My eyes, with the color of arrogance, as if all the people in front of me are dust, my body posture, extraordinary majestic, feel like the top of the sky, enough to overlook everything.

My every move, every word and every action showed that I didn't care much about poppy, one of the top ten blood Cherry Blossom masters. I didn't feel discouraged in this contest.

Blood Cherry Blossom people see me so bold, self-confident, they can not help but show the color of doubt, full of their eyes, is extremely inexplicable.

My brothers, seeing that I had made up my mind, did not dissuade me any more. They just stood behind me cautiously and acted as a strong shield for me. Everything was ready for me to fight poppy.

I stood upright in the same place, there was no sign of taking the lead in action, and poppy, he was a straightforward big rough, in the last fight, he was angry with me, so that he would kill me in the end, but Qiqi's appearance hindered him, and even his arm was shot through by a bullet. All this is a disgrace to poppy.

Therefore, poppy must hate me to the bone, even more resentment accumulated in my heart. Now, in the face of my provocation, of course, he would not hesitate. Without saying a word, he rushed towards me like a bull.

Although the poppy is very fat, its impact speed is very fast. It is like a big snowball rolling at a very high speed. However, no matter how fast he was, I was as calm as a mountain. After three days of self seclusion, my insight ability was almost against the sky. I caught all the movements of poppies in my eyes. When he came close to me to attack me, I stepped back with my left foot and dodged the Dragonfly's attack easily.

Poppy did not stop, a move did not hit, immediately continue to attack me.

And I'll keep my step. It looks very slow and casual, but in fact, it is very rhythmic and flexible. The feet seem to turn into shadows, so they can naturally avoid the attack of poppy.

In this way, facing the attack of poppy mania and anger, I have always been in the state of dodging. From the beginning to the end, my hands were lost to my back, and there was no move. Only my feet were moving and my body was dodging.

About two minutes later, the poppy suddenly stopped and looked at me with a very puzzled look. Obviously, he saw my strength and made a lot of progress compared with before. At least in terms of mentality, I was steady ten thousand times. I was able to achieve real arrogance and impatience, not to be surprised by humiliation and steadiness. Such changes made poppy confused and even more unbelievable.

I didn't want to waste time with him any more. I just put my hand down and reached in front of me. I hooked my finger on the poppy, and provocatively said, "big fat man, is that all you have? If there are any other tricks, let's use them! "

My tone is very bad, and my words are full of contempt for poppy. Before, although poppy's mood was a little irritable, his mentality was still under control, and his attack was very standardized. He didn't mess up his sense of propriety. However, after hearing this, he changed his whole mind. Instead of doubt in his eyes, he was angry and deeply angry. He drank a lot and got angry In an instant, he turned into a huge whirlwind, and came to me.

That's exactly what I want, because if poppy has always been a conservative play, then I know that his weakness is under the armpit. It's hard to attack him, but as long as his brain is hot, his moves are fierce and his mentality is disordered, his flaws will be exposed obviously. Only in this way can I have a chance to hit his armpit.

Because of this, I didn't take the initiative to attack at the beginning, just kept dodging. My purpose was to let him know that I despised him and despised him. Finally, I added a provocative word as a lead, directly ignited his anger and let him attack me unscrupulously.

Although, poppy obviously felt my strength improved. He was also surprised by my progress, but even so, he still didn't pay attention to me. After all, in the eyes of anyone, it is impossible to completely change a person in just a few days. Even if I am a genius, I can not surpass my original strength too much in such a short time.

As a result, poppies are a bit arrogant. However, it is undeniable that opium poppy is really strong. His strength lies not only in his iron clad body, but also in his moves, which are extremely fierce and cruel. Ordinary people can never bear his fierce attacks. Every attack of his is full of destructive momentum, which is quite terrifying.

Fortunately, I had the experience of fighting with him, so that I could defend his changeable terror moves. However, I need more than that. I not only want to prevent him, but also find the appropriate time to catch the loopholes in his moves, and then hit his armpit heavily.

In this way, my speed can not help but speed up, eyes more sharp, in the poppy's right fist swing to me, I look suddenly changed, at the same time, my left hand quickly into a claw, grasp his right wrist.

Although I am very strong in all aspects, I am not as strong as dragonflies in terms of body hardness, so I can't confront him. However, my strength is not bad. It's OK to check and balance him.

The manic poppy, seeing that I had grasped his wrist, immediately realized that his weakness might have been exposed, so his other hand, almost at lightning speed, tried to push me back.But after all, it was still late, my right hand, already stretched out two fingers, toward his right hand under the armpit and suddenly point in the past.

