Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2367: Many people buried me

Mo Yanbai answered a call, looked solemn, and said, "Yi Yang, Yun Jin, we are probably going to the presidential palace."

"Good." Lu Yiyang and Yun Jin nodded.

The three of them went out and just met Song Yancheng. Song Yancheng stepped forward and said, "Officer Lu, Master Mo, I received a call to go to the Presidential Palace. Do you want to be together?"

"Yes." Lu Yiyang responded as he walked, "Let's go together."

The four people got into the car with solemn expressions and drove directly to the Hanlin Palace where the Presidential Palace was located.

Inside the Hanlin Palace, Cold Night, An Che and others have arrived first.

Only Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei were unable to participate in s'internal affairs because of their inconvenience.

The president and the military are waiting.

When Lu Yiyang and the four people walked in, someone soon introduced the reason: "The murderers have already activated heavy industrial weapons, and these weapons will be launched in forty-eight hours. Now we must understand clearly how these weapons are. What is going on, how lethal, how to start."

The president asked in a deep voice, "Do you have any clues for the military?"

"Because these heavy industrial weapons are strictly forbidden in the world, and their lethality is very high, so even our country has only a small part of the reserves. Moreover, the murderers used by this group are completely different from our usual ones. I think they developed it by themselves, so there is no accurate information for the time being. It can only be judged that the lethality is really huge...wherever it goes, there is no grass."

Hearing this, everyone was a little frustrated.

If large-scale heavy industrial weapons are developed privately, they don't know how to deal with them.

This group of murderers seems to have come prepared long ago.

If you don't know the performance of these weapons and how to shut them down, forty-eight, as time goes by, it is already less than forty-eight hours.

"So..." Lu Yiyang stood up for the first time and said, "Shen Bingwang! Shen Bingwang has been in the weapons business for decades, with both research and development personnel and factories under his name. He must know what's going on!"

Mingye nodded coldly: "The reason why you are here is because the matter is likely to fall in Shen's house. We want to see Shen Bingwang immediately."

Shen Bingwang was brought over soon.

Seeing the situation on the scene, his always arrogant face showed a smile that could not be concealed: "So it's this thing."

"Shen Bingwang, please tell me what happened to this batch of weapons. If you cooperate, there is still a chance to reduce your penalty."

"Hahaha... I didn't expect that one day, the entire country of s, even the president, would also ask to come in front of me."

"Shen Bingwang, you are facing the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. If you still have a little conscience, you should tell the story." Lu Yiyang said, "Otherwise, your fate will definitely be miserable. They are a hundred times."

Shen Bingwang laughed: "Since I was caught by you, I never thought about escape or freedom. But I tell you that this batch of weapons happened to be sold to these people. So even if you caught me, in fact, The things I have done have already been wiped out, hahahaha, even if I die, many people will be buried with me! What a joy!"

"Shen Bingwang!" Lu Yi was so angry that he wanted to draw a gun.

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