Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1855: Abstinence

Yun Wei's heart is empty. In these years, she is not a person who put all her energy on her children.

She has her own business and is also a right-hand man of Lu Zhanting.

But as a mother, seeing her children leave her one by one, she always feels a little disappointed.

Lu Zhanting held her waist: "Isn't it just right now? How long have we not lived our lives?"

"That's the way to say..." Yun Wei laughed, "Are you really not worried if Yun Jin is not here?"

"She wanted to go out and practice, so she was naturally prepared. It was indeed too arbitrary for me not to let her enlist in the army this time." Lu Zhanting said, "Now that we can only let the flow go..."


In the barracks.

A tall and slender figure appeared, a military uniform with an ascetic temperament, which made Lu Jingchen even more tough and handsome.

Standing in front of everyone, he is the high king, a **** who can hardly look away from everyone.

A lieutenant general ran up to Lu Jingchen and whispered: "General, it was found out that the reason why the lady ran away from home is inseparable from Qiao Zhen of the Qiao family."

"Be specific." Lu Jingchen said, the male masculine voice was slightly hoarse, full of strong hormones.

"Qiao Longzhi himself found the king and queen, and was about to discuss the marriage between Miss Qiao and Qiao Zhen. Although this marriage is not certain, Miss Qiao did not like Qiao Zhen. But the boy Qiao Zhen suddenly appeared, and then he was rude. Insulting the eldest lady, blatantly talking about marriage and not letting anyone call the shots. The eldest lady may not be able to stand her face, so she just..." The lieutenant general reported all the findings to Lu Jingchen.

Lu Jingchen's brows darkened suddenly, as gloomy as the prelude to a storm.

He loved his only sister Yun Jin since he was a child, and only two days ago did he learn that Yun Jin had run away from home.

Because he is now conducting military exercises in remote areas with his troops, it took another two days to find out the truth.

The lieutenant general saw him look bad, and said, "That Joe is really too much, or should I find someone to clean him up?"

Lu Jingchen threw a eye knife to him, and the lieutenant general hurriedly shut up.

"Arrange someone to pay close attention to Yun Jin's whereabouts. If you find her, send more people to protect her secretly."

"Yes, General."

Lu Jingchen strode forward, his knee-length military boots made his every step very imposing, domineering and powerful.

Another lieutenant general handed him a list: "General, these are the lists of all enlisted personnel this year. Basically all men perform military service in accordance with the system, while women do voluntary military service, but there are not many women. , Everything has been settled. Next, we will start to diversify and screen the seedlings that can be cultivated."

Lu Jingchen glanced over the list and saw a name on the next few pages: Qiao Zhen.

This Qiao Zhen, thought to be annoyed by the young boy who had gone away from Yun Jin.

"He wants to participate in the screening?" Lu Jingchen asked doubtfully.

According to regulations, all young men who perform military service in accordance with the system can be discharged as long as they have served two years of military service. What should they do? There is no restriction. Of course, after two years of military service, there is basically no chance to stay. There are not many opportunities to go up in the army.

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