Fingering is a unique skill of the Peng family. I have received systematic training in the dark moon hall and gained a lot. This time, I really showed it. When I point my finger under the armpit of poppy, the mountain air, suddenly burst out like a pig howl, the sound is deafening.

At the time of poppy eating pain, my body flashed again. My right hand twisted his left arm, and my left finger pointed to the left armpit of poppy.

This time, the poppy's roar was even more earth shaking. He bared his teeth in pain. In an instant, the whole person became a mad dog. He was in pain, angry and crazy.

However, the crazier the poppy is, the more flaws there are, and the more opportunities I have to make a shot. I don't need to use my loyalty fist to deal with him like this. Moreover, in full view of the public, I am not suitable to use my unique skills. I just need to grasp the dragonfly's life gate, and I can control him at will. No matter how strong his dragonfly is, no matter how strong his dragonfly is, he is also soft because of my fingering under his armpit, and his arm is a little weak. This gave me more opportunities, I kept grabbing his hand. At the same time, my flexible footwork also restrained the attack of poppy feet on me.

After a fight, the poppy has been gradually defeated. At the end of the day, his hair was up, his arms were completely weak, only two legs left, crazy attack me.

When his legs suddenly became powerful, my eyes suddenly became cold. I found a perfect opportunity to avoid the attack on his legs, and then I used my two fingers to stab the poppy's eyes.

Impartial, two fingers, right in the eyes of the poppy, immediately, blood from the eyes of the poppy, the roar of pain, is the sound of the sky, as if the whole earth is trembling because of the howl of the poppy.

My moves are very vicious. To deal with such a large and invulnerable poppy, I want to take advantage of its weakness, fast, ruthless and accurate. Poppy's hands were abandoned, and now I poked my eyes blind. He's completely finished. He can only roar wildly.

Seeing this scene, all my brothers were stunned. It can be said that since I took the initiative to fight poppy, my brother was shocked. Now, I am on the side of absolute victory, and my brothers are even more surprised and excited. They finally know that I dare to accept the challenge, not just rashly, but have the strength to deal with poppy.

On the other side, the blood Cherry Blossom people are all tensed up nerve, startled eyes, eyes still have fire.

The blood rose with a hot temper was even more furious. She was reckless and roared at me angrily: "Suluo, you are too mean to use this kind of Yin move!"

The cry of blood rose was very sharp, but I turned a deaf ear to it. I just took back my bloody finger and suddenly held my hand into a claw and grabbed the neck of the poppy.

Poppy want to resist, but has no power, just like the golden bell cover, he has now become the fish in my hands. His life is controlled in my hand. In a trance, I become the God who dominates other people's lives.

Blood rose felt my killing intention, and quickly yelled at me: "solo, I want you to put the poppy, immediately, immediately!"

Her tone of voice, completely in order, is this kind of time. Even if I won the game, the blood rose didn't seem to care. She was still so arrogant and still didn't pay attention to me.

Her face, let me very speechless, but also in my expectations, I have known for a long time, she gave me that bullshit promise is nothing, even if I win the contest, blood rose will not admit defeat, want her all let me handle, it is impossible, I did not expect that they will be arrested. The main reason why I waste my time competing with poppies is to stabilize the morale of my side of the army.

Last time, I lost to poppy, and lost so miserably, although the brothers did not say anything, but I also know. This has affected a lot of people. They say that they don't care about my strength. But who doesn't want his boss to be a king of strength? Who wants his boss to be a waste?

This time, Xueqiang specially mentioned the last contest between me and poppy. She also said that I broke my promise and refused to accept the defeat. She definitely did it on purpose, and the purpose must be to shake my military morale. Of course, I would not like her wish.

On the other hand, I promised to compete in martial arts, but also to frustrate the bloody cherry blossom's spirit, prove myself with strength, and suppress them with momentum. If I don't reason with the blood Cherry Blossom people directly, then, the blood Cherry Blossom people must feel that they are on the side of justice. They will try their best to fight against each other and fight with us to death. In the end, as blood rose said, even if I win, it will inevitably lose a lot. I certainly don't want to.

Now, I have won, and won simply, to their surprise, at the same time, suffered a blow, now that is to say, the time has come.

I did not delay for half a moment, when the blood rose voice fell, my mouth suddenly curved out of a curve, to the blood rose showed a very strange smile, and then, I increased the grip of the poppy neck hand, a violent twist.The neck of poppy was broken by me on the spot. Immediately, all the people were stunned. Their expression was stupefied and their eyes were different.

In the moment of consternation, I slowly took back my hand, the body of poppy had no support, so heavily fell on the earth, splashed with dust.

At the same time, the sky suddenly sounded my startling roar: "brothers, give me, kill them all, do not leave alive!"

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