forward and said to me sonorously and forcefully, "Arlo, everything is ready!"

Shen Muchen's voice is very excited and full of spirit. They have been waiting for me for an hour, not only without any tiredness, but also so ambitious.

Obviously, the brothers are looking forward to training in the dark moon hall. Even if they know that they will bear endless hardships and tiredness there, they are still very excited.

Remember last time, we also gathered here, the destination is also dark moon hall. At that time, I went out to Mangshan with 700 elites of war, just to attack the dark moon hall and save my father.

At that time, although we were also full of passion, in fact, our confidence was very weak, almost with that kind of heroic sense of death.

This time, we still go to the dark moon hall, but the purpose is very different. We are not going to die, but to strengthen ourselves and change ourselves. How can we not inspire everyone. This time, all of us are really passionate and passionate.

My mood is the same, especially for the mysterious dark moon hall. Although I have been to the dark moon hall once, it's just outside. I haven't entered the dark moon hall at all. I don't know what secrets are hidden in it. Therefore, I'm full of expectations for the place where I want to be promoted.

But I didn't show such feelings to my face. I just kept my king's demeanor. I nodded to Shen Muchen at first. Then, I came to Lu Ping and Chen Xiaoshen and asked them, "do you go too?"

These boys didn't say hello to me in advance, so they came here to gather.

In the face of my inquiry, Lu Ping was embarrassed to scratch his head. Chen Xiaoze said happily: "yes, only after training, can we not pull your hind legs!"When he said this, Chen Xiao seemed a little excited, at the same time, his attitude was also very sincere. They all know that there is a big gap between their own strength and those in the war. They want to catch up with us.

I didn't stop their ambition. I just went on and said, "why, don't you read books?"

Hearing this, the silent Lu Ping couldn't help but open his mouth. He said directly, "I'm still reading a fart. There's no meaning at all. There's no pleasure in following you all over the world!"

Lu Ping's words were echoed by the people of beacon fire. They all said that to live is to live with vigour and vitality. Only by daring to break through and dare to fight can they live in vain.

Seeing that they are so serious and enthusiastic, I can't pour cold water on them. What's more, if they want to have a good performance in the war, they really need training. If their ability improves, it will be a good thing for me, and I can have more right-hand assistants. So, instead of talking nonsense, I agreed to let them go.

With my approval, Lu Ping and others immediately stood up and showed their absolute fighting spirit.

After talking to them, I glanced at my elite team one by one. Then, I came to Peng Yi and said with shame, "sorry, uncle Peng, you've been waiting so long!"

Hearing the speech, Peng Yi said with a smile, "it's OK. I haven't been here for a long time."

After that, Peng Hai taught me a lot. After that, he taught me a lot

Peng Yu, who was arrogant and arrogant, was not happy to hear this. However, he did not dare to refute it. After all, I was no longer the same as before, and even my status was higher than his father. He did not dare to be presumptuous to me.

I followed Peng Yi's finger and looked at the team behind him. Most of the masters of the Hai Gang were there, including Peng Yi's elder brother Peng Qing.

The dark moon hall is the holy land of the sea gang. It is the dream of many sea Gang people. They should all want to go to the dark moon hall for further study. They just have no chance and are not qualified to enter.

Now, with this opportunity, of course, they will go without hesitation. However, Peng Yi doesn't need to go because he has been training in the dark moon hall for a year. He just came to see me off today.

I nodded to Peng Yi, and then solemnly said to him, "Uncle Peng, before leaving, there is something I hope you will promise me!"

Peng Yi asked suspiciously, "what's the matter?"

Without hesitation, I said directly, "the follow-up work of the war has been basically arranged, but there is still a lack of a person in charge of the overall situation. Three months after I left, I want to leave the fire to you to take care of it!"

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