Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2013: That's really good

She began to skillfully wrap dumplings, and then skillfully cooks and mixes dipping sauces.

Soon, the dumplings smelled in the pot.

Lu Jingchen had been watching all her movements from the sidelines, and at this moment, all of this trivial feeling was happiness.

Qiao Qiao brought the dumplings to the table and said, "General Lu, try it. Don't be offended if it doesn't taste good, I don't know your taste."

"It will be delicious." Lu Jingchen picked one up and put it in his mouth, with the overflowing fragrance filling his mouth.

In the past four years, she has really improved a lot in cooking.

Seeing his brows stretched, Qiao Qiao sat down and ate with him.

After eating the dumplings, Lu Jingchen asked Qiao Qiao to help her with the work, and then stayed until dinner, and then left after grinding for a while.

In fact, what Qiaoqiao did is very simple, and it belongs to the kind of work that can be done or not.

Lu Jingchen returned to the royal family.

Wan Jiazhi finally inquired that Lu Jingchen had been very close to Qiao Qiao recently, but his reason was impeccable-he was looking for Qiao Qiao because of work.

Everyone knows that Lu Jingchen is a workaholic. He almost never takes vacations and rarely has his own personal affairs. For this reason, he can't accompany his fiancee once a year.

His work attitude is impeccable.

"But this time, he is working with the guy named Qiao Qiao, and he is not really working at all. What kind of work needs to be done in someone else's house?" Wan Jiazhi was very unbalanced.

Mrs. Wan said, "Not necessarily. Isn't that chief assistant also a woman? Lu Jingchen is indeed a workaholic. Don't disturb his work for your own personal affairs and make him unhappy."

"But he..." Wan Jiazhi wanted to say that Lu Jingchen had never touched her in the past four years.

But in front of Mrs. Wan, she couldn't say this, and she didn't want to let people know that she was so unattractive that Lu Jingchen couldn't be interested.

"Furthermore, although Lu Jingchen is a little colder, it is really good for our Wanjia. Now your father is the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and your uncle is the Minister of Defense. He delegated power to our family, and he has always done it hard. We can do whatever we want. I think he is still good to us. As for coldness...whether it is cold, doesn't it just mean that he has a cold attitude towards everyone? Do you hope that one of his nostalgia flowers Is it a hasty man?" Mrs. Wan persuaded her daughter.

Wan Jiazhi thought that his mother's words made sense, and said, "That's good. But who is Qiao Qiao, I really want to see. Anyway, no matter who it is, I'm too close to Lu Jingchen. It just doesn't work!"

"Come on yourself." Mrs. Wan said hurriedly, afraid that everything in Wanjia would not be guaranteed.


When Lu Jingchen returned to the royal family, the lieutenant general reported to him that Wan Jiazhi had come.

He ordered: "You look at Wan Jiazhi, you can't let her hurt Wenxuan, and you can't let her hurt Qiaoqiao."

"I will do this. But the general... Now Wanjia's power is getting bigger and bigger. If you let them go, you may not be able to hold it." The Lieutenant General said with some worry, "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defense seem to have It's their tens of thousands of families, they are too swollen now, if you don't suppress them..."

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