The more blood rose looked down on me, the more I didn't want to lose. The more motivated I was, I climbed up from the ground with the support of my faith in my heart. Then, I spat my bloody saliva on the ground, then raised my face to look at the poppy and said angrily, "continue!"

Poppy just knocked me down, did not chase me, did not kill me. It can be seen that he still listened to blood rose, left a hand, now, see me stubborn, his eyes can not help but turn to blood rose, it is obvious that he is consulting blood rose's opinion.

Blood rose face a change, ordered a sentence: "down with him, let him not get up!"

Poppy led meaning, the huge body again with a whirlwind, roaring towards me.

Before he died, it was as if he had changed into a devil. Now, he's really moving. His momentum has suddenly changed. It's just like the wind blows up the clouds. As soon as I approached, his body shape changed suddenly, bringing out a virtual shadow. While I was dazzled, his fist was very sensitive and flashed towards me.

I dodged and dodged his fist very quickly, but unexpectedly, his feet also attacked at the same time. I couldn't avoid it, so I had to brave my head to block it. His speed is too fast, I once again seem to fall into the wind, but I did not panic, in his series of attacks on me, I held my mind and used my Tai Chi.

In the face of this fat man's firmness, I can only use the Yin and softness of Tai Chi to dissolve them one by one. However, I have not really mastered Taiji and have not practiced to the essence. Unlike grandfather Bai, I can beat back the blood rose with high strength with one Tai Chi. My Tai Chi is too immature compared with my grandfather Bai. At most, I am skillful in the defense of "overcoming the strong with softness" and "pushing a thousand catties in four directions".

The pain of the egg is that this basic Tai Chi can't offset the ferocity of the poppy. His hands and feet are harder than the steel bar. As long as I collide with their hands and feet, even if most of the strength is resolved in time, I still have to suffer. After several times, I can't carry it, and both arms are numb.

At the end of the day, I simply gave up Taiji and used the unique Hai Gang skills I practiced in the dark moon hall. I had no other advantages, that is, I had a lot of Kung Fu. I knew a little bit about all kinds of moves. I was a master of a hundred schools. Therefore, it is obviously impossible for the other party to see through my Kungfu moves. I mean, it changes as it changes. It can flexibly transform and use various martial arts.

To be honest, the dark moon hall has helped me a lot. It not only helped me learn all kinds of martial arts, but also helped me understand the essence of martial arts and how to keep a stable mind when dealing with real masters. Up to now, even though I'm struggling, even in the face of a powerful opponent, I'm still not impatient. I'm immersed in the essence of martial arts, showing all the skills I've learned.

This poppy is not without weaknesses. He still has shortcomings, that is, his defense is not perfect, and it is easy to show flaws, so I can seize the gap and sneak in.

I showed my unique skills of the sea Gang, so I took the lead and found several gaps to attack him. And, every time I attack, I try my best and leave no room for it.

But what broke my heart was that this poppy was totally abnormal. His body felt like it was made of metal, so it couldn't move at all. At the beginning, I hit him in the stomach and was bounced back by him.

Later, when I hit him, I still suffered from it. His body was really harder than steel plate. He didn't hurt when I hit him. On the contrary, it hurt me.

I have met many tough people. I know that these people have practiced horizontal Kung Fu. However, I have never seen a person who has practiced horizontal Kung Fu to the extreme. This is a perfect iron cloth shirt with golden bell cover. He seems to have no dead end. No matter where he is hit, he has no reaction.

My repeated setbacks make poppy more and more disdainful to me. Before I hit him, he would try to avoid the block. In the end, he might deliberately hit me. He simply did not defend, just stood still and allowed me to hit him.

Poppy seems to be an instant incarnation of sculpture, the whole person is still, my constant bombardment, also can't shake him half point, as if, my strong attack on him, is to tickle him in general.

Originally, it was an exciting contest between experts. Now it seems that it has become a funny performance. I am like a clown, jumping left and right, but I can't do anything about this statue. My heart gradually began to be impatient. There was a powerless feeling that children were robbed and couldn't get back, but were teased.

No matter how many solutions I tried, I was doing nothing. In the end, I was tired and my whole body was swollen and painful. However, the dragonfly, who was constantly beaten, was standing easily with a calm face.

