Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2049: Don't want her to stay with him

Many people soon learned that Qiao Qiao was Qiao Zhen's sister.

The first people who came to see her were Gao Chi and Cheng Deyuan.

When Jojo was eating lunch at noon, the two of them pulled up their chairs and sat across from Jojo: "Jojo, are you really the sister of Jojo?"

"Sorry, I didn't say it before, but now that you all know it, there is no need to hide it." Qiao Qiao said softly.

"It's really like it, the more I look at it, the more it looks like Qiao Zhen. I used to think you are a little familiar... I didn't expect you to be Qiao Zhen's sister." Cheng Deyuan came and sat on the opposite side of Qiao Qiao. stand up.

Gao Chi also understood, no wonder Jojo had to help himself last time.

Cheng Deyuan smiled and said, "No wonder Gao Chi keeps saying that you have good skills. This time, you came here to do things to check Qiao's affairs, right?"

Qiaoqiao smiled: "I don't have that many ideas. I grew up in an orphanage and now I just want to live a good life."

Cheng Deyuan was a little disappointed, but Gao Chi said: "Alright, some things are not suitable for girls to touch, just do things well."

"After get off work, shall we have dinner together?" Cheng Deyuan missed Qiao Zhen very much, and now seeing Qiao Qiao, he naturally wanted to take care of her.

"I have to be busy after get off work in the afternoon, so I won't go with you." Qiao Qiao declined.

Now that she cannot protect herself, she doesn't want to involve more people.

Although Cheng Deyuan was a little disappointed, the whole person was still very happy: "It's okay, wait until you are free. Let me tell you that your brother and I were good friends before. Now your brother is not there, but we will Instead of him, take good care of you. Gao Chi, don't you think?"

Jojo couldn't help laughing.


Since knowing that Qiao Qiao is the daughter of Qiao's family, many senior officials have approached Lu Jingchen and persuaded him to let Qiao Qiao leave.

"General Lu, the Qiao family has committed such a serious crime. It is unreasonable for Qiao Qiao to stay by your side and work. You'd better fire her early. I will have an alternate to send it up."

"Yes, it is too dangerous to let someone like her stay by your side, and it is not good for the country and the people."

These high-ranking officials, speaking of truth, are all in one set, and they rise to the height of the country's people at every turn, holding high the moral flag to persuade Lu Jingchen.

Among these people, the two Minister Wan is naturally mixed in.

Lu Jingchen was silent all the time, and everyone couldn't figure out what he meant, but they still wanted to say what he meant.

After a long time, Lu Jingchen finally said, "Okay, let Qiao Qiao leave and stop working on the national building."

"Huh..." Everyone sighed, in public and private, none of these people wanted Qiao Qiao to stay with Lu Jingchen.

This time Lu Jingchen was willing to listen, and they naturally felt that they had achieved a great victory.

But in a moment, Lu Jingchen slowly said, "Lieutenant General, let Qiao Qiao arrange it and become my personal assistant in the future."

"Yes, General." The lieutenant general immediately understood and turned to handle it.

Lu Jingchen's words, like a slap in the face, slapped everyone's faces fiercely.

Immediately someone stood up and said: "General, this is no good, in case this Jojo threatens your personal safety..."

"Is it so easy for me to be threatened?" Lu Jingchen stood up and glanced at them.

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