After a passionate speech, I went back to my seat. As soon as I sat down, the lecturer at the same table said to the whole class, "brother Xuan, no matter what happens in the future, I will share with you!"

In the whole classroom, there was only one person who made a statement. Others were silent and didn't know what they were thinking. I didn't feel lost for such a result, but I opened my book and prepared for class, just as nothing happened. All morning, I have been thinking about the difficulties I will face in the future, because I know that from this moment on, my plan will be officially launched, and the future life of this school will not be calm.

Soon, the course in the morning was over. To my surprise, none of the students who should have gone to the canteen had left. Even the girls didn't leave, just like they didn't hear the bell. It was the first time that I saw them behave so united after coming to the class for such a long time.

At this time, as the teacher just left, the door of the classroom was kicked open in the next second. Then, the people led by Jiang Wuji burst in with great hegemony.

as a well-known figure in his junior year, Jiang Wuxian was not as powerful as Chen Haoran, but his backstage gave him enough arrogant capital, and his strength should not be underestimated Yes. Even after that, Chen Haoran did not dare to take him, which made him tyrannical in school. Now I am more sure that today's event was deliberately promoted by Jiang wutrace, whose purpose is to avenge the games.

Of course, he didn't expect that I beat his people without hesitation. Although Chen Haoran was afraid of him because of his tyranny, it doesn't mean that I also fear him. Here today, I must give Jiang Wuji a lesson and let him become the cannon fodder of my plan.

He at the moment. He was still extremely arrogant. As soon as he came to the classroom, he swept us with a look of great disdain. His eyes were mixed with a taste of successful stratagem. It seemed that he came here today, and it was a very just thing to learn from a famous teacher. His whole person also appears to have the momentum specially, in scornfully swept our two eyes, he immediately walked to my class platform, vigorously patted the table, loudly cried: "Ye Zixuan stays, the others all leave!"

Obviously, Jiang Wuji came to me alone. He is not stupid, because he knows that my strength in sports can not be underestimated. He can't watch my wings grow hard. He must suppress me as soon as possible, otherwise. He must have understood that once I had full wings, I would have a feud that day.

But his actions didn't seem to work, because after he let out a roar. The class was still silent, as if they had not heard him.

You know, Jiang Wuxian is a famous person in the school. People who know him are eager to flatter him, but we are surprised. Our class has always been the weakest class in the whole school. At this moment, Jiang Wuxian was deeply beaten in the face. Even the glasses man who was beaten by me just now could not bear it. Jiang Wuxian was present, He showed a special confidence, he toward our class, shouting: "wise people, get out of the way, or even you clean up together!"

His tone is also quite arrogant, but we are not affected by Jiang Wuxian's words. His words are a dog's leg. This time, Jiang wutrace finally understood what was going on. He gritted his teeth and said angrily, "are you going to fight against me? Are you not afraid to start a fire? "

Seeing that the people in our class still didn't give him face, Jiang Wuji was so angry that he cried out: "well, today I will abolish Ye Zixuan in front of you. Who dares to intervene, I will also abolish who!"

As soon as he waved his hand, several of his subordinates immediately closed the front door and the back door, which meant closing the door and beating the dog. I stood up directly from my seat and walked leisurely to the front of him on the platform. Immediately, I took out a cigarette, lit it in his mouth and smoked it comfortably After enjoying this pleasure, I slowly opened my mouth and said, "Jiang wutrace, if you don't come to me, I will also find you. There are some things we should calculate! But fortunately, you have saved me this strength! "

My words are full of satire and disdain. However, after listening to my words, Jiang Wuxian, who was angry, laughed, and then said to me with disdain: "Ye Zixuan, do you think that you can be arrogant when you show off in the sports meeting? Dare to work with me. I want to let you know that you are not as good as shit in my eyes God wants to see, who dares to help you

Said, but also specially pointed to the students sitting under the podium motionless, the tone is really too arrogant, a word on the students in our class scolded.