The strength of the golden bell jar is beyond my imagination. It also surprised my brothers on the spot. People who have a clear eye can see that I will lose. There is no doubt that the strength gap between me and the top ten experts of bloody cherry blossom is not generally large.

However, even so, I will not admit defeat. My character has always been stubborn, never say die. If it was not better than fighting with poppy, now that I have challenged him, I can not take the initiative to admit defeat. Although I am indeed in a weak position, and the whole person is a little weak, I did not give up. When the poppy was complacent, my eyes were cold and my hands were clenched into claws. I used the Yin claw skill taught me by Han Yimo, and one claw caught the eye of poppy.Poppy's body is steel and iron. I don't believe that his eyes can still be used to be invulnerable. I'm sure. This must be his weakness. Therefore, this time, as long as I hit, I'll pick his eyes off.

In the face of my sudden and fierce attack, the poppy, who has always been proud of himself, was shocked for a moment. He had a part of conditioned reflex, and his small eyes escaped my attack. However, my claws still caught his face. The flesh on his face was not as hard as that on his body, and I directly broke a piece of skin.

Poppy instant pain, can not help but reach out to touch his cheek, when he saw the blood in his hand, his small eyes, suddenly spurt out a fierce spark, his whole person was angry, directly roared to me: "looking for death!"

After that, he attacked again, his body with his roaring momentum, crashed into me, my whole person was almost hit by him, and my steps quickly regressed.

As I retreated, the poppy rushed to me like a missile and rushed to me. He grabbed me with one hand. One of his hands grasped my collar and the other held my belt. With his crazy roar, he lifted me up and lifted me over my head.

My heart finally no longer calm, fear engulfed me, cold sweat kept falling from my head, I was afraid, but I did not give up resistance, my body was caught, but my hands can still move, I constantly wave hands, beat him.

But the more I move, the more angry the poppy is. He's like an angry rhinoceros at the moment, and he's extremely horrible. When I resisted with both hands, his arms suddenly lowered and my body fell.

Then, the knee of his right foot was bent and pushed up to my stomach.

Immediately, my body is soft, breathing is not smooth, my hands can not struggle, directly down, bitter water with blood from my mouth, this time, I have been completely powerless.

But the fiery poppy, still did not intend to let me go, he once again raised me above the head, and then, his body in the same place quickly around.

I was held over his head by him. As he turned around, I immediately fell into dizziness. The whole person vomited, but I couldn't vomit out. My eyes were turned white, my brain was in chaos, and my consciousness was almost gone.

Just as soon as I was about to fall into a coma, the poppy stopped turning around. As soon as his body stopped, his arm suddenly moved. He threw me away as hard as he threw a javelin. Suddenly, my body flew high and straight out of the manor, across the high wall and into the interior of the villa.

This so-called contest between the so-called masters is a duel without any suspense. It seems that the end is doomed from the beginning. There is no thrilling and no counter attack in the process. It is a complete scene of making a high decision.

Poppy, he exploded me with absolute superiority, I was like a javelin general, he threw it hard.

This ending is expected for the blood colored Cherry Blossom people. They are not surprised or surprised. They only have arrogant winner's posture.

However, this is too difficult for the people in the war to accept the fact that they can't believe that I should end up so miserable. You know, my strength is among the best in the whole war. It can be said that after the special training of dark moon hall, my strength is close to Peng Yi.

But now, the bloody Cherry Blossom randomly sent out a person, I finished abuse, this result, completely shocked my brother. The self-confidence wall they tried to build, at this moment, collapsed completely.

Before that, the brothers didn't see with their own eyes the power of the blood Butterfly. Even though it was said that the bloody cherry blossoms were the gods, the brothers still dared to fight against one of them. But now, as the leader of the war, I was so crushed by the other side, which was tantamount to destroying the spiritual support of the brothers and destroying their fortress of confidence.

Almost at the moment when I was thrown away, my brothers were all dumbfounded, all of them were disheartened and were hit hard. Everyone seemed to be frozen, nailed in place, and stunned.

After a long time of delay, the high-level fighting led by Peng Yi responded. They immediately recovered and rushed to the manor nervously.

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