Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1430: Don't talk about other things

Mo Chenyi personally drove Mrs. Jian and Jian Zhifei back to the apartment.

When parting, he gently kissed Zhifei's forehead.

Mrs. Jane kept watching them and smiled with satisfaction.

It was not until Mo Chenyi's car left that Mrs. Jian looked back and said with satisfaction: "Yes, not bad."

"How do you know he is not a man like Guo Huaijin?" Zhifei glanced at his mother speechlessly.

"Mommy has seen a lot of people, so she can't read it wrong. Besides, you should also look at the friends around him. Do you think the people around Yi Shao are messy? No?" Mrs. Jian said.

Zhifei thought for a while, but really didn't think of any bad friends around him. Lu Zhanting, Ming Ye Leng and others were very dedicated.

No, she said immediately: "Mummy, do you know he has a son? He has a son with other women!"

"This..." Mrs. Jane also hesitated.

"Mummy, I said, I don't need a man, and I don't need feelings. To be a stepmother for someone else, I can't do such a complicated thing." When Zhifei thinks about feelings, he feels that he has to retreat.

She really felt that she didn't have the energy to waste emotional things.

Mrs. Jane also felt sorry for her daughter, and said hurriedly: "Well, well, when we meet tomorrow, we will make it clear. Then, your dad and I will refuse for you, okay?"

"Okay." Zhifei said weakly, but when Mo Chenyi's face flashed in his mind, there was another throbbing.

She quickly stopped her thoughts.

Early the next morning, Mr. Jian came over. Hearing that Zhifei had a better boyfriend, he was anxious to approve with his hands and feet.

Regarding Guo Huaijin, what he didn't like in his heart, and now Guo Huaijin's performance has fully confirmed his original view.

Mr. Jian came happily. Hearing Mrs. Jian said that her daughter didn't like this marriage very much. When I saw the Mo family at night, I had to make it clear. Mr. Jian was suddenly confused.

But in the end he decided to respect his daughter's opinions and promised to talk to them when he saw the Mo family at night.

At noon, Mo Chenyi called Zhifei and told her that the hotel had been booked for dinner.

Zhifei smiled on the phone and said, "Mo Chenyi, I tell you that things will not happen at night. My parents are not people who ignore their daughter's ideas."

"Huh, so?" Mo Chenyi asked rhetorically.

" can eat well when you eat at night, and don’t talk about other things. If you really want me to be responsible, I’ll ask for dinner in the evening, how about?" Zhifei thought that his parents would be on his side, feeling That's good, happy.

Mo Chenyi's eyebrows darkened, and said, "Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure. Shao Yi, I'm sorry." Zhifei finished smiling and hung up the phone, thinking that Mo Chenyi must have a dark face, she couldn't help but chuckle.

Mo Chenyi's face was indeed black, and his refusal from knowing Fei made him very unhappy.

He knew that she must still remember Guo Huaijin's scumbag.

And even after sleeping with him, even refused him?

It seemed that he was still too gentle that day and didn't hit her cruelly, so she didn't know how good he was.

Mo Chenyi's face was sullen, and he was rejected again and again, which made him frustrated, but it was more of fighting spirit.

He bowed his head, just as Xiaobai walked in.

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