Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1887: A belly of fire


Yun Jin ordered him black coffee and said, "Big Brother, the matter of my coming to Country S really has nothing to do with Qiao, you don't need to find him, I have already made it clear to my parents."

"But this matter has always been caused by him. Who made him indiscriminate and refused to marry in front of so many people when he hadn't figured out what happened? I know, I know this is something that neither side intended. , I don’t know, but I’m talking about your being abandoned.” Lu Jingchen frowned, “So he must apologize to you.”

"Good, good." Yun Jin couldn't help but smile. "I'll talk about it next time I see him. But speaking of it, I have to thank him. Without him, this time I am not so determined to leave and come to country s. "

"Are you tired at the police academy?" Lu Jingchen looked gentle.

"Not tired at all." Yun Jin excitedly, "I really like this kind of life. But tell you, brother, this time, my second brother and I did not let anyone know our true identity. So the entire police school Here, everyone just treats us as ordinary people. You don’t know, this feeling is really great!”

She said happily: "I have been treated as a princess or prince since I was a child, and I have to abide by all kinds of rules if I don’t go to a place, lest I am sorry for this identity. This feeling is really too bad. Now, there is nothing. When people know our identity, we can truly let ourselves go. You can go to the street to eat snacks, or go anywhere, without holding it all the time... Brother, you should really come and try it."

"I've tried it." Lu Jingchen laughed and held up coffee.

"Where did you try it? Why didn't I know?" Yun Jin was very curious.

Lu Jingchen smiled and shook his head. When he was twelve years old, he entered the army to participate in special training. Although everyone knows the identity of His Royal Highness, no one has ever regarded him as His Royal Highness.

In places like this, everyone is equal and speaks by strength, not status and status.

This is why Lu Zhanting worried that Yun Jin could not adapt.

"Since you are very happy to stay here, then stay." Lu Jingchen patted her on the shoulder. In fact, not revealing the true identities of her and Lu Yiyang is one of the ways to protect them, lest people with ulterior motives harass them or even Use them both to threaten the royal family.

That's why Lu Jingchen came here this time with a light outfit and the simplest way.

"You are leaving, brother?" Yun Jin was a little bit reluctant.

Lu Jingchen smiled and said, "Since I have chosen this place, why not be willing? Stay well."

"Yeah." Yun Jin nodded heavily, "Then you take care too."

Lu Jingchen stood up and strode out. Although he was not willing to accept his sister, since they had made their own choices, everyone should be responsible for their choices and the future of life.

He walked out, looked at the place where Qiao Zhen had just left, and couldn't help frowning.

This stinky boy, caught by him, he must punish him well!

In a blink of an eye, a few days' rest time came, and all the students had to go back and train again.

Lu Jingchen went back early in the morning.

The thought that Qiao really kissed him forcefully made him feel angry and walked with anger.

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