Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2431: The drugged girl

"Then you need to help deal with things here," the man said.

"Okay, leave it to me." After Song Yancheng finished speaking, he went in and saw Grandpa Li lying there, wearing half-new clothes, and his whole body was very old.

He stretched out his hand and checked it and found that Grandpa Li did indeed die naturally. Remembering that Grandpa Li would greet him warmly every time he came here and give him roasted sweet potatoes, Song Yancheng's heart was slightly shaken.

And when Yun Jin came with him that time, all the pictures were still in front of him.

Song Yancheng respectfully kowtows to Grandpa Li, spends money to find someone to help him order new clothes, wreaths and funeral homes, and help him order caskets and buy a cemetery.

It took nearly two days to finish everything.

After handling everything, Song Yancheng returned to the old house where Grandpa Li lived, and roughly organized things before he stepped out.

Just about to lock the door and leave, I suddenly heard a rush of footsteps.

He was taken aback, a woman's soft body had already rushed into his arms.

"" Her voice was very cramped, clutching Song Yancheng's clothes.

Song Yancheng was about to push her away, two men of stout body followed and shouted: "Little bitch, dare you to run? Damn, I won't show you some color today, don't you know how powerful it is!"

After speaking, they grabbed the girl with big hands.

Song Yancheng frowned and said, "What are you going to do?"

As a policeman, it is naturally impossible for him to just watch things.

The two men saw Song Yancheng there and said, "Boy, you let her go, she was bought by our brothers with money! The medicine has been taken, but the little girl won't follow her! If you dare to hit her , I must kill you!"

When they saw Song Yancheng's delicate appearance, they didn't look down upon him at all.

"Bought it? I haven't heard of buying people these years!" Song Yancheng said, "I have to take care of this matter!"

The two people saw him toasting and not eating or drinking, and they went forward and outflanked them.

But before they could get close to him, Song Yancheng kicked one, and put them down severely, unable to get up for a long time.

"Police!" Song Yancheng showed his credentials and stepped forward to arrest two people.

But just stepping forward, the girl hugged him: "Don't... go..."

When the two heard that it was a policeman, they panicked and hurriedly slid outside.

Song Yancheng wanted to catch up but it was too late.

He turned his head and said angrily: "I caught you, but you dragged me like this, what do you mean?"

The girl didn't reply, but her face was red and she couldn't explain it at all. Her eyes were very blurred, and it seemed that the two men had drugged her.

Song Yancheng grabbed her wrist and said, "Follow me back to the police station!"

The girl didn't move at all. She was chased just now and it took a lot of willpower to escape.

Now she is completely relieved.

Song Yancheng's car was still outside, and there was no way to drag her over.

He couldn't, so he had to hug her, picked her up, and walked outside.

The girl was drugged and wrapped her arms around his neck. She felt the coolness on his body, and she wished to fit him tightly to feel the coolness on his body.

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