To tell you the truth, my classmates are still sitting here at the critical moment. I don't know whether they will help me or keep an attitude of watching. I'm not sure about them. After all, those people who make trouble with Jiang Wuwen will not come to a good end. But I believe that those words of encouragement in my mouth still play a role and stimulate their blood, No one wants to be called a waste, at least reasonable, he will stand by my side in any case.Ye Zixuan, who came back again, doesn't have the word "fear" in the dictionary. Even if no one helps me, I'm confident to fight them out. However, the reaction of the students was really beyond my expectation, because after Jiang wutrace said some threatening words, all the students in the class stood up from their seats in unity at this moment. The neat momentum made me feel excited. This is the strength of unity, which is the spirit of a class.

From their faces, I saw perseverance and faith. They were all bloody. Maybe before, they didn't want to resist, but there was no one to lead them. I happened to be such a leader. What's more, Jiang wutrace was really too noisy. He brought people to the class openly, yelled at us openly and called our class a waste, No matter which class, it is a great shame, so he forced all students to stand in the same front.

Jiang Wuji also saw this stirring scene. Suddenly, his arrogance was gradually extinguished. After all, he only brought more than a dozen people to come here today. Therefore, he had no confidence, and he hesitated to say anything more. However, I did not wait for him to open his mouth and took a deep breath of smoke. Then, I sprayed the smoke ring on his face, evil way: "Jiang No trace, thank you

My words are very sincere, not adulterated at all, let Jiang Wuji's face blue and white for a while, and asked me angrily, "thank me for what?"

I also put away my joke, solemnly said: "of course, thank you for making our class people become united and United, share a common hatred of the enemy!"

The last four words, I said very loud, and accompanied by this sound past, is my merciless punch, directly hit him a stagger, in river no trace did not have time to respond, I quickly from the podium over, directly to his crotch is a foot, directly fell on the ground, this series of actions fast and fast, this foot out My best.

Lying on the ground, Jiang Wuji was in a cold sweat. Just as he was in pain, I quickly met him and faced his body with a variety of feet. When Jiang Wuxian's dog legs reacted, I yelled: "students, it's time to prove that I'm not rubbish!"

Immediately, the students were directly attracted and rushed to the scene. The scene was chaotic. Originally, there were many people on our side, and the momentum was sufficient. As the leader, Jiang Wuji was knocked down by me, and there was no leader. Therefore, their formation was disordered and only fell into the ravage of our classmates.

Maybe it's too long, maybe it's never been so united. My group of classmates seem to have released all the cowardice they once held in their hearts. They really went out of their wits to vent their anger. They touched anything on the table at will and hit each other on their bodies. The dogleg with no trace of Jiang ran everywhere. Originally, Jiang wutrace was ready to beat me as a dog, but in a flash, the situation reversed. I became the king now, but he became a dead dog lying on the ground.

At that time, I heard Jiang wutrace's name everywhere. Now it seems that he is no more than that. He was killed by me and became a dead dog. He was so arrogant because of some power. I have to repay the new and old hatred today. Although I have been paralyzed on the ground, my action still does not stop. He kicks him one foot at a time, which makes him almost faint 。

After a while, Jiang wutrace and his group of dog legs were beaten by us, all of them were paralyzed on the ground, crying bitterly. Maybe it was because there were too many people, the scene was crowded and chaotic, and some people almost fainted.

I have no mood for others. I only aim at Jiang Wuxian, because only he and I have a grudge. Seeing his miserable appearance, I feel comfortable. Then, I squatted down in front of Jiang wutrace and sarcastically said, "Jiang wutrace, you shouldn't have offended me. I have said that I will certainly repay that revenge!"

But Jiang Wuji has been beaten muddled at this time, relaxed for a long time, he just raised his head, looked at me ferociously, and yelled at me: "Ye Zixuan, if you offend me, you will not have a good end, you will die!"

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