As the referee's gunshot recalled, the crowd was boiling again, the harsh cheers blew my eardrum, stabbed my nerves, let me hot blood roll, I ran out of the hustle and bustle.

The school track should run for 20 laps around the playground every 500 meters. Therefore, the earlier stage is not speed, but endurance. More importantly, we must stabilize our mood and breathe steadily and adjust our mentality. In this way, we can keep our strength and keep running for 10000 meters.

So, even if I can't hear the voice of supporting me, I don't care. I still run against the wind, take out my running status every morning, and run very rhythmically.

I don't know whether it is coincidence or not. My rhythm is the same as Bai Qiuyan. I ran with him. I started a few laps. Many people don't care. After all, there are many people, just together. This happens to be normal, but, until the 10th circle, I am still in the same way as Bai Qiuyan, which makes everyone surprised.

Because, my dress is conspicuous, and Bai Qiuyan has always been the object of concern. Now, a new star like me is running with him. Many people want to ignore me. More importantly, by the tenth circle, people's physical strength has begun to overdraw, and even some people are beginning to take off. These hardships and tiredness are not the common people can The beating frequency of the heart will be different.

But the rhythm of running with Bai Qiuyan is still very fast. So, by this time, many people have been completely unable to keep up with each other, and have been left behind far away. Therefore, I only showed a little different characteristics at this time, which attracted the attention of the group. The voice of discussion rang in the confusion of the operation field:

"you said, who is the person in white sports dress Why follow brother Qiu Yan all the time, it must be intentional, and want to attract attention! "

"I did not think it was. This man and Qiu Yan Ran the same number of circles. It must not be ordinary people. I can't look down on it. At least they may have the chance to hit the rank!"

"I know this man, have you not heard of it? Recently, a freshman, named Ye Zixuan, said he was the first to jump high and sprint first. He was the best in sports meeting. Now the new king in school!"

"My God, how can the sprinter come to the long run? He doesn't know. The speed of long run is the second, and endurance is important!"

"It's not necessarily. When he won the high jump championship, no one would have thought that he could take the place in a sprint. Maybe someone else was the king of all!"

"I suddenly remember that when I was practicing in the playground every morning, I often saw a man running in the playground in the morning, as if it were the one in white!"

"No? So, this guy is not to be underestimated. Maybe he will take the second place! "

"I'll wait to decide. The game will be half done. Nobody can tell if he will fall out of the team."

In the turbulent agitation, in the crowd's talk, I kept a good rhythm, and I was running with Bai Qiuyan. If, in the tenth circle, some people didn't pay attention to it. Then, when the 15th circle was around, almost all the students began to pay attention to me. Those voices were loud and loud over the noisy playground :

my mother, it has been 15 laps. He has been following Qiu Yange's pace all the time

"I guess this kid won't want to compete with Qiu Yan for the championship!"

"What you say is impossible. Don't you know that Qiu Yan brother is an existence that nobody can surpass in long-distance running?"

"You are right, but this yezixuan is really powerful enough, can persist for so long, there is no sign of vanity, I admire him very much!"

"You don't find out, this ye Zixuan is not only athletic, but also handsome in appearance!"

"Yes, if there is no autumn Yan brother in, I think I will be fascinated with him! Hey, hey

Every time I run to a place, there will be different voices in the crowd nearby. I have been selective in ignoring these comments. In my heart, there is only one belief, effort and effort. I must play my own limit, and I will not waste my training abroad that year. No matter how hard it is during the running process, I bite my teeth very hard, not anxious, not arrogant, running with the best mentality, only one idea in my heart, competing for the first!

When I insisted on the 18th lap, the crowd, already boiling, about the yezixuan, obviously increased, as if everyone, I was a new person to surprise, even the quiet watching the game Luo Ziyi, all showed a surprise.

No one put in the eyes of white autumn, can not start to pay attention to me, running process, he will also occasionally look at me, obviously he knows, my silent unknown boy is powerful, his cold cheek also serious.

But I have been immersed in my own world, and I am calm about others' attitude to see me, and I am walking in an orderly way. When I reached the 19th circle, many people have felt it. I am very hopeful to compete with Bai Qiuyan for the first person. Therefore, many people in the whole field have started to shout for Bai Qiuyan to help, and the voice supporting Bai Qiuyan has rushed to the audience Broke the sky, with the shouting, Bai Qiuyan also accelerated some pace, as if there were countless people are looking forward to, Bai Qiuyan can leave me this asshole behind in the last circle.However, everyone's encouraging voice did not play any use, because, I also along with Bai Qiuyan to improve the speed, still orderly follow, all the way shoulder to shoulder, never fall.

Under this, has been supporting Bai Qiuyan fans are crazy, because before this, anyone thought Bai Qiuyan would win the championship, which is an unchangeable fact. No one will consider whether Bai Qiuyan will make mistakes. What we care about is whether Bai Qiuyan can surpass the limit. But at this moment, many people's mood finally began to be restless, almost everyone can see that I am a new player, in the impact of the championship.

At the end of the lap, the noisy playground suddenly quieted down, and all the noise and cheering came to an abrupt end. Almost everyone held their breath and opened their eyes at this moment. Because, everyone knows, the critical moment is coming, no one dares to make a big noise again, for fear of affecting the play of Bai Qiuyan, the great God.

We can only silence, suppress the frenzied heartbeat, watching quietly, want to see Bai Qiuyan persist, break through, get the championship, want to see me collapse, want to see me fall behind, want to see me fall.

But at the moment when the whole audience was holding their breath and concentrating, a sharp cry broke out at the scene, and he roared excitedly: "look, look, look, ye Zixuan is speeding up, and he still has the strength to speed up!"

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